(August 31, 2000 6:01 AM CDT)
"Sing to the Lord a new song,
He came to earth.
for he has done wondrous deeds;
His right hand has won victory for him, his holy arm.
The Lord has made his salvation known:
in the sight of the nations he has revealed his justice.
He has remembered his kindness and
his faithfulness toward the house of Israel.
All the ends of the earth have seen
the salvation by our God."
Psalms 98:1-3
He revealed his power.
He was the Son of God.
He was God Almighty.
Yes, the Lord is kind and faithful.
He promised to come and save us and he did.
He reveals the truth to all that will receive it.
He spoke openly for all to see and hear.
His message is available to all in the Bible.
Come to him.
He is the victory.
He is infinite power.
He is God.
He is Jesus Christ.
(August 30, 2000 6:01 AM CDT)
"Beloved, do not imitate what is evil
Do not imitate everything you see on TV.
but what is good.
Whoever does what is good belongs to God;
whoever does what is evil has never seen God."
3 John 1:11
You see the murders, stealing, lying, wearing little clothing,
cheating on spouse, being mean, telling dirty jokes, etc.
That is not the way life was meant to be.
Do what is good.
Do what pleases God.
Tell the truth (or don't say anything).
Wear clothes that are proper.
Do positive things.
Give someone a hug today that is down.
Love your spouse.
Buy them a gift today.
Write them a little love note for them to find.
Surprise them!
Use your voice to give compliments today.
Be nice when driving.
Then you will see God (in the smiles).
(August 29, 2000 6:01 AM CDT)
We set a record high temperature of 101F (38C) yesterday.
"The body is one and has many members,
We are one in Christ.
They dismissed many schools early because of the heat.
It should be cooler today.
but all the members,
many though they are,
are one body;
and so it is with Christ."
1 Corinthians 12:12
We are all together.
If you believe in Jesus Christ,
you are part of the body.
Let us follow him faithfully.
Let us be a witness of his love.
Let us love one another.
We are all different.
We are all unique.
We are all one.
(August 28, 2000 6:13 AM CDT)
"When the Son of Man comes in his glory,
Christ will be on the throne.
escorted by all the angels of heaven,
he will sit upon his royal throne,
and all the nations will be assembled before him."
Matthew 25:31-32
He is the king of all the universe.
He is holy one.
He is the Lamb of God.
He suffered and died for us.
All glory and honor is his forever.
All heaven and earth will bow before him.
He is the mighty one.
He is Lord of all creation.
Praise the Lord today.
Bow down and worship him.
(August 27, 2000 7:14 AM CDT)
It looks like it is a rainy day in
"I have sent him to you
The Lord sends people into our lives.
I see people with umbrellas in this picture.
I usually check how they are doing once per day.
God bless all the people there.
for the very purpose
of giving you news about me
for your hearts' consolation."
Ephesians 6:22
They are there to console us.
They are there to bring us good news.
They have purpose.
Receive them.
Bless them in the name of the Lord.
Let your heart be moved.
Let your heart be comforted.
God bless them.
Grace be with you.
(August 26, 2000 7:46 AM CDT)
"When the pair (Mary and Joseph) had fulfilled
Jesus grew.
all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord,
they returned to Galilee and their own town of Nazareth.
The child (Jesus) grew in size and strength,
filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him."
Luke 2:39-40
He was a child and he grew older.
He was filled with God's wisdom.
He was fully God and
he was fully human.
Some people believe Jesus was a great prophet, but not God.
Let us pray for them to meet Jesus.
Let us pray for them to see the truth.
Jesus is Almighty God.
It takes faith to believe this.
Pray for an increase in our faith.
May we grow in knowledge and wisdom of God.
May the grace of God bless you today.
If you have questions on this, just
write to me
(August 25, 2000 5:57 AM CDT)
Yesterday they changed the name of
Boys Town
"It is like the strength
What's in a name?
to Girls and Boys Town.
68 percent of the students voted for the change.
he showed in raising Christ from the dead
and seating him at his right hand in heaven,
high above every principality, power, virtue, and domination,
and every name that can be given
in this age or in the age to come."
Ephesians 1:19-21
How important is a name?
The name of Jesus Christ is very important.
You call on his name and he rescues you.
He saves you.
He gives you new life.
His name is the name above every name...
and it does not change.
He is the same yesterday, today and for all time.
Call on the powerful and wonderful name of Jesus.
(August 24, 2000 5:51 AM CDT)
"My prayer is that your sharing of the faith with others
Share what you have.
may enable you to know all the good
which is ours in Christ.
I find great joy and comfort in your love,
because through you
the hearts of God's people have been refreshed."
Philemon 1:6-7
Share your faith.
Share your love.
Refresh the souls of the lost.
Give them the joy of the Lord.
Comfort them with the Spirit of love.
Pray for the lost.
Pray for their conversion.
God bless your efforts to share.
(August 23, 2000 5:59 AM CDT)
"I want to learn only one thing from you;
You can't buy the Spirit.
how did you receive the Spirit?"
Galatians 3:2
The Holy Spirit is a gift.
You ask and you receive.
The Spirit comes to those who have open arms.
The Spirit drives away all fear.
The Spirit is total love.
Receive the Spirit of God.
Be renewed in the Spirit.
Learn of the Spirit.
(August 22, 2000 5:59 AM CDT)
John the Baptist said,
Is the Holy Spirit part of your life?
"One more powerful than I is to come after me.
I am not fit to stoop and untie his sandal straps.
I have baptized you in water;
he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit."
Mark 1:7-8
Is the Spirit there?
You can ask.
Come, Holy Spirit.
Come and fill my heart.
Fill my soul with your love and grace.
Be part of my life.
Guide me.
Teach me.
Come Spirit of light.
Dwell with me.
I ask you to come in the name of Jesus.
Thank you for hearing my prayer.
(August 21, 2000 5:59 AM CDT)
Yesterday I was reading about
Zermatt, Switzerland
"O Lord, you have been our refuge
You look at the
That is where the Matterhorn is located.
There are no cars in the village.
It is a very beautiful place.
I just looked at the live camera and
it's 1 PM there and sunny.
through all generations.
Before the mountains were begotten
and the earth and the world were brought forth,
from everlasting to everlasting your are God."
Psalms 90:1-2
live picture of the Matterhorn
and wonder.
The mountain has been there for millions of years,
but God has been there much longer.
He has been there for all time.
He is beyond time.
He created time.
He made the mountain.
He is the one to turn to when you need someone.
He is a refuge.
He is consistent.
He is reliable.
He is faithful.
He is God.
(August 20, 2000 7:32 AM CDT)
It is Sunday.
"Praise the Lord in his sanctuary,
Holy is the Lord.
It is the Lord's Day.
Go to church today.
Go and worship him.
praise him in the firmament of his strength.
Praise him for his mighty deeds,
praise him for his sovereign majesty."
Psalms 150:1-2
He is worthy of all your praise.
Sing your praises to him.
Jesus, we praise you today.
We give honor and glory to you.
You are holy.
You are all blessings.
We praise you, Lord.
(August 19, 2000 7:07 AM CDT)
Pray for Rachel that has an ear infection.
"God indeed is my savior;
You can't make it on your own.
I am confident and unafraid.
My strength and my courage is the Lord,
and he has been my savior.
With joy you will draw water
at the fountain of salvation..."
Isaiah 12:2-3
You need help.
You need someone.
You need a savior.
Your savior is Jesus Christ.
He is the one to help you.
He will save you.
He gives you confidence.
He drives away your fears.
He gives you life-giving water.
He is a fountain that never runs dry.
He is your savior.
(August 18, 2000 5:57 AM CDT)
"The fear of the Lord
Honor the Lord.
is the beginning of wisdom;
prudent are all who live by it.
His praise endures forever."
Psalms 111:10
Have reverence for the Lord.
Have great respect for him.
Worship him.
Pray to him.
Ask him for wisdom and knowledge.
If you can't figure a problem out at work,
pray to God.
If you don't know where to turn, ask Jesus.
If you feel lost and alone,
come home to your Father.
Live for Christ.
Live with Christ.
He is worthy of all your praise.
(August 17, 2000 5:57 AM CDT)
There really is something called
"Saul saw in a vision
God had his sights on Saul.
They used oxygen, hydrogen and lime
to create stage lights in the 1800's.
It was a spotlight.
Today they are called limes or follow spots.
I didn't know that.
a man named Ananias coming to him
and placing his hands on him
so that he might recover his sight."
Acts 9:12
Saul was persecuting the early Christians.
He witnessed the killing of Stephen.
God reached out to him.
God showed him the light.
God showed him the truth of what he was doing.
He was blind for a few days and
then he was able to see.
Maybe you have used or heard
the word "Christian" your whole life,
but don't know what it means.
It is a follower of Jesus Christ.
The spotlight is on you today.
God is looking at you.
Will you see the truth?
Will you be healed of your blindness?
See Christ.
He is light.
Live in the limelight.
(August 16, 2000 5:52 AM CDT)
"Remember how short my life is."
Life is here and then gone.
Psalms 89:48
The years pass very quickly.
This is only a temporary place to stay.
Don't get too comfortable here.
Plan ahead.
Plan for eternity.
The world is passing you by for a reason.
This is not your final destination.
Aim for heaven.
Aim for life with Jesus Christ for eternity.
(August 15, 2000 5:59 AM CDT)
Please, pray for a friend that works with me on my floor.
Jesus asked,
What do you have to do in order to get into heaven?
She is in pain.
God be with her and bless her.
"What can a man (or woman) offer
in exchange for his (or her) life?"
Mark 8:37
What do you have to offer?
Can you buy your way in with thousands of dollars?
Will doing hundreds of good deeds get you in?
You can't buy heaven.
You can't earn heaven.
Heaven is a free gift.
You ask God and he grants you heaven.
It is simple.
You ask for forgiveness of your sins.
He will forgive you.
Jesus died on the cross.
He opened heaven's doors for all that believe.
Believe in Jesus Christ.
Be forgiven.
Receive the gift of God.
(August 14, 2000 5:54 AM CDT)
"See what love the Father has bestowed on us
Are you a child?
in letting us be called children of God!
Yet that is what we are."
1 John 3:1
Are you a child of the Father?
Do you imitate the Father?
He is a Father of love.
He is love.
He loves you.
He cares about you.
He wants the best for you.
He wants to protect you from evil.
Stay close to the Father.
Worship the Father in heaven.
Pray to him.
Listen when he speaks.
Give your full attention to him.
He is your Father.
You are his.
(August 13, 2000 7:16 AM CDT)
Pray for Barb who is sick.
"Make no mistake about it,
God knows what is happening.
God be with her and bless her.
no one makes a fool of God!
A man (or woman) will reap only what he (or she) sows.
If he (or she) sows in the field of the flesh,
he (or she) will reap a harvest of corruption;
but if he (or she) sows in the spirit,
he (or she) will reap everlasting life."
Galatians 6:7-8
You can't fool God.
You can't hide anything from him.
Yes, he knows you make mistakes.
Ask him to forgive your sin.
Avoid corruption.
He sees your victories.
He and the saints celebrate with you.
Live a life in the Spirit.
Sow a life that reaps eternal rewards.
Look up not down.
Expect more.
Live for eternity.
Live for the Spirit.
(August 12, 2000 8:07 AM CDT)
Jesus asked,
Jesus says not to worry.
"Which of you by worrying
can add a moment to his (or her) life span?
If the smallest things are beyond your power,
why be anxious about the rest?"
Luke 12:25-26
So why do you worry?
He says to trust him.
Why don't you trust him?
He says that he will take care of you.
He knows what you need before you even ask.
He is your provider.
He has given you all that you need.
And you want more...why?
Will you ever be satisfied?
Be anxious about nothing.
Give your heart to him.
Trust him.
He loves you.
He will take care of you.
(August 11, 2000 5:55 AM CDT)
"They shall see him face to face...
"Since you have been raised up in company with Christ,
What will heaven be like?
The night shall be no more.
They will need no light from lamps or the sun,
for the Lord God shall give them light,
and they shall reign forever."
Revelation 22:4-5
set your heart on what pertains to higher realms
where Christ is seated at God's right hand.
Be intent on things above
rather than on things of earth."
Colossians 3:1-2
You will see God.
You will be in his presence.
The veil will be taken away.
You will see who he is.
You will be at peace.
You will feel loved and at home.
It will be a bright and joyful place.
All will be right.
There will be no fear.
Death will be gone.
There will be no sadness.
Others will be there from every nation.
You will not be alone.
Seek the things above.
Seek the Lord with all your heart.
Seek eternity.
(August 10, 2000 5:54 AM CDT)
"Paul uttered this warning:
There are warnings.
'Men, I can see that this voyage is bound
to meet with disaster and heavy loss,
not only to ship and cargo,
but to our own lives as well.'"
Acts 27:9-10
The Lord warns us.
You could lose it all.
You could lose your life.
Will you listen?
You need protection.
You need the Lord to protect you from disaster.
He offers his life to protect your life.
Receive this blessing.
Let the Lord cover you.
The voyage is yours.
There is danger.
Surrender your life.
Ship your fears away.
Safe passage is for you.
Ask the Lord to protect you.
(August 9, 2000 6:00 AM CDT)
"There was one man
Are you sick?
who had been sick for 38 years.
Jesus, who knew he had been sick a long time,
said when he saw him lying there,
'Do you want to be healed?'"
John 5:5-6
Are you lying there hurting?
Are you in pain?
Jesus asks, "Do you want to be healed?"
Do you want your sins forgiven?
What is your answer?
Do you respond to Jesus?
What do you say?
Do you pray to be healed?
Jesus, I pray to you today.
I need you.
I love you.
Come and heal me.
Forgive my sins.
Make me well.
I have suffered so long.
Give me new life and hope.
Take the pain away, Lord.
Cure me.
Make me a new person.
Jesus, help me.
(August 8, 2000 6:02 AM CDT)
Where is
Johns Hopkins University
"Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
Maybe you are going to college this year.
The answer is at the bottom of this link.
Tuition is "only" $24,930 this school year.
The first day of classes is September 7th.
to his wisdom there is no limit."
Psalms 147:5
Maybe you want to be a doctor.
Keep in mind the wisdom of God.
He will guide your studies.
He will teach you many things.
If you get tired, call on the Lord.
He is power and might.
God be with you as you study.
(August 7, 2000 6:02 AM CDT)
Yesterday, I was about 15 miles west of Omaha.
"Jesus said to him:
May Jesus come to your house.
I was on a dirt gravel road and stopped to see
how the construction of the Holy Family Shrine was going.
It is on the south side of Interstate 80
before you get to the Platte River.
The structure had collapsed!
The chapel was pile of broken lumber boards.
I hope no one got hurt.
The scaffolding inside was twisted
and buried under all this splintered wood.
What in the world had happened?
The wind had blown it over apparently.
I don't remember reading anything
in the newspaper about it collapsing.
It was a complete surprise to see it in pieces.
It was hard to believe it.
'Today salvation has come to this house,
for this is what it means to be a son of Abraham.
The Son of Man has come to search out
and save what was lost.'"
Luke 19:9-10
May he save you from the storm.
He is searching for you.
He wants to save you from destruction.
Is your life collapsing in pieces?
He wants to make you whole.
He wants to build you up.
Let him restore your life and hope.
Don't just stare in disbelief.
Give your life to Jesus.
(August 6, 2000 8:08 AM CDT)
"Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus,
"I have no one with me but Luke."
"Luke, our dear physician, sends you greetings."
Luke was a doctor.
greets you, as do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas and Luke,
my fellow workers."
Philemon 1:23-24
2 Timothy 4:11
Colossians 4:14
He attended to the sick.
He fellowshipped with other believers.
He was there when Paul needed him.
He mended Paul's many wounds.
He wrote the
Gospel of Luke
He followed Christ, the divine physician.
Be like Luke.
Be a doctor.
Be a friend.
Be a worker.
(August 5, 2000 8:08 AM CDT)
"Jesus asked them,
So what were you talking about yesterday?
'What were you discussing on the way home?'
At this they fell silent,
for on the way they had been arguing about
who was the most important.
So he sat down and
called the Twelve around him and said,
'If anyone wishes to rank first,
he (or she) must remain the last one of all
and the servant of all.'"
Mark 9:33-35
Could you tell Jesus about it?
Would you fall silent?
Use words for the glory of God.
Speak words of encouragement.
Say only the truth.
Be kind in what you say to others.
Be positive.
Serve the Lord.
Be a servant.
Serve others.
Be thoughtful.
Don't worry about your ranking.
It's your turn to serve.
(August 4, 2000 5:53 AM CDT)
"I will give thanks to you among the peoples, O Lord;
The Lord is kind.
I will chant your praise among the nations,
For your kindness towers to the heavens,
and your faithfulness to the skies.
Be exalted above the heavens, O God;
over all the earth be your glory!"
Psalms 57:10-12
Psalms 108:4-6
He is faithful.
He is to be exalted.
He is to be praised.
His glory is all over us.
He surrounds us.
Praise the Lord today.
He towers above us.
Look up.
Look to the skies and behold our God.
He is faithful and true.
Praise God.
(August 3, 2000 5:51 AM CDT)
"In the Lord
Be consistent.
we are confident that you are doing
and will continue to do whatever we enjoin.
May the Lord rule your hearts
in the love of God and the constancy of Christ."
2 Thessalonians 3:4-5
The Lord rules.
Be confident.
Love God.
Continue in doing the will of God.
Follow Christ.
50 years from now will you still love the Lord?
Ask the Lord to keep you close to him.
Ask him to lead you.
Put your heart on the line.
Join him.
(August 2, 2000 5:55 AM CDT)
"May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We ask the Lord today to know him more and more.
the Father of glory,
grant you a spirit of wisdom and insight
to know him clearly.
May he enlighten your innermost vision
that you may know the great hope
to which he has called you,
the wealth of his glorious heritage
to be distributed among the members of the church
and the immeasurable scope of his power
in us who believe."
Ephesians 1:17-19
We want to see the Lord.
We want to gain more insights.
There is so much to learn!
Enlighten us, Lord, to your vision.
You have called us.
We are your children.
Show us your power.
Move us to where we should be.
We believe in you.
Thank you, Lord, for your many blessings upon us.
(August 1, 2000 5:58 AM CDT)
"May the God of peace
be with you all.
Romans 15:33
Do you have peace?
Is there peace in your life?
Come and find the God of peace.
Seek the Lord with all your heart.
Peace only comes from God above.
He will comfort you and give you peace.