(September 30, 2001 8:27 AM CDT)
Ephesians 5
"Follow the way of love,
even as Christ loved you." (verse 2)
Do you follow the way of love or the way of hate?
Love as Christ tells you.
He loved you first.
Pass the love along.
"These are sins that bring God's wrath down on the disobedient;
therefore have nothing to do with them." (verse 6,7)
God asks you to be pure.
He calls you to holiness.
Ask him to forgive your sins.
Start over again with God's help.
"Light produces every kind of goodness
and justice and truth." (verse 9)
Let the light of Christ shine in our world.
You see all the candles at prayer vigils recently.
Christ is that light in this dark world.
There is hope.
"Sing praise to the Lord with all your hearts." (verse 19)
Worship the Lord.
Attend church each week.
Sing with all your heart.
Give praise to the Lord Jesus.
"Husbands, love your wives,
as Christ loved the church." (verse 25)
God bless your marriage.
Love your spouse.
God bless your children.
God is with your family.
(September 29, 2001 8:37 AM CDT)
Ephesians 4
"I plead with you, then, as a prisoner for the Lord,
to live a life worthy of the calling you have received,
with perfect humility, meekness, and patience,
bearing with one another lovingly." (verse 1,2)
The Lord pleads with you.
Will you listen?
He calls you.
Will you respond?
Live a worthy life.
"There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism;
one God and Father of all, who is over all,
and works through all, and is in all." (verse 5,6)
Be one with the Lord.
Be in unity.
Believe in the Lord Jesus.
Be part of it all.
"Let us profess the truth in love and grow
to full maturity of Christ the head." (verse 15)
You know the truth.
Say it in love.
Grow in the Lord.
Become mature.
"You must lay aside your former way of life and the old self
which deteriorates through illusion and desire,
and acquire a fresh, spiritual way of thinking." (verse 22,23)
Change is needed.
Are you any different than from a year ago?
Learn more about the Lord Jesus.
Let him change you.
"See to it, then,
that you put an end to lying..." (verse 25)
Speak the truth or don't say anything.
Will you stop lying?
The truth is so important.
Jesus spoke the truth.
Do as he did.
"Never let evil talk pass your lips;
say only the good things men (and women) need to hear,
things that will really help them." (verse 29)
Be careful what you say.
Do not hurt people.
Use your voice to help others.
Say positive things.
(September 28, 2001 6:03 AM CDT)
We have a new Christian music station in Omaha.
Ephesians 3
"God's secret plan as I have briefly described it
88.1 FM (klove.com)
I think they originate in Sacramento, California and
send the signal to Omaha somehow.
God bless their ministry.
was revealed." (verse 3)
God sent his only Son to us.
Jesus revealed the plan.
He wants to save you from death.
Be part of the plan.
"In Christ Jesus the Gentiles are now co-heirs..." (verse 6)
God reached out to you.
He wants to bless you abundantly.
Inherit the kingdom of God.
"In Christ and through faith in him
we can speak freely to God,
drawing near him with confidence." (verse 12)
Speak to God.
Pray to him freely.
Talk to him.
Ask him to bless your family today.
Ask him for all that you need.
Thank him for his many blessings.
He is your best friend.
"May he strengthen you inwardly
through the working of his Spirit." (verse 16)
Come Holy Spirit into our lives.
Strengthen us in these troubled times.
Help us to be witnesses of your love.
Bless and multiply our efforts.
"To him whose power now at work in us
can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine..." (verse 20)
We do our little actions and God multiplies them.
The result is the "God effect."
Jesus, give us the power.
May we accomplish great things in your name.
(September 27, 2001 6:07 AM CDT)
Ephesians 2
"But God is rich in mercy;
because of his great love for us
he brought us to life with Christ
when we were dead in sin." (verse 4,5)
God is a forgiving God.
His love surrounds us.
He forgives our sins and gives us new life.
He is a God of great mercy.
"This is not your own doing, it is God's gift;
neither is it a reward
for anything you have accomplished..." (verse 8)
You cannot earn heaven.
It is a free gift to you.
Believe in the Lord Jesus.
Follow him.
He loves you very much.
"But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off
have been brought near through the blood of Christ." (verse 13)
Don't stay far off.
Come near.
Learn of the Lord more.
He gave his life for you.
"This means that you are strangers
and aliens no longer." (verse 19)
You are a child of God.
Talk to the Lord.
Pray to him always.
Ask for what you need.
(September 26, 2001 6:10 AM CDT)
Ephesians 1
"Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who has bestowed on us in Christ
every spiritual blessing in the heavens!" (verse 3)
Receive these blessings today.
God gives his gifts freely to you.
You have been blessed.
Praise the Lord.
"It is in Christ and through his blood
that we have been redeemed and our sins forgiven,
so immeasurably generous is God's favor to us." (verse 7,8)
Christ died for us.
He suffered greatly.
In response thank him.
Ask him to forgive your sins.
He is immeasurably generous to us.
You have been redeemed at a great price.
"In him you too were chosen..." (verse 13)
Christ chooses you.
He wants you to be with him forever.
He loves you very much.
How will you respond to his love?
"May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of glory,
grant you a spirit of wisdom and insight
to know him clearly." (verse 17)
Let us pray for this wisdom and insight.
May we know the Lord Jesus.
May we learn more and more each day.
Hear our prayer, Lord.
(September 25, 2001 6:05 AM CDT)
Galatians 6
"If someone is detected in sin,
you who live by the spirit
should gently set him (or her) right..." (verse 1)
Speak up gently.
Encourage others to do what is pleasing to God.
Pray for them.
Set a good example.
"Help carry one another's burdens..." (verse 2)
This is important.
Help each other.
Be with those in sorrow today.
Write to them. Call them.
"Let us not grow weary of doing good;
if we do not relax our efforts,
in due time we shall reap our harvest." (verse 9)
This is written on a piece of paper in my house.
I see it every morning.
It is a reminder that our daily efforts add up.
Every day is important.
Do what the Lord asks of you daily.
"May I never boast of anything,
but the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ!" (verse 14)
The Lord has saved us.
We look to the cross and see the love of God for us.
He loves us very much.
(September 24, 2001 5:56 AM CDT)
Here are several looks at
Paris, France
Galatians 5
"It is for liberty that Christ freed us." (verse 1)
It's a little cloudy at the moment and 54F (12C).
What is true liberty?
It is to live for Christ.
He frees us from the power of death.
Live in true freedom.
"You were progressing so well;
who diverted you from the path of truth?" (verse 7)
Be careful.
It is so easy to get lost off the true path.
Stay focused on Jesus.
Pray for his guidance and truth.
"Out of love place yourselves at one another's service." (verse 13)
Let us serve each other.
Let us be of service.
Let us be thoughtful.
"Those who do such things
will not inherit the kingdom of God!" (verse 21)
Check yourself.
Ask God to forgive your sins.
Change your life.
There is hope for you.
"In contrast, the fruit of the spirit is
love, joy, peace, patient endurance, kindness, generosity,
faith, mildness and chastity." (verse 22)
Aim for those things.
Ask Jesus to help you with them.
It will take an effort.
Follow the Spirit's lead. (verse 25)
(September 23, 2001 8:31 AM CDT)
Galatians 4
"But when the designated time had come,
God sent forth his Son born of a woman..." (verse 4)
God's timing is perfect.
He knows when the time is best.
Trust him.
He will answer your prayers in his time.
"The proof that you are sons (or daughters)
is the fact that God has sent forth
into our hearts the spirit of his Son
which cries out 'Abba!' ('Father!')" (verse 6)
You are a son or daughter of God.
God is your Father.
Pray to him often.
Father, hear my prayers.
Change my heart, Lord.
"My physical condition was a challenge
which you did not despise or brush aside in disgust." (verse 14)
How do you look at those who have a physical condition?
Do you ignore them or do you reach out to them?
Do what Jesus would do.
(September 22, 2001 9:20 AM CDT)
Galatians 3
"After beginning in the spirit,
are you now to end in the flesh?" (verse 3)
The Holy Spirit has been given to you.
How can you ignore such a tremendous gift?
Call on the Spirit in your life.
Be led by the Spirit.
The Spirit is life.
"The just man (or woman) shall live by faith." (verse 11)
We don't see everything.
We don't understand all that happens, but we have faith.
We have faith in God.
Just look at all the good that has come
as a result of the attacks in our country.
There are still good people in this world.
There are many kind people.
God can bring good from this tragedy.
Be a person of faith.
Be a hero.
"All of you who have been baptized into Christ
have clothed yourselves with him." (verse 27)
Cover yourself with Christ.
He is what makes you you.
He is your personality.
He is your joy.
"All are one in Christ Jesus." (verse 28)
That is what makes us one.
It is Jesus.
He is our connection.
He is what we have in common.
We are one in him.
(September 21, 2001 6:04 AM CDT)
Let us pray for our President to make the right decisions
Galatians 2
"We resisted so that the truth of the gospel
in this time of crisis.
God bless him.
might survive intact for your benefit." (verse 5)
The gospel is accurate.
It is intact.
The truth has been preserved from generation to generation.
Read the Bible.
"God plays no favorites..." (verse 6)
God loves us all.
He wants us all to be with him in heaven.
He gives the invitation to all people.
Will you accept this invitation?
"I have been crucified with Christ,
and the life I live now is not my own;
Christ is living in me." (verse 19,20)
Push away all that is sin in your life.
Let Christ change you.
Let him lead you.
Live for Christ.
(September 20, 2001 6:03 AM CDT)
Galatians 1
"We wish you the favor and peace of God our Father
and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
who gave himself for our sins,
to rescue us from the present evil age..." (verse 3,4)
There is much evil in our world.
Jesus has come to save us from this evil age.
He is the light in the darkness.
Seek the Lord Jesus with all your heart.
He will rescue you.
"I am amazed that you are so soon deserting him
who called you in accord
with his gracious design in Christ..." (verse 6)
Don't give up on Christ.
If you leave him, where will you go?
He is your only hope in this life.
You can depend on him.
Come back to safety.
"It came by revelation from Jesus Christ." (verse 12)
The gospel is true.
Jesus came to earth and died for our sins.
He did all that for you.
He rose from the dead so that you might live also.
Jesus is all about life.
Believe in him.
"But the time came when he who had set me apart
before I was born and called me by his favor
chose to reveal his Son to me..." (verse 15,16)
Now is the time.
Jesus is revealed to you.
He calls you.
You are meant to be with him.
He is the one.
There is no other.
"I declare before God
that what I have just written is true." (verse 20)
Believe it.
(September 19, 2001 6:07 AM CDT)
2 Corinthians 13
"Test yourselves to see whether you are living in faith;
examine yourselves." (verse 5)
We need to examine ourselves.
Are we near God?
Are we doing what God asks of us?
Reflect on your life.
Are you living a life of faith?
"Our prayer is that you may be
built up to completion." (verse 9)
God asks a lot of you.
He expects much from you.
He has given you the key to the kingdom.
What will you do with it?
"Live in harmony and peace,
and the God of love and peace will be with you." (verse 11)
We need peace in our troubled world.
Jesus is that peace which the world needs.
Come Lord Jesus.
Give us your harmony and peace.
Know Jesus and know peace.
(September 18, 2001 6:06 AM CDT)
2 Corinthians 12
"I know that this man...
was snatched up to Paradise
to hear words which no man may speak." (verse 3,4)
Paul saw a glimpse of heaven.
He heard what was going on there.
Day and night they praise Almighty God.
Blessed be the Lord on earth and in heaven.
"In order that I might not become conceited
I was given a thorn in the flesh..." (verse 7)
Paul was very privileged.
He was very gifted by the Lord.
God permitted this thorn to keep him humble.
"My grace is enough for you,
for in weakness power reaches perfection." (verse 9)
The Lord gives his grace to you.
He is the one who makes you strong.
When you are weak the Lord lifts you up.
"I have done everything to build you up, my dear ones." (verse 19)
Encourage one another.
Help your brother and sister.
Strengthen the kingdom of God.
(September 17, 2001 6:02 AM CDT)
2 Corinthians 11
"My fear is that,
just as the serpent seduced Eve by his cunning,
your thoughts may be corrupted and you may fall away
from your sincere and complete devotion to Christ." (verse 3)
Stay near the Lord.
Pray every single day.
Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Be devoted to the Lord.
"For even Satan disguises himself
as an angel of light." (verse 14)
Test all things.
Are they of God or not?
Don't be tricked by some lie.
We need the Holy Spirit to know the truth.
"There is that daily tension pressing on me,
my anxiety for all the churches." (verse 28)
Yesterday they said that church attendance went way up.
We need the Lord in this time of crisis.
Your anxiety is great, but the Lord is in control.
He is the Lord of all creation.
(September 16, 2001 9:04 AM CDT)
There are a number of businesses around Omaha
2 Corinthians 10
"We do indeed live in the body
that have signs that read:
God Bless America
We sang this at church this morning.
but we do not wage war with human resources.
The weapons of our warfare are not merely human.
They possess God's power
for the destruction of strongholds." (verse 3,4)
Prayer is very powerful.
If you have God on your side, all things are possible.
Prayer will change the hearts of the enemy.
Call on God for his protection.
He will send his angels.
"Let him who would boast, boast in the Lord." (verse 17)
God is the one.
Give all the glory and praise to him.
He is our strength.
He is our power.
(September 15, 2001 8:31 AM CDT)
Two people have written to me asking about
2 Corinthians 9
"Let me say this much:
Hands Across America
Set a date and let's do it again.
He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly,
and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully." (verse 6)
Give to others.
Be generous.
Give of your time.
God will bless you bountifully.
"He who supplies seed for the sower
and bread for the eater will provide in abundance;
he will multiply the seed you sow
and increase your generous yield." (verse 10)
You give something and God comes along to multiply it.
God is with you in your acts of charity.
He blesses your efforts over and over.
(September 14, 2001 6:04 AM CDT)
The President has asked us to pray today.
2 Corinthians 8
"Just as you are rich in every respect, in faith and discourse,
Jesus, we call on your name today.
Please, help us.
Bless all these families who have lost loved ones.
Heal all of us from this tragedy.
It is a nightmare beyond belief.
(I could not believe it when the 2 towers came down.)
We pray for all the injured that they recover quickly.
We pray for our President and leaders to do what is right.
Help us, Lord.
Help us to forgive those who did this.
They are so wrong.
They are so confused.
Draw us together, Lord.
May we be one nation under God.
in knowledge, in total concern, and in the love we bear you,
so may you abound in this charity." (verse 7)
We have been blessed much in this country.
Let us reach out to the hurting today.
Help in any way that you can.
"For your sake he made himself poor though he was rich,
so that you might become rich by his poverty." (verse 9)
Jesus gave up much to come to earth and save us.
Therefore we have been blessed.
He is a loving God that wants to share with us.
The universe is his.
Life is his.
Receive this abundant life.
"He who gathered much had no excess and
he who gathered little had no lack." (verse 15)
Let us share with the poor.
Be generous.
There is enough for all.
Share what you have.
(September 13, 2001 6:05 AM CDT)
2 Corinthians 7
"But God, who gives heart to those who are low in spirit,
gave me strength with the arrival of Titus." (verse 6)
We are so saddened by the recent terrorist attacks in America.
These are difficult times.
May God be with you today to lift your spirit.
Lean on him for strength.
Hold on to him.
Check on those around you to see how they are doing.
Visit them.
"Just look at the fruit of this sorrow
which stems from God." (verse 11)
Many are in sorrow.
Comfort them, if you can.
Hold their hand or call them.
Comfort those who are hurting.
God can bring good from this tragic situation.
Show you care.
(September 12, 2001 6:01 AM CDT)
Let us pray today for all those who died yesterday
2 Corinthians 6
"Now is the acceptable time!
in New York City, at the Pentagon
and on the 4 airplanes that crashed.
It is so sad.
Pray for all the families of these people.
Pray for all the injured that they recover quickly.
We offer prayers for all the doctors and nurses
trying to help these many people.
May we pray for peace in the world.
Do something nice for someone today.
Overcome evil with good.
Jesus, please, help us.
We need your love in this world.
We need your peace.
Now is the day of salvation!" (verse 2)
The Bible says to come to Jesus today.
Don't wait.
The window opens for just a short time.
Give your heart to Jesus now.
Ask Jesus to forgive your sins.
Commit your life to him.
"We seem to have nothing,
yet everything is ours!" (verse 10)
God bless you.
When you have Jesus you have all that you need.
He is your salvation.
He is your hope.
"You are the temple of the living God..." (verse 16)
Live a holy life.
Live a life pleasing to God the Father.
You are very special to the Lord.
(September 11, 2001 6:02 AM CDT)
2 Corinthians 5
"Indeed, we know that when the earthly tent
in which we dwell is destroyed
we have a dwelling provided for us by God,
a dwelling in the heavens,
not made by hands but to last forever." (verse 1)
God has prepared a place for you.
He wants you to be with him forever.
Seek the Lord with all your heart.
"We walk by faith, not by sight." (verse 7)
We trust the Lord.
He has promised us eternal life.
We can't see heaven, but we know it is there.
"I hope that it is also known to you
in your consciences." (verse 11)
Have a good conscience.
Keep informed of God's ways.
Keep a good perspective.
The ways of the world will mislead you.
"He died for all so that those who live
might live no longer for themselves..." (verse 15)
What do you live for?
Do you live for yourself?
Live for the Lord.
Give all to him.
"This means that if anyone is in Christ,
he (or she) is a new creation." (verse 17)
Let Christ change you.
Let your heart be renewed.
Let joy enter in.
"For our sakes God made him who did not know sin,
to be sin, so that in him
we might become the very holiness of God." (verse 21)
Jesus took on the weight of our sins.
He bore our burden.
Let us be thankful.
Let us seek the holiness of God.
(September 10, 2001 6:04 AM CDT)
2 Corinthians 4
"We are afflicted in every way possible,
but we are not crushed." (verse 8)
Paul and his friends endured much for the kingdom.
Some died for what they believed.
Christ rewarded them with eternal life.
"We believe and so we speak,
knowing that he who raised up the Lord Jesus
will raise us up along with Jesus
and place both us and you in his presence." (verse 13, 14)
Are you prepared to stand before God?
Speak up for the name of Jesus.
Jesus will raise you up and stand by you.
"We do not lose heart,
because our inner being is renewed each day..." (verse 16)
Hang in there.
Jesus renews your heart each day.
He is there to build you up.
(September 9, 2001 8:44 AM CDT)
2 Corinthians 3
"You are my letter, known and read by all men,
written on your hearts." (verse 2)
What do people read into you?
Do they see the loving God?
Check what is written on your heart.
"This great confidence in God
is ours through Christ." (verse 4)
Christ is our confidence.
We rely on him.
We trust him completely.
"To this very day,
when the old covenant is read the veil remains unlifted;
it is only in Christ that it is taken away." (verse 14)
In Christ the veil is lifted.
See the living God in all his glory.
You have access to the kingdom of God.
Come and see.
"The Lord is the Spirit,
and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is freedom." (verse 17)
You are free to approach God.
Come near and see him.
Learn of him.
Learn of the Spirit.
(September 8, 2001 9:22 AM CDT)
2 Corinthians 2
"That is why I wrote you in great sorrow and anguish,
with copious tears..." (verse 4)
There will be misunderstandings.
There will be sadness.
Forgive and move on.
"When I came to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ,
the door of opportunity was opened wide
for me by the Lord." (verse 12)
The Lord is in control.
He prepares people's hearts.
They are ready to hear the word of God, if they are open.
"For such a mission as this,
is anyone really qualified?" (verse 16)
Paul tried his best.
He failed at times.
He tried to do God's will.
He gave it a try.
"We speak in Christ's name, pure in motivation,
conscious of having been sent by God
and of standing in his presence." (verse 17)
You have seen the Lord.
You have seen what he can do.
You have felt his presence.
Be motivated.
Be conscious of God.
(September 7, 2001 6:08 AM CDT)
Billy Graham
has TV programs on for the next few days.
2 Corinthians 1
"He comforts us in all our afflictions and
You can watch it online at the link above
or check the TV listings when it is on in your town.
In Omaha it is on Channel 3 KMTV tonight at 7 PM.
thus enables us to comfort those who are in trouble,
with the same consolation we have received from him." (verse 4)
We thank the Lord for his consolation.
He is always there to comfort us.
We reach out to others and help comfort them with God's help.
"He rescued us from that danger of death and
will continue to do so." (verse 10)
He rescued Paul and his friends in Asia.
God will rescue you.
Trust in him to watch over you and your family and friends.
"Confident as I am about this,
I wanted to visit you first
so that a double grace might be yours." (verse 15)
Be confident in the Lord.
Receive his double grace today.
Are you interested?
(September 6, 2001 6:57 AM CDT)
1 Corinthians 16
"A door has been opened wide for my work,
but at the same time there are many opposed." (verse 9)
Some are on the side of Christ and some are not.
The door is open for all to come to him.
He is the gateway to life.
"Be on your guard,
stand firm in the faith..." (verse 13)
May your faith be strong.
Be on guard against evil that will destroy you.
Stand up for the truth.
"The churches of Asia send you greetings." (verse 19)
You have many brothers and sisters in this world.
They are all over the place.
Jesus Christ brings us together as one.
"The favor of the Lord Jesus be with you." (verse 23)
Be blessed today.
The Lord loves you very much.
You are his child.
(September 5, 2001 5:59 AM CDT)
1 Corinthians 15
"After that he was seen by 500 brothers at once,
most of whom are still alive,
although some have fallen asleep." (verse 6)
Many people saw the risen Lord Jesus.
He died and rose from the dead.
It is true.
He will raise you up one day.
"By God's favor I am what I am." (verse 10)
Let God shape your life.
He will help you to be all that you are meant to be.
He is the architect.
"Just as in Adam all die,
so in Christ all will come to life again..." (verse 22)
You need Christ.
You will die without him.
Jesus is life.
"Do not be led astray any longer.
'Bad company corrupts good morals.'" (verse 33)
Who do you hang around with?
Are they good people?
Associate with those close to the Lord.
"What is sown in the earth is subject to decay,
what rises is incorruptible." (verse 42)
Our bodies here on earth will die.
Christ will raise us up.
We will have a new incorruptible body.
"But thanks be to God
who has given us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ." (verse 57)
You have the victory in Jesus.
He is a winner.
Stay near him.
(September 4, 2001 6:01 AM CDT)
1 Corinthians 14
"The prophet, on the other hand,
speaks to men for their upbuilding,
their encouragement, their consolation." (verse 3)
God gives gifts to his people.
He speaks through his prophets.
Listen to them.
Pray for prophets.
"If the bugle's sound is uncertain,
who will get ready for battle?" (verse 8)
Does anyone understand what you are saying?
Do you speak plainly?
Call on the Holy Spirit to help you with the words.
"The secret of his heart will be laid bare." (verse 25)
What is in your heart?
Is it pleasing to God?
Keep love in your heart,
then there is no room for anything else.
"All well and good, so long as everything
is done with a constructive purpose." (verse 26)
Why do you do what you do?
Do you have a purpose?
Think it out.
"God is a God, not of confusion,
but of peace." (verse 33)
There should be order in your worship.
It should be obvious you are praising God.
It should give glory to God.
(September 3, 2001 8:19 AM CDT)
1 Corinthians 13
I read this chapter every morning.
"Now I will show you the way
which surpasses all the others." (verse 1)
It is the way of love.
It is God's way.
Walk in God's love.
Love as God would love.
"Love is patient; love is kind.
Love is not jealous, it does not put on airs,
it is not snobbish." (verse 4)
Examine yourself.
Do you love, as you should?
All this takes the strength of Jesus.
"When the perfect comes,
the imperfect will pass away." (verse 10)
We live in an imperfect world.
One day Jesus will come in all his glory.
Then it will be a perfect world.
Seek the perfection of Jesus.
"There are in the end three things that last:
faith, hope and love,
and the greatest of these is love." (verse 13)
What will endure for thousands of years?
What will still be here for the next millenium?
It is love.
Love endures.
(September 2, 2001 8:12 AM CDT)
1 Corinthians 12
"It is one and the same Spirit who produces all these gifts,
distributing them to each as he wills." (verse 11)
God gives us different gifts.
Together they create beautiful harmony.
Use your gifts for the glory of God.
"God has set each member of the body
in the place he wanted it to be." (verse 18)
You have a job to perform.
You have a mission in this life.
No one else can do your part.
Be part of the plan.
"If one member suffers, all members suffer with it;
if one member is honored, all the members share its joy." (verse 26)
We are in this together.
We are one body.
There is suffering, but there is joy also.
We are one in Christ.
"You, then, are the body of Christ.
Every one of you is a member of it." (verse 27)
(September 1, 2001 8:32 AM CDT)
1 Corinthians 11
"In the same way that woman was made from man,
so man is born of woman;
and all is from God." (verse 12)
You are made by God.
You are made in God's image.
Give glory to God in all that you do.
"First of all, I hear that when you gather for a meeting
there are divisions among you,
and I am inclined to believe it." (verse 18)
Are there divisions in your house, school, work or church?
We are all different.
We all see things from our point of view.
May we all strive to live in peace.
Share your point of view peacefully.
"This is my body, which is for you.
Do this in remembrance of me." (verse 24)
Share Holy Communion at church.
Jesus gave us this gift.
It is the Lord's supper.
Remember him.
"As for other matters,
I shall give instructions when I come." (verse 34)
Some things are best done in person.
Talk to people one on one.
Interact with them.
Share Jesus.