(August 31, 2009 Mon 6:41 AM CDT)
The Blue Angels started at 3:36 PM yesterday.
"They entered a Samaritan town
Welcome strangers.
It was a nice 66 F degrees day.
to prepare for his passing through,
but the Samaritans would not welcome him
because he was on his way to Jerusalem.
When his disciples James and John saw this, they said,
'Lord, would you not have us call down
fire from heaven to destroy them?'
He turned toward them only to reprimand them.
Then they set off for another town."
Luke 9:52-56
It might be Jesus coming your way.
Jesus, help us to be open to receiving
new people into our lives.
We need new friends.
(August 30, 2009 Sun 8:18 AM CDT)
Blue Angels
are in town today.
"The angel of the Lord encamps
Jesus, send your angels to watch over us.
I will try to see them this afternoon in Bellevue, Nebraska.
around those who fear him, and delivers them.
Taste and see how good the Lord is;
happy the man who takes refuge in him."
Psalms 34:7-8 or 8-9
We trust in you to protect us.
We seek your safety, Lord.
We need you.
(August 29, 2009 Sat 9:50 AM CDT)
I heard yesterday that another person at LHH landed a job.
Yesterday I was working on the "Print Preview"
The funeral for
Edward Kennedy
is going on now.
"When Jesus arrived at the house
Prayer is very important.
God bless them and their family.
in my Java Sudoku program Code9.
I remember the very sad days
when his brothers died in 1963 and 1968.
God bless him and his family.
his disciples began to ask him privately,
'Why is it that we could not expel it?'
He told them,
'This kind you can drive out only by prayer.'"
Mark 9:28-29
Take the time to pray.
It will change the world.
It will change you.
Jesus, bless my family today.
Keep them all close to you.
(August 28, 2009 Fri 7:00 AM CDT)
It is a foggy morning in Omaha.
Last night at the .NET User's group meeting
Jesus said,
It is interesting that the two worlds are connected.
the topic was
So yesterday I downloaded it and had it working.
It is not too bad.
I don't think many people use it
from the show of hands in the meeting.
The person giving the talk had the same
initials MVC
I told him that someone with his name
has a
in Omaha.
I can't believe they display this information:
age, address, gender, race, height, and weight.
"I assure you,
whatever you declare bound on earth
shall be held bound in heaven,
and whatever you declare loosed on earth
shall be held loosed in heaven."
Matthew 18:18
The rules here apply there also.
Jesus, help us to understand the ways of the Lord.
Teach us to do what is right.
Help us to follow your laws.
(August 27, 2009 Thu 6:22 AM CDT and 9:53 AM CDT)
Yesterday I got my Code9 Sudoku program to print.
I was at Bergan Mercy Hospital yesterday for a test.
"The fervent petition of a holy person is powerful indeed.
Prayers are powerful.
I learned a few things about printing with Java.
God bless all the doctors, nurses
and others that work there.
Elijah was only a man like us,
yet he prayed earnestly that it would not rain
and no rain fell on the land for 3 years and 6 months.
When he prayed again, the sky burst forth with rain
and the land produced its crop."
James 5:16-18
Pray with confidence.
Expect results.
Jesus, we pray to you.
Bring peace to our troubled world.
Help the lost to find hope in you.
Feed the poor and bless them today.
(August 26, 2009 Wed 6:04 AM CDT)
Yesterday I was studying about
in Java.
"But when the kindness and love of God
Find a new beginning in Christ.
It is not easy.
our Savior appeared, he saved us;
not because of any righteous deeds we had done,
but because of his mercy.
He saved us through the baptism of new birth
and renewal by the Holy Spirit."
Titus 3:4-5
He is the new dawn.
He is the sun for a new day.
Find new life in him.
(August 25, 2009 Tue 6:20 AM CDT and 8:51 AM CDT)
I went for a job interview in Lincoln, Nebraska yesterday.
"Your attitude must be that of Christ:
What is your attitude?
It is 49 miles away.
I listened to
KGBI 100.7 FM
down and back.
For half the way between Omaha and Lincoln
on I-80 there are 3 lanes now on each side.
That is nice.
After the interview I went to the
Westfield Mall
in Lincoln.
It is at 66th and "O" Streets.
I used to clean it when I went to college in Lincoln.
It has changed a lot since then.
Though he was in the form of God,
he did not deem equality with God
something to be grasped at.
Rather, he emptied himself
and took the form of a slave,
being born in the likeness of men."
Philippians 2:5-7
Is it a positive attitude?
Be of service.
Help others.
Think of helping those in need.
(August 24, 2009 Mon 6:13 AM CDT)
"God chose us in him before the world began,
Jesus, help us to be holy.
to be holy and blameless in his sight,
to be full of love..."
Ephesians 1:4
We want to be like you.
Teach us how to love.
You are our inspiration.
(August 23, 2009 Sun 8:34 AM CDT)
I found this nice song yesterday.
I made some more changes to Code9 yesterday
"I am not ashamed of the gospel.
Share what you know about Jesus.
Send It On
from Disney's Friends For Change.
to read input files.
To run it you need to save these two classes:
Then run the command: java Code9
You need Java installed on your PC.
It runs much faster than the .NET C# version.
It is the power of God leading everyone
who believes in it to salvation..."
Romans 1:16
He is awesome.
He will change others lives.
Shine a light and send it on.
(August 22, 2009 Sat 10:00 AM CDT)
I was looking at my Sudoku program
"Jesus uttered a loud cry and said,
Jesus did nothing wrong.
I was trying to get the menus working
in the Java version.
I have not worked on it
since April when I started LHH.
'Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.'
After he said this, he expired.
The centurion, upon seeing what had happened,
gave glory to God by saying,
'Surely this was an innocent man.'"
Luke 23:46-47
He was without sin.
He gave his life to save us.
Jesus, we thank you for saving us.
You are the holy one.
Thank you for giving your life for us.
Forgive our sins.
(August 21, 2009 Fri 6:25 AM CDT)
Eight years from today there will be
Someone sent me this video of a building
I finished chapter 17 on data structures
"At sunset, all who had people
Jesus, come and heal your people.
total eclipse
of the sun in Nebraska.
that was
rolling over
as they tried to destroy it.
Oops. (A popular crossword puzzle word.)
in the Java Deitel book.
They talked about
binary trees
They are sometimes called B-Trees.
You can play with the link above to add nodes to the tree
to see how it works.
sick with a variety of diseases
took them to Jesus,
and he laid hands on each of them
and cured them."
Luke 4:40
Put your healing touch upon us.
Make us well again.
Restore us, Lord.
Bless all those working in hospitals today.
(August 20, 2009 Thu 6:18 AM CDT and 8:07 AM CDT)
Yesterday I finished chapter 14 of the Java Deitel book.
On Tuesday night the fire trucks and police cars
I also learned on Tuesday that there is a
Jesus said,
Seek the Lord.
It was on reading and writing
random files
One of the commands you use is "seek"
to point to a certain spot in the file.
came to SFH twice.
At 6 PM the fire alarms went off in the main building.
They are loud.
I had to cover my ears.
At 8:30 PM they were there again
for something happening in the east building.
They had 17th Street blocked for awhile.
We could not drive home.
There is only one way in and out.
God bless the firefighters and police.
sacred C
Central High School
in Omaha.
You are not allowed to walk on the "C" on the floor.
It is roped off now.
Years ago it was not roped off and
people just knew not to step on it.
I have never seen it.
It is the home of the eagles.
"Seek first his kingship over you,
his way of holiness, and all these things
will be given you besides.
Enough, then, of worrying about tomorrow.
Let tomorrow take care of itself.
Today has troubles enough of its own."
Matthew 6:33-34
Look for him.
He is there.
He has given you many gifts.
He is the one way in.
He will help you today and always.
(August 19, 2009 Wed 6:30 AM CDT)
Yesterday I read about
Jesus said,
You are not alone.
I worked on my SOAR stories:
Situation, Obstacles, Actions, and Results.
Tell your success stories.
"I will not leave you orphaned;
I will come back to you."
John 14:18
You can soar with the Lord.
He will take you on new adventures.
He is your Father.
You are safe with him.
He will teach you many things.
The results are fantastic.
Expect wonderful things.
(August 18, 2009 Tue 6:11 AM CDT)
I was studying chapters 19 and 14
"Seeing their faith, Jesus said,
Have faith.
of the Deitel Java book yesterday.
'My friend, your sins are forgiven you.'"
Luke 5:20
Jesus is your friend.
Jesus, forgive my sins.
Help me to do what is right.
(August 17, 2009 Mon 5:58 AM CDT)
The last few days
There is a job opening for a
web developer
"Jesus left that place and
God is the healer.
I am starting to sneeze because of allergies,
so I took some
for the first time yesterday.
It seems to be working so far.
It causes a little headache
and dry throat as a side effect.
at MUD in Omaha,
but they don't say
what the technology is that they use.
passed along the Sea of Galilee.
He went up onto the mountainside
and sat down there.
Large crowds of people came to him
bringing with them
cripples, the deformed, the blind, the mute,
and many others besides.
They laid them at his feet and he cured them.
The result was great astonishment in the crowds
as they beheld the mute speaking,
the deformed made sound, cripples walking about,
and the blind seeing.
They glorified the God of Israel."
Matthew 15:29-31
Go to him for your needs.
He will astonish you.
Jesus, come and heal your people.
We want to see you and walk with you.
Make us whole again.
(August 16, 2009 Sun 8:05 AM CDT)
This morning I am looking at
"Show us, O Lord, your kindness,
Jesus, grant salvation to your people.
There was a
story about it
in the newspaper yesterday.
and grant us your salvation."
Psalms 85:7 or 8
We are in great need.
Thank you for your kindness.
We are most grateful.
(August 15, 2009 Sat 10:07 AM CDT)
Yesterday I was studying about
Java Collections
"Grace and peace be yours
Jesus, send us your grace and peace.
in the Deitel book chapter 19.
from God our Father and
from the Lord Jesus Christ!"
Philippians 1:2
We are searching for you.
Help us to find our home with you.
You are our hope for the future.
(August 14, 2009 Fri 6:33 AM CDT)
Yesterday I was talking to someone and
Lately I just pray for everyone in the world.
"They presented these men to the apostles,
Pray over people.
they told me there is a lot of competition for .NET jobs.
People are taking jobs that they are overqualified for
as they wait for the job that they really want to have.
God bless everyone and lead them closer to Jesus.
who first prayed over them
and then imposed hands on them."
Acts 6:6
Call down God's blessings on them.
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide their lives.
Expect your prayers to be answered powerfully.
(August 13, 2009 Thu 6:11 AM CDT)
Yesterday I was studying about
Java multithreading
Later I took two tests at ProveIt.com for
Jesus said:
Jesus gives you an invitation.
.NET Programming ASP 2.0 and C# 2.0.
"A man was giving a large dinner and he invited many.
At dinner time he sent his servant to say to those invited,
'Come along, everything is ready now.'
But they began to excuse themselves, one and all."
Luke 14:16-18
Will you accept it?
Will you respond to him?
It is up to you to decide.
Choose life.
(August 12, 2009 Wed 7:17 AM CDT)
Yesterday I went to a LHH alumni networking group
Jesus taught,
at DJ's Dugout in Omaha.
We can't go to the LHH office anymore
because our contracts have expired.
Our former companies pay the bill at LHH.
Pray for all the people in our group
looking for a job.
It is hard to find a job.
"Seek first his kingship over you,
his way of holiness,
and all these things
will be given you besides.
Enough, then, of worrying about tomorrow.
Let tomorrow take care of itself.
Today has troubles enough of its own."
Matthew 6:33-34
The Lord has given you talents.
Apply your talents today.
Jesus, help us to see
what you are calling us to do today.
Point out the people to help as we meet them.
Show us how to be of service.
(August 11, 2009 Tue 6:08 AM CDT)
Yesterday I got the
"The only stipulation was that
Think of the poor.
installed on my laptop.
I still can't figure out how to get SQL Server 2008
to connect to the Internet.
It is a challenge.
we should be mindful of the poor ---
the one thing that I was
making every effort to do."
Galatians 2:10
Help them.
Be concerned about them.
Give to organizations
that help the poor like
(August 10, 2009 Mon 6:00 AM CDT)
link looks interesting.
I went to this web site
Yesterday I loaded
"You must put on that new person
Something new.
Community lending.
and it lets you shorten a URL to something smaller.
I created this for http://spring2life.com/main.html:
I'm not sure how long it will stay there.
Visual Studio Team System 2010 Beta
on my laptop that is running SQL Server 2008.
I need to load more software on it today.
created in God's image,
whose justice and holiness
are born of truth."
Ephesians 4:24
God is the creator.
Be reborn.
Create a new image in Christ.
(August 9, 2009 Sun 8:12 AM CDT)
Here is a beautiful picture of the
Yesterday I was studying about setting up
"Jesus spoke to them once again,
It sounds simple.
diamond effect of the solar eclipse
on July 22, 2009.
It is awesome what God has made.
a message server where clients can connect to it.
It would then broadcast the messages to all the clients
connected to the server.
This is in chapter 24 of the
Java - Deitel
It was fun to play with it.
'I am the light of the world.
No follower of mine shall ever walk in darkness;
no, they shall possess the light of life.'"
John 8:12
Walk with the Lord.
He is holding the torch in the darkness.
Follow him.
Be connected.
(August 8, 2009 Sat 10:27 AM CDT)
Yesterday I was studying about
Java DatagramPacket
"Jesus was teaching his disciples in this vein:
It is hard to understand.
They call it the "connectionless protocol."
'The Son of Man is going to be delivered
into the hands of men
who will put him to death;
three days after his death he will rise.'
Though they failed to understand his words,
they were afraid to question him."
Mark 9:31-32
Jesus knew that he would suffer and die.
Death was coming soon.
He also knew he would rise again.
We have hard times also,
but in the end we will rise with Christ.
Jesus, help us to understand.
Comfort us in times of trouble.
(August 7, 2009 Thu 6:15 AM CDT)
I got another call yesterday.
It is raining this morning.
I was studying more Java yesterday.
"Let the person who has ears
Open your ears.
Now I have two job interviews next week.
Pray for me to know where God wants me to work.
Thank the Lord.
Java can
play MIDI and WAV files
heed the Spirit's word to the churches!
I will see to it that the victor
eats from the tree of life
which grows in the garden
Revelation 2:7
Hear what the Holy Spirit has to say.
The victory is yours in Christ.
Find life and grow in grace.
(August 6, 2009 Thu 6:15 AM CDT and 9:13 AM CDT)
I had you pray for someone in Germany on July 7.
I made 2 pans of brownies and a cake yesterday.
One of my relatives was in a car accident yesterday.
I got a call from a recruiter yesterday.
Yesterday I was studying about Java
"...for we were eyewitnesses of his sovereign majesty.
Miracles do happen.
They are better now.
Thank the Lord.
They are in the freezer.
They are fine just shaken up a little.
Please be careful today and always
when making a left turn.
I have an interview with them next week.
It is interesting stuff.
He received honor and glory from God the Father
when that unique declaration came to him from the majestic glory,
'This is my Son, my beloved, with whom I am well pleased.'
We ourselves heard this voice come from heaven
while we were with him on the holy mountain.
2 Peter 1:17-18
Keep your eyes open.
The Lord is at work.
Don't blink or you might miss the glory of God.
(August 5, 2009 Wed 6:03 AM CDT)
This morning I ran across an Omaha group
Yesterday I finished chapter 29 of the ASP.NET book.
Jesus said,
Christians can do great things.
Word Made Flesh
I've never heard of them before.
God bless their efforts to help the poor around the world.
I did not get all the examples to work.
I need to go back and find other examples on the Internet
that do work for
WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)
"I solemnly assure you,
the person who has faith in me
will do the works I do,
and greater far than these.
Because I go to the Father,
and whatever you ask in my name
I will do,
so as to glorify the Father in the Son."
John 14:12-13
We have Jesus on our side.
We have a loving Father in heaven.
We have the Holy Spirit to guide us.
What more could you ask for?
(August 4, 2009 Tue 6:16 AM CDT)
I am in the
book chapters 28 and 29 now.
"And gazing around him at those seated
Do the will of God.
The topic is
Web Services
in the circle Jesus continued,
'These are my mother and my brothers.
Whoever does the will of God
is brother and sister and mother to me.'"
Mark 3:34-35
Be a brother or sister of Christ.
Continue on the road to heaven.
Be in the circle of life.
(August 3, 2009 Mon 6:41 AM CDT)
"May grace and peace from God our Father,
Jesus, send us your grace.
and Christ Jesus our Savior, be with you."
Titus 1:4
We need you today.
Give us your peace.
Be with us.
(August 2, 2009 Sun 8:19 AM CDT)
I was studying
(Java Standard Tag Library) yesterday.
"Praised be God, the Father of mercies,
Reach out to others.
The book had this line:
<%@ taglib uri='http://java.sun.com/jstl/core' prefix='c' %>
and it should have said this:
<%@ taglib uri='http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core' prefix='c' %>
It was close.
The book was written in 2004.
Things have changed.
and the God of all consolation!
He comforts us in all our afflictions and
thus enables us to comfort those who are in trouble,
with the same consolation we have received from him."
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
The Lord has been very good to you.
Bless others with kindness.
Be a blessing.
(August 1, 2009 Sat 10:15 AM CDT)
Yesterday I tried again to load Visual Studio on my XP PC
I'm continuing to study the Java Server Pages (JSP).
"Brothers and sisters,
Learn from other Christians.
and it still does not work.
It just does not like my PC.
I burned two install DVDs to load it.
Still nothing.
It is something good to know about.
One example program
tried to write a file to the local disk
to keep a count of page loads
and it was blocked by the Tomcat security.
I set the permissions on the file to
chmod 777
and it still was blocked.
It could read from the file but not write to the file.
It is to protect you from an attack I guess.
I have applied all this to myself and Apollos
by way of example for your benefit.
May you learn from us not to go beyond
what is set down,
so that none of you will grow self-important
by reason of his association
with one person rather than another."
1 Corinthians 4:6
Learn from Christ.
The Lord is great.
We follow his example.