December, 2007

God is love
Be open to new things

Receive the gift from God

God loves you

He is on your side

Give your heart to Jesus

(December 31, 2007 Mon 7:33 AM CST)

"Have no love for the world,
nor the things that the world affords.
If anyone loves the world,
the Father's love has no place in them,
for nothing that the world affords
comes from the Father.
Carnal allurements,
enticements for the eye,
the life of empty show ---
all these are from the world.
And the world with its seductions is passing away
but the person who does God's will endures forever."
1 John 2:15-17

Don't hold on to things in this world.
Your house, car, clothes, etc. are only temporary things.
Use money for God's work.
Keep your eyes on Jesus.
Ask Him what is important.
You want things that last forever.
Hold on to Him.

(December 30, 2007 Sun 8:38 AM CST)

I think I have had a cold for the last week.
The interesting thing is the CPAP machine helps a lot.
I wonder if the CPAP would be useful for other illnesses
besides sleep apnea.
CPAP requires a doctor's prescription to use it.

"He rescued us from the power of darkness
and brought us into the kingdom
of his beloved Son.
Through him we have redemption,
the forgiveness of our sins."
Colossians 1:13-14

The darkness is there.
It is part of life.
You need the forgiveness of your sins.
Ask Jesus to forgive you.
Come to the light.
Have new life.
Jesus, forgive me.
I am sorry.
I want to start over.
Give me this new life.

(December 29, 2007 Sat 9:27 AM CST)

Here are some
family pictures of Maggie .
It just breaks your heart.

I found this yesterday.
At 4:18 and 5:08 into this video you can see shockwaves
go across the ground from the explosions.
This is the disaster at the PEPCON plant
in Henderson, Nevada on 5-4-1988.

"Paul said,
'I appeal to the emperor!'
Thereupon Festus declared:
'You have appealed to the emperor.
To the emperor you shall go.'"
Acts 25:12

Paul was sent to Rome.
You never know where the Lord will send you.
Be ready.
Be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Off you go.
The Lord be with you.

(December 28, 2007 Fri 8:22 AM CST)

I received an email from a friend in California yesterday.
Please, pray for their Dad that is in Omaha.
He is very sick with cancer.
God be with him.
Bless him and his family.

There are only two poinsettias left now from this picture.
The center one and a little pink one
far to left outside the view of the picture.
It is strange they left these two.
I saw them last night.
Soon the whole Santa Claus display will be taken down.

Another thing about crossword puzzles is they love Roman Numerals,
so you need to know these values:
M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, I=1.
For example 2007 is MMVII.
You will see it at the end of movies sometimes.
Therefore, in the puzzle for Dec 23, 2007
you should be able to get this answer:
54-Across, MDX ÷ X, 3 letters

"Jesus said to them,
'The healthy do not need a doctor;
sick people do.
I have not come to invite the self-righteous
to a change of heart, but sinners.'"
Luke 5:31-32

How do you feel?
How is your soul doing?
Ask the doctor (Jesus) to take a look.
He is there to heal your hurting heart.

(December 27, 2007 Thu 6:15 AM CST)

This was on page 6B of last night's newspaper.

Grateful for caring

On behalf of Maggie Webb and her entire family,
we would like to extend our sincere gratitude
to the Omaha community for its show of concern
and support during this most difficult time.
We are blessed to have so many wonderful friends
in Omaha who have gone out of their way to tell us
how much they love Maggie and offer other words
of comfort.
We would also like to thank the von Maurs for all
of their help and support during this difficult time.
We are forever grateful to all of you. We will never
forget your kindness and compassion.

The family of Maggie Webb
Moline, Illinois

Continued at 8:59 AM...

The trees are very beautiful this morning in Omaha.
They are all painted white from the freezing fog.

The person I told you to pray for
on December 17th is much better.
I talked to him yesterday.
He had a 103F degrees fever and
was in the hospital for 5 days.
Thanks for the prayers.
Thank the Lord.

"May God, the source of all patience and encouragement,
enable you to live in perfect harmony
with one another according
to the spirit of Christ Jesus,
so that with one heart and voice
you may glorify God,
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Romans 15:5-6

Look to Jesus.
See how he interacted with others.
Imitate him.
Love as he did.
Study his heart.
Be in harmony.

(December 26, 2007 Wed 7:04 AM CST)

Here are some advanced searches for Google that I found:

intitle:"index.of" (mp3|mp4|avi) beethoven.moonlight.sonata -html -htm -php -asp -cf -jsp french pdf filetype:pdf calculus

Here is a song that I really like.
Here is our King
by David Crowder Band.
Sing along with the words.

here is Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata .
He was born on my birthday.

"On the evening of the first day of the week,
even though the disciples
had locked the doors of the place where they were
for fear of the Jews,
Jesus came and stood before them.
'Peace be with you,' he said."
John 20:19

Jesus, come to us.
We have locked the doors.
Come and visit us.
Bring your peace.
Stand with us.
We need you.
You are our king.

(December 25, 2007 Tue 7:36 AM CST)

Merry Christmas to you and your family!
God bless you on this holy day.

Yesterday I was studying how to use
Photo Story 3 .
It is free software from Microsoft.
You can zoom in and out on areas of pictures
as you make a movie of them.
It is easy to use.

"The angel said to the shepherds:
'You have nothing to fear!
I come to proclaim good news to you ---
tidings of great joy to be shared
by the whole people.
This day in David's city
a savior has been born to you.
Let this be a sign to you:
in a manger you will find an infant
wrapped in swaddling clothes.'"
Luke 2:10-12

Do not fear!
Have joy in your heart.
The child has been born.
Rejoice today in his coming.
Welcome him.
Go and see him.

(December 24, 2007 Mon 7:50 AM CST)

Here is a Bible question
in the crossword puzzle for Dec 21, 2007 .
19-Down: O.T. book before Daniel, 4 letters
When you see the abbreviation O.T. (Old Testament)
it means the answer is an abbreviation also.
I did not know the answer
without looking at the tabs on my Bible.

"After the astrologers' audience with King Herod, they set out.
The star which they had observed at its rising
went ahead of them until it came to a standstill
over the place where the child was.
They were overjoyed at seeing the star,
and on entering the house,
found the child with Mary his mother.
They prostrated themselves and did him homage.
Then they opened their coffers and
presented him with gifts of
gold, frankincense and myrrh."
Matthew 2:9-11

See the star.
Seek the child.
Bring him gifts.
Bow down before him.

(December 23, 2007 Sun 8:12 AM CST)

Update at 8:49 PM:

Here is that poinsettia that I told you about.
I took this picture around 10 AM today.
I saw the guy that waters the plants.
It will be well cared for.

This is from today's newspaper on page 3B:


I found this yesterday.
It is a 360-degree panorama of the snowflakes 12-18-2007
on first floor by Von Maur and Panera Bread.
It is just like being there.
You can zoom right in on the cross and poinsettia.

"Then the Lord asked Cain,
'Where is your brother Abel?'
He answered,
'I do not know.
Am I my brother's keeper?'"
Genesis 4:9

A very good question.
Am I my brother's (or sister's) keeper?
We don't live on this earth alone.
I hope and pray that you care for others.
Reach out this Christmas.
Think of someone else.
Be there.

(December 22, 2007 Sat 9:28 AM CST)

The piano player was back last night at Von Maur.
He was wearing a red suit jacket.
Good to see him again.
I read that Greg was crying a lot,
so remember to pray for him.
He was going to marry one of the people that were killed.
I found this poinsettia from the memorial
last night on level one inside the mall.
It is in the Santa Claus display just
outside the doors of Von Maur.
The snowflakes are all gone from there.
This is the picture of it from December 13th.
The Merry Christmas card was gone from the plant.
Hopefully they gave it to one of the families.
I am a little upset they hid all these things away.
The memorials were there for all of Omaha.
We all need help with this grief.

"Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings
from the wicked who use violence against me."
Psalms 17:8-9

May the Lord watch over you.
May he protect you from harm.
May he give you peace this Christmas.
Jesus, come and save us.

(December 21, 2007 Fri 6:50 AM CST)

Yesterday I created a movie of all 40 pictures I took
of the memorials at Von Maur store.
You can watch it here.

I used Microsoft Movie Maker to put it together.
It was not that hard.
I need to learn how to add music.
(Update on 12-22-2007: I added some Christmas music.)
I did walk through Von Maur last night
on the first and second levels.
There were lots of people there.
There were 8 wreaths 4 on each side,
as you came in the doors from inside the mall on level one.
It was unreal to try to picture a shooting taking
place in this environment all decorated for Christmas.
There were police and guards in the store.
As I was leaving the mall I found a piece of paper on the floor.
It is from Alegent Health Family Care Clinic at Eagle Run.
It is a statement for someone named Douglas.
It has all kinds of personal information on it
(phone numbers, address, SSN, birth date 3-3-1948, etc.)
His birthday is easy for me to remember,
since 3 is my favorite number.
It was there for anyone to pick up.
I will mail it back to him today
with a note that says where I found it and Merry Christmas.
Pray for Douglas.
Pray for all those who work at Von Maur.
It must be very hard for them.

"He shall wipe every tear from their eyes,
and there shall be no more death or mourning,
crying out or pain,
for the former world has passed away."
Revelation 21:4

May God comfort all the families.
May God bless them and give them peace.
Help them through today.
Give them strength to continue.
Jesus, be with them.

(December 20, 2007 Thu 6:17 AM CST)

Last night I took my camera to take a picture
of the Happy Birthday snowflake but it was gone.
They took down the memorials yesterday.
I will miss them.
It was a sign of hope in this dark world.

"The Spirit we have received
is not the world's spirit but God's Spirit,
helping us to recognize
the gifts he has given us."
1 Corinthians 2:12

Come, Holy Spirit.
Help us to recognize our gifts.
Help us to use our gifts to brighten this world.
Come, Spirit of light.

(December 19, 2007 Wed 7:23 AM CST)

Hi, Joyce.
Good morning.

I did some research.
Today December 19th is Maggie Webb's 25th birthday.

This morning I am reading about
the Paper Clips Project .
A person at the Siena/Francis House
told me about it last night.
They even made a
movie about it.
I have never heard of it before.

"Jesus then said to Thomas:
'You became a believer because you saw me.
Blest are they who have not seen and have believed.'"
John 20:29

Thomas saw Jesus in person.
He was there.
He touched him.
He saw him after he arose from the dead.
Thomas did not believe until he saw Jesus
with his own eyes.
Be blessed.

(December 18, 2007 Tue 6:18 AM CST)

Yesterday I saw a snowflake at the Westroads Mall
that had a 5 dollar bill on it.
Another snowflake said:
Happy Birthday Maggie Webb.
I'm not sure which day is her 25th birthday.
I will have to do some research.
(Update on 12-19-2007: December 19th is her birthday.)
They say Von Maur will open on Thursday.

Jesus told a parable:
"To one he gave five talents of money,
to another two talents,
and to another one talent,
each according to his ability.
Then he went on his journey."
Matthew 25:15

We are all given different talents.
We all have different gifts.
What will you do with them?
Ask Jesus.
He will show you his will for your life.

(December 17, 2007 Mon 7:37 AM CST)

I went to a Christmas party last night and
a person next to me at the table
had to leave early
because they did not feel good.
Pray for him.
God be with him and heal him today.

"The message of the cross
is complete absurdity
to those who are headed for ruin,
but to us who are experiencing salvation
it is the power of God."
1 Corinthians 1:18

You look at the cross.
Jesus died for us.
Why did he do that?
Why would he give his live for us?
It is something to think about.
It is an amazing love.
It is hard to explain.

(December 16, 2007 Sun 7:53 AM CST)

I was sweeping off the dusting of snow
that we got yesterday and I fell down just now.
I don't think I hurt anything.
I kept a low center of gravity.
My sidewalks are covered with ice.
Maybe the sun will melt some of it today.
I tried to buy deicer at the grocery store yesterday.
They don't have any.
They are shipping it south of here
where there were big ice storms.

Pray for a little boy that had surgery on Thursday.
Pray for someone that used to work on my floor.
They have cancer.
God be with them and their families.

"Paul gazed intently at the Sanhedrin.
Then he said,
'Brothers, to this day
I have lived my life
with a clear conscience before God.'"
Acts 23:1

Look closely.
See what is around you.
Pay attention.
Do the will of God.
Have a clear conscience.
If you fall, get back up.

(December 15, 2007 Sat 9:11 AM CST)

Update at 2:50 PM:
Here is a nice thought
that I have been thinking about lately:
All You Need Is Love


We got at least 2 more inches of snow overnight in Omaha.
Last evening I fixed the card from Scott to Aunt Janet.
It had fallen off.
The poinsettia is totally destroyed now.
It has been below freezing for several days.
Here is the picture of it from December 9, 2007

at the memorial on the south steps of Von Maur.
You can really smell the flowers now.
There are lots of them.

"At this the Jews responded to Jesus,
'What sign can you show us
authorizing you to do these things?'
'Destroy this temple,'
was Jesus' answer,
'and in 3 days I will raise it up.'"
John 2:18-19

Don't hold on so tightly
to the things of this world.
They are passing away.
They will be destroyed.
Hold on to Jesus.
He will restore you.
He is your sign.

(December 14, 2007 Fri 7:58 AM CST)

I was at Siena/Francis House last night.
We have a large stack of Thank You's to write.
No one mentioned Westroads Mall.
I guess no one wanted to talk about it.
It is too depressing a topic so near to Christmas.

"'Sir,' the royal official pleaded with Jesus,
'come down before my child dies.'
Jesus told him,
'Return home.
Your son will live.'
The man put his trust in the word
Jesus spoke to him,
and started for home.
He was on his way there
when his servants met him with the news
his boy was going to live."
John 4:49-51

Trust in the words of Jesus.
Read his words in the Bible.
Receive the good news.
Return home.
You will find new life.

(December 13, 2007 Thu 6:21 AM CST)


Update at 11:45 AM:
I took some more pictures this morning
at the Westroads Mall.
The sun came out.
Much better.

#1 is inside the mall on level one.
Someone made a cross.
Just look at all those snowflakes.
#2 is inside the mall on level one on the floor.
It is the "Thank You Omaha" note I told you about.
#3 is outside the mall on the south steps of Von Maur.
This is from the O'Neil family.
#4 is outside the mall on the south steps on the east side.
#5 is outside the mall on the steps.
It is the note from Kari to Aunt Janet I told you about.
#6 is Panorama Factory again merging 3 pictures into one,
but this time without the cars.
The flowers smelled so beautiful.


I was wrong.
The note from the Von Maur employee
was on the first level.
I took a picture of it on my cell phone last night,
but I can't upload it to the Internet.
It says:

Thank you Omaha!
Your outpouring of love and support
makes me proud to live here!

a Von Maur employee

"When Jesus heard this,
he withdrew by boat from there
to a deserted place by himself."
Matthew 14:13

Take some quiet time away.
Make time for prayer.
Talk to God.
Tell him your hopes and fears.
He is there for you.
He has a heart for you.

(December 12, 2007 Wed 6:29 AM CST)

Here is a video of the
memorials at Westroads Mall
on December 8, 2007
that I found this morning.
It does not look like this anymore.
It is all ice and snow covered.
I tried to read something yesterday
and it was coated with ice.
Yesterday inside on the first level
I saw a "Thank You Omaha" note
from "A Von Maur Employee."
Here is Maggie Webb's home page.
When I first found this page a few days ago it said:
Last Login: 12/4/2007
She was one of the people killed at the mall.

"Make no mistake about this,
my dear brothers and sisters.
Every worthwhile gift,
every genuine benefit comes from above,
descending from the Father
of the heavenly luminaries,
who cannot change and
who is never shadowed over."
James 1:16-17

Give a gift today.
It is a gift from God.
Give it in love.
Be a bright light in this dark world.

(December 11, 2007 Tue 6:40 AM CST)

Last night I found a cell phone on the sidewalk
at the southwest corner of the Von Maur store.
It was dark.
I was going over at 6 PM after my walk to see the memorial.
I say some prayers for the people and their families
when I am there.
It is a spiritual place.
There were about 20 people there.
The live TV reporter was there
not far away in the parking lot.
It might have been Channel 6. I'm not sure.
The snow was gone from the flowers.
Maybe the sunshine melted the snow or
maybe someone cleaned up all the snow.
There are two little Christmas trees now.
There were some candles that were lit.
I saw a different note to Aunt Janet.
It was from Keri this time.
Janet's funeral was yesterday.
There was a picture inside the church
on the front page of the newspaper last night.
Afterwards I went back inside the Westroads Mall
looking for a guard.
It did not take long to find one.
I gave him the Sprint phone with the yellow background
on the display.
I opened and looked at it for just a few seconds.
The phone was not like mine.
I did not know how to find the owner.
How could you call them? You have their phone.
The guard asked me where I found it.
I told him by the memorial.
He thanked me.
I should have thanked him,
but I would have started to cry.

"At every opportunity pray in the Spirit,
using prayers and petitions of every sort.
Pray constantly and attentively
for all in the holy company."
Ephesians 6:18

Prayer is very important.
Prayer changes things.
I can feel the prayers of many people in the world
who are praying for our city.
It is a wonderful thing.
It has changed me.

(December 10, 2007 Mon 7:28 AM CST)

My furnace is running almost nonstop this morning.
It is getting colder out there.

Yesterday when I was leaving after taking the pictures
someone stopped with their car right by the memorial.
They got out with a bouquet of flowers.
I told them that was very nice of them to do that.

"Do not neglect good deeds and generosity..."
Hebrews 13:16

Do something.
Be nice.
Be thoughtful.
Give positive feedback.
God bless you for your efforts.

(December 9, 2007 Sun 7:05 AM CST)

Update at 8:35 PM

I took some pictures today at about 1 PM at Westroads Mall
at the south doors of Von Maur
for the people that don't live in Omaha.
The third picture has the plant for Aunt Janet.
Many trees and bushes in Omaha
look like Christmas cards today.
Many flags are at half staff.
Notice the little Christmas tree in picture 7.
I used Panorama Factory 3.4 to make the last picture
from 3 pictures.


I did go for a walk at the Westroads Mall yesterday at 1:18 PM.
There were a lot of people there.
The Saturdays before Christmas are very busy.
There were several police and security guards.
It was a different feeling to be there.
It kind of felt like the movie "Jaws."
They told the swimmers to get back into the water.
The music was mostly non-Christmas
over the speakers in the mall.
Maybe that was intentional.
Von Maur was of course not open.
The inside doors to it on first and second floors were
covered with paper snowflakes that people had made.
That was very touching.
People were still making more snowflakes at that time.
I'm sure this will mean a lot to the families that see it.
As I was walking I felt sick to my stomach.
I thought I was coming down with the flu.
Maybe I should go home.
It was the grief making me sick.
It was being so close to where the killings happened.
I don't see how the employees can ever go back to that store.
They say they will reopen Von Maur soon.
One person on the Internet said they should
knock the store down and build a memorial
like they did in Norfolk, Nebraska.
There were killings at a little bank there on 9/26/2002 .
The bank building is gone.
After I got done walking I went to see
the outside south doors of the store.
As I was going there I saw someone near the Food Court
outdoors holding a sign that said:
Free Hugs.
He was hugging someone in a wheelchair.
I saw a couple that was obviously in tears
returning from seeing the south doors of the store.
There were flowers everywhere covering the steps.
There were notes that people were praying for them.
It was very moving.
Many people were there.
Many cars were driving by to see it.
It was like being in an outdoor funeral home.
I read one note on a plant that said:
Aunt Janet ... Scott
It must have been from the nephew of Janet Jorgensen.
It was freezing cold.
It was snowing lightly.
It was an overcast day.
It was very sad.
Later I went to a grocery store west of there.
They were collecting money for the families
as you checked out.
Very nice.
There are wonderful people in this town.
I can't understand how this could happen to us.

Jesus said to them another time:
"Listen carefully to what you hear.
In the measure you give you shall receive,
and the more besides.
To those who have, more will be given;
from those who have not,
what little they have will be taken away."
Mark 4:24-25

Help those who are hurting.
Give them a hug.
Give them some flowers.
Be with them.

(December 8, 2007 Sat 7:37 AM CST)

What if...
What if the security at the store
had turned out all the lights?
There are no windows
on the second and third levels of the store.
That way the shooter could not see anyone.
Security saw him on the cameras.
They knew where he was.
It would be way harder to hurt someone in the dark.
That was my "random" thought this morning.
How can we prevent it from ever happening again?
I also wonder if I will go to the mall today.
I don't know.
Probably not.
I don't want to be that close to "ground zero."
I need to sleep at night.

Yesterday I was adding up numbers on my Texas Instruments TI-34
and it was giving incorrect answers.
It is about 10 years old.
I was starting to do my taxes for 2007
and adding up dollar amounts.
It was giving answers that had cents.
No way.
I tried it over and over and gave up.
I was only doing addition.
I had to get another TI-34 from another room.
This morning it seems to be working fine.
Very strange.
I always test calculators with 909 squared (909 * 909).
The answer should be 826,281.
That's me.

This is from the crossword puzzle on "that day."
38-Down, Book after Isaiah, 8 letters

"For I know well
the plans I have in mind for you,
says the Lord,
plans for your welfare, not for woe!
Plans to give you a future full of hope.
When you call me,
when you pray to me,
I will listen to you.
When you look for me,
you will find me.
Yes, when you seek me
with all your heart,
you will find me with you..."
Jeremiah 29:11-14

You have a future.
It is filled with hope.
Get to know Jesus.
He has wonderful plans for you.

(December 7, 2007 Fri 8:37 AM CST)

I looked at the names and faces in the newspaper yesterday.
The only one I remotely remember is the janitor Gary Joy .
He dressed in blue clothes when I would see him
in the store over the years.
I have never been to the third floor of the store,
but many times I would circle the atrium on the second level
to listen to the piano player on first floor as I walked.
I would listen to the music being played and
then guess which piano player it was.
They have about 6 or 7 different players.
It is interesting to read the news stories.
Was the shooter 18 or 19 or 20 years old?
Was he wearing camouflage or black clothes?
Was he fired from a McDonalds in Bellevue earlier that day?
(Update 12-14-2007: He was not fired that day from McDonalds.)
It is a search for the truth of what really happened.
Usually when I am at the mall I see off duty police officers.
Apparently none were there when this happened on Wednesday.
I wonder if they can ever open the store again for a long time.
They would have to close the third floor off.
Some of the employees stayed around.
They helped customers get away.
The mayor said they are heroes.
Omaha I would say is in shock.
We just can't believe what has happened in our midst.
Keep praying for us.

"When noon came, darkness fell on the whole countryside
and lasted until midafternoon.
At that time Jesus cried in a loud voice,
'Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani?'
which means,
'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'"
Mark 15:33-34

Maybe you feel that God has abandoned you.
You feel he is nowhere to be found.
You are suffering and in darkness.
Call on him.
Talk to him.
Jesus, come to us.
Be with us in our suffering and pain.
We need you.
We don't understand why this happened.
Help us.

(December 6, 2007 Thu 6:14 AM CST)

Yesterday after work I tried to go
to the Westroads Mall to go for a walk.
It was about 4:45 PM and
the west entrance was blocked by police cars.
Then I went to the north entrances and they were blocked also.
And I went to the east side and they were blocked.
I thought there might have been a fire but there was no smoke.
I scanned the radio and they said something about a shooting .
Not in Omaha.
9 people dead right there where I was just a few yards away.
I was too close.
I went to the Crossroads Mall for my walk.
This morning I keep wondering if I knew any of the victims.
I keep thinking that I could have been there.
I go there nearly every day for a walk.
Pray today for all these people that died and their families.
God be with us in Omaha.
We need healing today.

"Even though I walk in the dark valley
I fear no evil; for you are at my side..."
Psalms 23:4

Yes, there is evil in the world.
We need to overcome evil with good.
Do something nice for someone today
in memory of the victims.
Jesus, please help us.

(December 5, 2007 Wed 7:13 AM CST)

"In the beginning was the Word;
the Word was in God's presence,
and the Word was God."
John 1:1

It is a new beginning for you.
You can start over again.
Read the words of God in the Bible.
They are words of life.
Ask Jesus to forgive your sins.
You can have peace this Christmas.
It is a new start.

(December 4, 2007 Tue 6:16 AM CST)

I survived yesterday with Vista.
I guess it is not that bad.

Jesus taught,
"Whoever does the will of God
is brother and sister and mother to me."
Mark 3:35

Be close.
Do the will of God.
Stay near to him.
Be a relative.
You are related to him.

(December 3, 2007 Mon 7:18 AM CST)

Here is one of my favorite Christmas songs.
It blows me away.
I heard it yesterday afternoon on the radio (100.7 FM)
driving my car near 87th and Pacific in Omaha.
Avalon - Jesus Born On This Day

I'm writing this on Vista today.
I figure I have to get used to it sometime.
I can't say that I like Vista.
It stops me from changing files.

Jesus said,
"The invited are many,
the elect are few."
Matthew 22:14

You are invited.
All are invited.
Will you go to dinner?
Will you show up?
Come and see who Jesus is.
Get to know him.
Trust in him.

(December 2, 2007 Sun 7:26 AM CST)

"Blest are the single-hearted
for they shall see God.
Blest too the peacemakers;
they shall be called children of God."
Matthew 5:8-9

Let there be peace on earth.
We need peace.
We need God's love in this world.
Pray for peace.
Be a child of God.

(December 1, 2007 Sat 8:07 AM CST)

We are getting freezing rain this morning in Omaha.
It is December in Nebraska.

I did not get the answer
in this crossword puzzle for Nov 27, 2007 .
See if you can.
30-Down: Ark contents, 5 letters long

"In the ark
were the golden jar containing manna,
the rod of Aaron which had blossomed,
and the tablets of the covenant."
Hebrews 9:4

The Ark of the Covenant was very holy.
It contained the second copy of the
tablets of the 10 Commandments.
It had bread from heaven.
It had the rod of Aaron (brother of Moses).
Even today people search for the Ark of the Covenant.
Movies have been made about it.

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