(March 31, 2006 Fri 6:16 AM CST)
"When all the people were baptized,
The Trinity was there that day ---
and Jesus was at prayer
after likewise being baptized,
the skies opened
and the Holy Spirit descended on him
in visible form like a dove.
A voice from heaven was heard to say:
'You are my beloved Son.
On you my favor rests.'"
Luke 3:21-22
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
There are 3 persons in one God.
It is a mystery.
We don't understand.
We praise you, Lord.
We praise you Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
(March 30, 2006 Thu 6:20 AM CST)
"The weapons of our warfare
Call on God's power.
are not merely human.
They possess God's power
for destruction of strongholds."
2 Corinthians 10:4
It is there for you.
Call on the name of Jesus.
He is there in times of temptation.
Do good and not evil.
(March 29, 2006 Wed 6:19 AM CST)
"In everything you do,
Offer up today to the Lord.
act without grumbling or arguing;
prove yourselves innocent and straightforward,
children of God beyond reproach
in the midst of a twisted and depraved generation ---
among whom you shine like the stars in the sky
while holding fast to the word of life."
Philippians 2:14-16
Be innocent.
Hold fast to Jesus.
Be a star.
(March 28, 2006 Tue 6:22 AM CST)
"Let my heart rejoice in your salvation;
The Lord is wonderful.
let me sing of the Lord,
He has been good to me."
Psalms 13:5-6
He has been good to us.
He is our salvation.
We thank the Lord for his goodness.
(March 27, 2006 Mon 6:24 AM CST)
"Judas then went directly over to Jesus and said,
It was a sad moment in history.
'Rabbi!' and embraced him.
At this they laid hands on him and arrested him."
Mark 14:45-46
Judas betrayed Jesus.
He had been with him for 3 years.
How could he do it?
(March 26, 2006 Sun 8:26 AM CST)
Jesus proclaimed aloud:
Don't stay in the dark.
"Whoever puts faith in me
believes not so much in me
as in him who sent me;
and whoever looks on me
is seeing him who sent me.
I have come to the world as its light,
to keep anyone who believes in me
from remaining in the dark.
If anyone hears my words
and does not keep them,
I am not the one to condemn him,
for I did not come to condemn the world
but to save it.
Whoever rejects me and does not accept my words
already has his judge,
namely, the word I have spoken ---
it is that which will condemn him
on the last day."
John 12:44-48
Come to the light.
See Jesus.
Hear his words of hope.
He came to save you.
He is the light of the world.
(March 25, 2006 Sat 11:06 AM CST)
"When they heard this,
The people of Ephesus were open to God.
they were baptized in the name
of the Lord Jesus.
As Paul laid his hands on them,
the Holy Spirit came down on them
and they began to speak in tongues
and to utter prophecies.
There were in the company
about 12 men in all."
Acts 19:5-7
They were ready to receive gifts.
They were baptized.
They were blessed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
They praised God.
God is so wonderful.
He has surprises for all of us.
Praise the Lord.
(March 24, 2006 Fri 6:16 AM CST)
"Whatever you do,
Work for the Lord.
work at it with your whole being.
Do it for the Lord rather than men,
since you know full well
you will receive an inheritance
from him as your reward."
Colossians 3:23-24
Put your heart into it.
He will bless you for your efforts.
He is your Father.
You are his child.
(March 23, 2006 Thu 6:21 AM CST)
"We pray for you always
You are called.
that our God may make
you worthy of his call,
and fulfill by his power
every honest intention and
work of faith.
In this way
the name of our Lord Jesus
may be glorified in you
and you in him,
in accord with the gracious gift
of our God and of the Lord Jesus Christ."
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
The Lord calls you.
Respond in faith.
You are a gift from God.
Work for the Lord Jesus.
(March 22, 2006 Wed 6:16 AM CST)
This guy named Tom asked for prayers
"Through the hands of the apostles,
The Lord was with the apostles.
last night at
He said someone beat him up on Friday.
Pray for him.
God be with him.
many signs and wonders occurred
among the people."
Acts 5:12
The Holy Spirit was in them.
Wonderful things happened.
They were a sign of God's love.
They touched many lives.
(March 21, 2006 Tue 6:33 AM CST)
Jesus told a parable:
The Lord gives you what you can handle.
"Then the king sent for the servants
to whom he had given the money,
to learn what profit each had made.
The first presented himself and said,
'Lord, the sum you gave me
has earned you another ten.'
'Good man!' he replied.
'You showed yourself capable in a small matter.
For that you can take over ten villages.'"
Luke 19:15-17
As you grow in faith,
he gives you more responsibility
Use the talents the Lord has given you.
Have a faith that is alive and active.
(March 20, 2006 Mon 6:19 AM CST)
This was in the bulletin at Boys Town Dowd Chapel yesterday.
"My brothers and sisters,
Your faith should change your life.
It is the story of
Kyrie and Brielle Jackson
what good is it to profess faith
without practicing it?
Such faith has no power
to save one, has it?"
James 2:14
There should be some action.
You should touch the lives of others.
Practice your faith.
(March 19, 2006 Sun 8:29 AM CST)
We are getting snow this morning.
"Mary said,
Mary was chosen to bring Jesus into the world.
We need the moisture.
Thank the Lord.
'My being proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit finds joy in God my savior.
For he has looked upon his servant in her lowliness;
all ages to come shall call me blessed.
God who is mighty has done great things for me,
holy is his name;
His mercy is from age to age
on those who fear him.
He has shown might with his arm;
he has confused the proud in their inmost thoughts.
He has deposed the mighty from their thrones
and raised the lowly to high places.
The hungry he has given every good thing,
while the rich he has sent empty away.
He has upheld Israel his servant,
ever mindful of this mercy;
Even as he promised our fathers,
promised Abraham and his descendants forever.'"
Luke 1:46-55
She was special.
She was blessed.
Look to Mary.
She is a great example of faith.
She believed in Jesus.
(March 18, 2006 Sat 9:25 AM CST)
"Brothers and sisters,
If you have the Lord, you are blessed.
you are among those called.
Consider your situation.
Not many of you are wise,
as men account wisdom;
not many are influential;
and surely not many are well-born.
God chose those
whom the world considers absurd
to shame the wise;
he singled out the weak of this world
to shame the strong.
He chose the world's lowborn and despised,
those who count for nothing,
to reduce to nothing those who were something;
so that mankind can do no boasting before God.
God it is who has given you life in Christ Jesus.
He has made him our wisdom and also our justice,
our sanctification, and our redemption.
This is just as you find it written,
'Let him who would boast, boast in the Lord.'"
1 Corinthians 1:26-31
You are rich in spiritual things.
You are wise in heavenly things.
You have eternal life which is worth more
than all the money in the world.
Believe in Jesus.
Boast in knowing him.
He is your redemption.
(March 17, 2006 Fri 6:20 AM CST)
"With that, they arranged a day with Paul
Paul was under arrest, but that did not stop him.
and came to his lodgings in great numbers.
From morning to evening he laid
the case before them, bearing witness to
the reign of God among men."
Acts 28:23
He was locked up,
but the word of God still was made known.
The word of God is alive and active.
It will get out.
It will change you.
It will change the world.
(March 16, 2006 Thu 6:21 AM CST)
"Jesus took the occasion to say,
10 people were healed by Jesus.
'Were not all ten made whole?
Where are the other nine?
Was there no one to return and
give thanks to God except this foreigner?'
Then Jesus said to the Samaritan man,
'Stand up and go your way,
your faith has been your salvation.'"
Luke 17:17-19
Only one person returned to give thanks to God.
When God blesses you do you say thanks?
Do you offer a prayer of thanksgiving?
Think of all the things that the Lord has done for you
and tell him you are grateful.
You have been blessed.
(March 15, 2006 Wed 6:21 AM CST)
"I lift up my eyes toward the mountains;
Look up.
whence shall help come to me?
My help is from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth."
Psalms 121:1-2
See what the Lord can do for you.
Ask and you shall receive.
The Lord will help you.
(March 14, 2006 Tue 6:22 AM CST)
"I wish to remind you of certain things,
We need reminders.
even though you may already
be very well aware of them."
Jude 1:5
We need to refresh our memories.
Jesus has done so much for us.
It is overwhelming.
He has done great things for us.
Remember all that he has done.
(March 13, 2006 Mon 6:16 AM CST)
"What we have seen and heard
Share the life that you have in Christ.
we proclaim in turn to you
so that you may share life with us.
This fellowship of ours is with the Father
and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
Indeed, our purpose in writing you this
is that our joy may be complete."
1 John 1:3-4
It is a life of joy.
It is fellowship with the Lord.
It is given to you for free.
Be complete in Christ.
(March 12, 2006 Sun 8:43 AM CST)
We are getting some rain this morning.
"The whole body, mutually supported and
Christ is the head.
Thank the Lord.
We pray for sufficient moisture for the farmers.
upheld by joints and sinews,
achieves a growth from this source
which comes from God."
Colossians 2:19
We are the body.
Be connected to him.
Be connected to each other.
We support each other.
Christ is our source.
We grow together.
(March 11, 2006 Sat 9:15 AM CST)
Pray for someone I work with that had surgery yesterday.
Peter said,
The Holy Spirit is for all people.
God be with them and their family.
God bless the doctors and nurses.
"God, who reads the hearts of men,
showed his approval by granting the Holy Spirit
to them just as he did to us."
Acts 15:8
The Holy Spirit is for you.
Ask Jesus to send you the Holy Spirit.
He will change your heart.
Jesus, send the Holy Spirit to me.
I need you in my heart.
Come, Holy Spirit.
(March 10, 2006 Fri 6:23 AM CST)
"After this,
There is work to be done.
the Lord appointed a further 72
and sent them in pairs before him
to every town and place
he intended to visit.
Jesus said to them:
'The harvest is rich
but the workers are few;
therefore ask the harvest master
to send workers to his harvest.'"
Luke 10:1-2
The harvest is there.
Will you respond to the Lord?
Will you be a worker?
Go where the Lord sends you.
Work with others for the Lord.
(March 9, 2006 Thu 6:18 AM CST)
"My brothers and sisters,
It will be hard sometimes.
count it pure joy
when you are involved
in every sort of trial.
Realize that when your faith is tested
this makes for endurance.
Let endurance come to its perfection
so that you may be
fully mature and lacking in nothing."
James 1:2-4
Things don't always go your way.
It will be a test of your faith.
Do you trust the Lord to take care of you?
He is there for you.
Call on him for help.
(March 8, 2006 Wed 6:21 AM CST)
"We do indeed live in the body
We have the power of God.
but we do not wage war
with human resources.
The weapons of our warfare
are not merely human.
They possess God's power
for the destruction of strongholds."
2 Corinthians 10:3-4
We can cast evil away.
We have victory over sin.
We can be holy.
Call on the name of Jesus.
Jesus, forgive my sins.
Help me to change.
I want to be like you.
You are on my side.
(March 7, 2006 Tue 6:19 AM CST)
"One night in a vision the Lord said to Paul:
The Lord appeared to Paul.
'Do not be afraid.
Go on speaking and do not be silenced,
for I am with you.
No one will attack you or harm you.
There are many of my people in this city.'
Paul ended by settling there for a year and a half,
teaching them the word of God."
Acts 18:9-11
Paul was sent to Corinth.
He taught them about Jesus.
He pointed many people to the Lord.
He was not afraid.
(March 6, 2006 Mon 6:19 AM CST)
Jesus said,
Don't worry.
"Are not 5 sparrows sold for a few pennies?
Yet not one of them is neglected by God.
In very truth,
even the hairs of your head are counted!
Fear nothing, then.
You are worth more than a flock of sparrows."
Luke 12:6-7
Your heavenly Father is watching over you.
He knows every detail about you.
You are worth very much to Him.
He cares about you.
(March 5, 2006 Sun 8:38 AM CST)
I listened to the most recent sermon (2/26/06) yesterday from
Jesus said,
It is a given.
The pastor talked about fasting and giving tithes.
"When you fast,
you are not to look glum as the hypocrites do.
They change the appearance of their faces
so that others may see they are fasting.
I assure you, they are already repaid.
When you fast, see to it that you groom your hair
and wash your face.
In that way no one can see you are fasting
but your Father who is hidden;
and your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you."
Matthew 6:16-18
Fasting is something we do.
It is normal Christianity.
Offer up your fasting to the Father.
He will repay you.
(March 4, 2006 Sat 9:08 AM CST)
"Jesus uttered a loud cry and said,
Jesus was innocent.
'Father, into your hands
I commend my spirit.'
After he said this, he expired.
The centurion, upon seeing what had happened,
gave glory to God by saying,
'Surely this was an innocent man.'"
Luke 23:46-47
He committed no sin.
He took on the weight of all our sins.
He took our punishment.
He saved us.
Thank you, Jesus, for all that you have done for me.
You are wonderful.
(March 3, 2006 Fri 6:24 AM CST)
"May the God of peace
Peace only comes from knowing the Lord.
be with you all.
Romans 15:33
Believe in him.
He will take care of you.
He will comfort you in times of trouble.
The Lord be with you.
(March 2, 2006 Thu 6:09 AM CST)
"God so loved the world
God loves you.
that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him
may not die
but may have eternal life."
John 3:16
He loves you very much.
He sent his Son to save you.
What more could you ask for?
Jesus, thank you for your great love for us.
I believe in you.
(March 1, 2006 Wed 6:16 AM CST)
Today is Ash Wednesday.
Jesus said,
Jesus loves everyone.
We begin 40 days of Lent.
"Two men owed money to a certain money-lender;
one owed a total of 500 coins, the other 50.
Since neither was able to repay,
he wrote off both debts.
Which of them was more grateful to him?"
Luke 7:41-42
He calls all people to the kingdom.
He forgives your sins no matter what you have done.
Come and see.
Come and receive forgiveness.
He forgives your debt.
Start over again.