(August 31, 2003 7:20 AM CDT)
Jesus said to the 72,
There is work to be done.
"The harvest is rich
but the workers are few;
therefore ask the harvest master
to send workers to his harvest."
Luke 10:2
There are people that need to know.
Go into the fields of this world.
Find the lost.
Tell them about Jesus.
Tell them that he loves them.
Bring in a great harvest of souls.
(August 30, 2003 7:56 AM CDT)
I thought that the Declaration of Independence
This morning I'm listening to
"How lovely is your dwelling place,
Come and see.
in Washington, D.C.
was protected by argon gas, but I'm wrong.
It is protected by
99 percent helium and 1 percent water vapor
at 35 percent relative humidity.
I was wrong.
I was confused.
Billy Graham's Hour of Decision
"The Cross (Part 1)" on this link.
It has
Evelyn Husband
talking about
her husband Rick Husband
that was killed on February 1st, 2003
in the shuttle Columbia.
O Lord of hosts!"
Psalms 84:2
Come see the house of the Lord.
Let him dwell with you.
Let him build.
The Lord is beautiful.
He is the architect.
Let him build the foundation.
(August 29, 2003 6:22 AM CDT)
(Update at 8:35 AM:
"O Lord, your kindness reaches to heaven;
The Lord is kind and merciful.
I just got back from the grocery store
and look what I bought.
won't go under now.)
your faithfulness, to the clouds."
Psalms 36:6
He will forgive your sins, if you ask.
Jesus, forgive me.
I have sinned.
I have done wrong.
Help me to do what is right.
Have mercy on my soul.
(August 28, 2003 6:08 AM CDT)
(Update at 9:00 PM:
Here are the
images of Mars
"I will not leave you orphaned;
Jesus is here.
Here is a picture of my
keyboard at work.
Notice the second line: Q W E S T.
I switched the "R" and "S" today.
After work I went to
Creighton University
to take about 130 pictures.
I picked out the best ones here.
This is a car that I found that was running.
I could have got in it and just drove away.
Not too smart.
taken by the Hubble Bubble Telescope
(that's what I call it) yesterday.
I'm impressed.
I will come back to you."
John 14:18
You are not alone.
You have nothing to worry about.
Be at peace.
A few people I know are sick or need surgery.
Jesus, I lift them up to you.
Be with them today.
Heal them, Lord.
Thank you for hearing my prayer.
(August 27, 2003 6:10 AM CDT)
You may ask, "What is the
I hear that fewer people are buying
"I assure you, brothers and sisters,
The Bible is inspired by God.
most expensive painting
in the world?"
The answer is on this link above
this link
Krispy Kreme
has come to many towns.
My favorite doughnut is Glazed Devil's Food.
Next time you are at the grocery store
buy some Twinkies to help the company out.
We can't let a good company go under.
the gospel I proclaimed to you
is no mere human invention."
Galatians 1:11
These are words from God to you.
They are a love letter.
Read them often.
Treasure them dearly.
(August 26, 2003 6:09 AM CDT)
(Update at 8:41 PM:
will be as close to Earth
"On his return,
Are you interested in Jesus?
Here are some pictures from today.
This is a
church on 1st Avenue in Council Bluffs (CB).
Next is the
Double Tree Hotel in the morning sun at 16th and Dodge.
This is a telephoto of
Dodge Street with lots of holes in it downtown.
Would you believe this is the main street in town
all torn to pieces?
Here are some
cool flowers in my parent's backyard.
This is on
Hwy 92 in CB at South 15 Street.
We received some rain today,
so I washed my car after work
at Cal's in CB on Hwy 92.
as it has been in 60,000 years.
If I read the information correctly on these pages,
the closest time is 8/27/2003 4:46 AM CDT in Omaha.
It is very bright in the sky lately.
Jesus was welcomed by the crowd;
indeed, they were all waiting for him."
Luke 8:40
Do you want to see him?
Do you look for him?
Seek and you will find him.
Jesus, I am looking for you.
Reveal yourself to me.
I want to get to know you.
(August 25, 2003 6:12 AM CDT)
(Update at 7:21 PM:
Have you seen the 4 videos of
Ghyslain Raza
"You are the light of the world.
Let your light (saber) shine.
I got my name in the newspaper today.
It is in the Public Pulse on Page 6B
and title
Buffett and California
Here is the text of it,
because they will delete it after 3 weeks:
Buffett and California
Here are some suggestions for Warren Buffett:
Hire some spin doctors. If that does not work, he should sell his house(s) in California and give the money to the state to help with its budget problems.
Another thought is to pay all the real estate taxes for all Californians for a year. They will love him. Buy/build a nuclear reactor or two and give Californians free electricity for 20 years.
If all else fails, buy the state of California and make Arnold Schwarzenegger king.
Dan Boeckman, Omaha
Here are some pictures from this morning.
This is the
Qwest Center Omaha
and Hilton Hotel.
This is another one of the
Qwest Center Omaha
This is the
Hilton Hotel
The parking lot is covered with rides for
Here is the
Omaha skyline
from Cuming Street.
You almost don't recognize the city.
(Click on "Version Originale", "Version Star Wars",
etc. on this link.)
Here is another link with
more videos
I think he does alright in his performance.
Maybe he will be in the next Star Wars movie.
God bless him and his family.
A city set on a hill cannot be hidden."
Matthew 5:14
Let the world see what you are doing.
Don't hide.
Be open.
Share your talents.
Make an impact on the world.
May God (the force of the universe) be with you.
(August 24, 2003 7:14 AM CDT)
(Update at 6:26 PM:
Yesterday I looked up the information
Nathanael asked,
Well, I hope so.
Here are some pictures I took today at
Offutt Air Force Base
which is about 10 miles south of Omaha.
They had an air show this weekend.
Here is a picture of
my car this afternoon .
It needs to be washed.
It was taken at the same spot in Regency
as the picture of my car below without the snow.
Here is a picture of
sunrise yesterday morning
in my neighborhood.
I think this is a new
civil defense siren
along 32nd Avenue north of Center Street.
When I first saw these around Omaha
I thought they were microwave towers,
but they point in different directions
when I would see them from time to time.
on my
1997 Lexus ES300
My car was first registered on August 1, 1997
Northbrook, Illinois
(25 miles north of downtown Chicago).
It was leased by someone for 3 years.
I didn't know that.
It was never in a major accident
according to the history.
My previous car a
1991 Camry
is in Lincoln, Nebraska at last report
with over 117,000 miles on it.
"Can anything good come from Nazareth?"
John 1:46
Jesus was from Nazareth.
He is the Son of God.
He is the Savior of the world.
He is good.
He is all goodness.
(August 23, 2003 7:05 AM CDT)
"King Herod sent the order
Pray for your leaders.
to have John beheaded in prison."
Matthew 14:10
Pray that they do the right thing.
Lift them up to the Lord.
God be with them to make the right decisions.
(August 22, 2003 5:54 AM CDT)
Yesterday, I got a call from Jim Anderson
Also, yesterday I was taking a few pictures
"Love has no room for fear;
God loves you.
402-444-1367 at the World-Herald.
I sent an entry into the
Public Pulse
about the controversy with Warren and Arnold
over the amount of property taxes
in California compared to Nebraska.
(Update on 8/27/2003 6:40 AM:
It was printed in the August 25th newspaper.
See above.)
I need to call him back today.
at the Westroads Mall in the center court.
It is very beautiful.
A security guard told me
I could not do that without permission.
Say what?
Well, forget that.
You will just have to go there in person to see it.
rather, perfect love casts out all fear."
1 John 4:18
What more could you ask for?
Have no fear.
Live with confidence.
Be positive.
(August 21, 2003 6:06 AM CDT)
(Update at 8:12 PM:
"May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith,
When you invite Christ into your life
I have deleted this movie since it is so big.
Here is a
movie of 72nd and Dodge St
(3.6 MB)
(if clicking on this "mov" does not work,
right click on it and then select "Save Target As..."
and save it to your hard drive
then run it locally on your PC)
taken at 4:50 PM today.
It doesn't look too bad.
It's just too large of a file.
If you know how to shrink a "mov" file,
let me know.)
and may charity be the root
and foundation of your life.
Thus you will be able to grasp fully,
with all the holy ones,
the breath and length and height
and depth of Christ's love,
and experience this love which surpasses all knowledge,
so that you may attain to the fullness of God himself."
Ephesians 3:17-19
wonderful things happen.
You see things as never before.
You are happy.
There is joy in your life.
You learn about God and his creation
and how you fit into the picture.
There is much to explore.
There are so many things to discover.
A lifetime is not long enough.
It continues into eternity.
(August 20, 2003 6:23 AM CDT)
(Update at 8:27 PM:
"With the coming of daylight,
They were lost.
Here are some pictures from after work.
I took 179 pictures around downtown.
Some came out very nice.
This is
Central High School
Next is in the
Gene Leahy Mall
in downtown Omaha.
This is the
First National Tower
and the new Union Pacific building
as seen from the Mall.)
they did not recognize the land they saw.
They could make out a bay with a sandy beach..."
Acts 27:39
They did not know where they were.
They could all drown.
Would they survive?
They dumped many things overboard.
It was scary.
It is a new dawn for you.
It's a new day.
Does it scare you?
Are you concerned?
There is no need to worry.
Jesus is near.
He is right by your side.
He is onboard.
(August 19, 2003 5:58 AM CDT)
(Update at 9:00 PM:
Yesterday I bought a
digital camera
Jesus asked,
Jesus healed 10 people and
I took about 70 pictures today.
Of them I picked out the best ones.
Many were not in focus
or the color did not look great
or I didn't capture what I was pointing at.
Here is one of
my desk at work
The computer on the left is Windows XP
and the other is Linux (which I rarely use).
The postcards are from Albuquerque and Santa Monica.
I reuse the large calendar with pictures of Alaska
and find a month that the numbers line up for this month.
I have Caller ID and a speaker phone.
I take notes on the back of pieces of paper
where one side is written on and one side is blank.
I always write with blue ink medium point pens.
You can see the desk calendar with "19" for today.
Here is another one of
my bookshelf at work
Aren't you impressed with all the technical titles
(Java, C, SQL, Oracle, Perl, etc.)?
Next is
Interstate 80 eastbound
during the evening rush hour.
It's near 10th street in Omaha heading for Interstate 29 in Iowa.
It's an interesting picture.
Next is a series of pictures at
Mall of the Bluffs
in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Mall 2 - West Parking Lot
Mall 3 - Penera Bread
I bought a
Cinnamon Crunch
bagel there for dinner.
(We had LOTS of food at work today.)
Mall 4 - Sbarro
An excellent picture.
Mall 5 - West Parking Lot
It was overcast with storms not far away.)
Now I need to study how to use it.
Here is a picture I took last night
of my
old Canon camera on an end table
It's almost a work of art (ha, ha).
It is a sharp picture.
Now I can have an Omaha Picture of the Day.
"Where are the other nine?"
Luke 17:17
only one returned to thank him.
How sad.
Are you a thankful person?
Are you grateful for what Jesus has done for you?
Thank the Lord today.
Don't disappoint Jesus.
(August 18, 2003 6:01 AM CDT)
It is 78 F degrees to start the day here in Omaha.
"The earth has yielded its fruits;
From what I can see in the corn fields around Omaha
That means it is going to be hot today (100 F).
God, our God, has blessed us."
Psalms 67:7
the farmers are going to have a large harvest.
We thank the Lord for his goodness.
We thank him for feeding us.
We are blessed.
Thank the Lord.
(August 17, 2003 7:34 AM CDT)
I loaded the
Google Popup Blocker
"They are blown on the wind
Are you a wild one?
It does a good job of blocking popups for free.
like clouds that bring no rain.
Like trees at the year's end
they bear no fruit, being dead and uprooted.
They are wild ocean waves,
splashing their shameless deeds abroad like foam,
or shooting stars for whom
the thick gloom of darkness
has been reserved forever."
Jude 1:12-13
Are blown from here to there?
Can't you find a place to land?
Your adventure has brought you to Jesus.
He is the answer.
He is what you are searching for.
He is happiness that is out of this world.
Find your adventure in Jesus.
(August 16, 2003 8:12 AM CDT)
"Remain at peace with one another.
Do it.
We exhort you to admonish the unruly;
cheer the fainthearted;
support the weak;
be patient toward all.
See that no one returns evil to any other;
always seek one another's good and,
for that matter, the good of all."
1 Thessalonians 5:13-15
Ask for God's help and do it.
Live the life of grace.
Do good.
(August 15, 2003 6:07 AM CDT)
We pray for the
people without power
"Reform your lives!
It is time for a new season.
in the northeast USA and southeast Canada.
God be with them as they cope with this emergency.
On the plus side one man said,
"You can actually see the
stars in New York City
Turn to God,
that you sins may be wiped away!
Thus may a season of refreshment
be granted you..."
Acts 3:19-20
You need something new.
You need to be refreshed.
Turn to the Lord.
Invite him into your life.
Ask Jesus to forgive your sins.
Start all over again.
Look up and see the stars for the first time
in a long time.
Connect to the one who is all powerful
who made those stars.
(August 14, 2003 6:03 AM CDT)
Last evening I was out for a walk
"What woman, if she has 10 silver pieces and loses one,
Maybe you have lost something
at the Westroad Mall in Omaha.
I found a package of baby girl socks
Old Navy
on the floor
Panera Bread
on the first level.
I found the first Mom I could
pushing a stroller with another kid walking near
and asked her if she wanted the package of socks.
She said she has two boys and one on the way,
so she did not want them.
3 boys.
God bless her and her family.
I then turned the socks in to
Customer Service near
incase someone comes to look for them,
but they won't notice they are missing
until they get home.
does not light a lamp
and sweep the house in a diligent search
until she has retrieved what she lost?"
Luke 15:8
and you don't even know it.
You had peace in your life
and now it is gone.
You wonder what has changed
or what is missing.
God did not move you moved.
He is still there.
Go to Customer Service and claim him.
It is there for free.
It has already been paid for at a great price.
And when a free gift is offered to you from God
receive it with joy.
(August 13, 2003 6:04 AM CDT)
Yesterday everyone I work with applied all the updates at
"Anyone who is so progressive
You don't have to go far to see this.
Microsoft Windows Update
It took about two hours to update my PC at work.
This is because of the
virus attack
that he does not remain rooted
in the teaching of Christ
does not possess God,
while anyone who remains rooted in the teaching
possesses both the Father and the Son."
2 John 1:9
Some people are now teaching that
sin is not a sin
It is just bizarre.
It is hard for me to believe
that this is happening in a Christian church.
This is so sad.
Pray for them to see the light.
Jesus, come with your truth and light.
(August 12, 2003 6:15 AM CDT)
I think the Claritin does help me.
"May Christ strengthen your hearts,
God be with you.
I think it does make a difference.
making them blameless and holy
before our God and Father
at the coming of our Lord Jesus
with all his holy ones."
1 Thessalonians 3:13
May he bless you abundantly.
May you be holy and pleasing to him.
We look forward to the coming of the Lord.
We wait for that day.
Come, Lord Jesus.
Make a difference in our lives.
(August 11, 2003 6:04 AM CDT)
Yesterday I went to see an IMAX film
"I know that this man ---
Paul saw the other side.
at the
Omaha zoo
It is titled
Coral Reef Adventure
It was the second time I have seen the film.
It is something to see.
They had pictures of paradise (Fiji and Tahiti).
Just simply beautiful.
whether in or outside his body
I do not know, God knows ---
was snatched up to Paradise
to hear words which cannot be uttered,
words which no man may speak."
2 Corinthians 12:3
He saw heaven.
It is there.
As beautiful as Tahiti is,
it is not paradise.
It is not THE paradise.
Seek the Lord,
then you will find true paradise.
(August 10, 2003 7:30 AM CDT)
This morning I am testing out
"You were progressing so very well;
It is easy to get lost.
to see if it works for me.
So far, it does not.
I will give it a chance.
who diverted you from the path of truth?"
Galatians 5:7
You can lose the way.
Keep your eyes on Jesus.
Stay near to him.
He will work for you.
(August 9, 2003 8:09 AM CDT)
"Without exception,
I'd listen closely too.
the crowds that heard Philip
and saw the miracles he performed
attended closely to what he had to say."
Acts 8:6
Philip had power.
He was in contact with Almighty God.
He was that close.
He worked miracles in the name of Jesus.
Get close to Jesus.
Learn about him.
Listen closely.
(August 8, 2003 6:19 AM CDT)
This morning I downloaded and installed
"Jesus, remember me
Jesus, have mercy on my soul.
It took about 5 minutes.
This is software to develop Java programs.
Click on "downloads" then pick a server and
then "Latest Release 2.1.1".
when you enter upon your reign."
Luke 23:42
I have done wrong.
Forgive my sins.
Thank you for hearing my prayer today.
(August 7, 2003 6:30 AM CDT)
"The eleven disciples made their way to Galilee,
It is something to be proved wrong.
to the mountain to which Jesus had summoned them.
At the sight of him,
those who had entertained doubts
fell down in homage."
Matthew 28:16-17
When you see the truth it is hard to take.
You swallow hard.
And yet...
to know Jesus is to know truth.
Trust in him.
Trust what he said.
His promises are true.
(August 6, 2003 6:16 AM CDT)
I just love this love song by
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
God is good.
Beyonce "Crazy in Love"
It sounds so cool (all 252 seconds).
It is number 1 in the country.
(I for sure do not understand all the lyrics.
I hope they are not saying anything bad.)
It just sounds neat.
for his kindness endures forever."
Psalms 106:1
He is most kind.
God is love.
He is cooler than any song
we will ever hear in this life.
He is awesome.
He is wonderful.
Make the Lord Jesus number 1 in your life.
He is a new and exciting song
that you never get tired of listening to.
(After you listen to this song above 3 times in a row
it gets a little boring.)
Jesus is new life every morning of every day.
Yo, check him out.
(August 5, 2003 6:12 AM CDT)
We are getting some much needed rain this morning.
Yesterday I bought a
"How shall we escape
You are given eternal life.
Thank the Lord.
I can hear the thunder.
4-Port Ethernet Broadband Router
Now both of my computers
can get to the high speed modem.
I can be surfing on two computers
and it does not tie up my telephone line.
And I just found a $10 rebate form at this web site.
(I was wrong about the rebate.
I don't get one,
since I bought it at CompUSA.)
if we ignore a salvation as great as ours?"
Hebrews 2:3
Will you ignore it?
Will you say, "I'll check it out another day"?
Salvation is yours.
Grab onto it.
Connect to it.
(August 4, 2003 6:22 AM CDT)
Someone is sending out spam email and
"He called you through our preaching of the good news
You are called.
making it look like it came from me.
Would you pray for whoever is doing this?
so that you might achieve
the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ."
2 Thessalonians 2:14
The Lord is calling you.
He calls you to glory.
He wants you to be the best you can be.
Let him change you.
Jesus, I open my life to you.
Come and change me.
Make me more like you today.
(August 3, 2003 7:09 AM CDT)
Yesterday, I got a cable modem from
"On one occasion, while they were engaged
We are called.
Qwest Choice Online
in Omaha.
It is fast!
I will run some tests and let you know.
Web pages load quicker.
I had it when it first came out a few years ago.
I helped them test it.
It is half price for a year.
Call 691-1999, if you live west of I-680 in Omaha
and see if you can get it also.
Qwest Choice TV
is only $4.95 per month for a year.
Not bad.
I finished all the Windows Updates very quickly yesterday.
I just loaded two more updates in a minute or two
that are new today.
in the liturgy of the Lord and were fasting,
the Holy Spirit spoke to them:
'Set apart Barnabas and Saul for me
to do the work for which I have called them.'"
Acts 13:2
God calls us.
The Holy Spirit prompts us.
Will we listen?
Will we respond?
Do we celebrate the liturgy of the word?
Do we ever fast?
God is calling you.
(August 2, 2003 7:37 AM CDT)
Yesterday I recycled my 11 year old computer
Also, yesterday I did a lot of updates to Windows XP.
Jesus said,
Some people were telling Jesus to be quiet.
It still worked, but it was very slow.
It had two hard drives in it, which I kept.
I need to erase all the information on them.
It's been sitting around the house
getting dusty for a few years.
In Omaha you can take it to
CP Recovery
It costs 35 cents per pound.
They will take all your old electronic equipment.
I also gave them a calculator
(did not display numbers correctly, very dangerous),
factory radio/cassette out of a 1991 Camry
(it still worked, I should have given it to someone
with a broken radio in their car, oops too late),
modem (way too slow), computer CD player (broken),
Walkman (wornout) and record turntable (broken).
It cost me $32.90 (94 pounds).
It's better than all that ending up in the landfill.
You click on "Start" and then "Windows Update."
It probably took 7 hours to install all the critical items.
I only have a 56K modem, but ---
today I get a cable modem, so it should be interesting
to see the difference in download time.
"I tell you the very stones would cry out."
Luke 19:40
They rebuked him and his friends.
You can't silence the truth.
That is the nature of truth ---
it eventually comes out.
Jesus and his ways are not a big secret.
They are there for all to see.
Read the words of Jesus.
See what he did.
You will be amazed.
If you have the internet,
you have access to all this information.
The very circuits cry out to you.
(August 1, 2003 6:20 AM CDT)
Jesus said,
Keep looking.
"The one who seeks, finds."
Matthew 7:8
Keep searching for the truth.
You will find the truth in Jesus.
He is the source of all truth.
Seek him.