January, 2010

God is love
Trust in the Lord

Give your heart to Jesus

Love is all you need


Be beautiful

(January 31, 2010 Sun 8:08 AM CST)

My friend is in the Miami Marathon today.
There was a story in the newspaper yesterday.
The results page says she is half way done so far.
Pray for her and all the people in the race.

"You know that while all the runners in the stadium
take part in the race,
the award goes to one person.
In that case, run so as to win!
Athletes deny themselves all sorts of things.
They do this to win a crown of leaves that withers,
but we a crown that is imperishable."
1 Corinthians 9:24-25

Run for the Lord.
Run to win.
Go for the imperishable crown.
The reward is yours.
Make your goal to be with the Lord on the finish line.
He is cheering for you.

(January 30, 2010 Sat 9:08 AM CST)

There are four IT jobs at Sogeti in Omaha.
They have an office in west Omaha.
I was there at a .NET user group
meeting on Thursday evening.

Someone told me to watch this video on the
Grassburg Mine in Papua.

"Whatever you do,
work at it with your whole being.
Do it for the Lord rather than for men,
since you know full well
you will receive an inheritance
from him as your reward."
Colossians 3:23-24

Work for the Lord.
Offer up your tasks.
Make them a prayer.
The Lord will bless you.

(January 29, 2010 Fri 8:13 AM CST)

"You must know that your body
is a temple of the Holy Spirit,
who is within ---
the Spirit you have received from God.
You are not your own.
You have been purchased, and at a price.
So glorify God in your body."
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Use your body for the glory of God.
There is much work to be done.
Don't waste time.
Set goals for each day.
God has given you many talents.
Give glory to God with your daily tasks.

(January 28, 2010 Thu 8:46 AM CST)

"He will strengthen you to the end,
so that you will be blameless
on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is faithful, and it was he
who called you to fellowship
with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."
1 Corinthians 1:8-9

Be strong.
Jesus is your brother.
You have many friends.
Be faithful to the Lord.

(January 27, 2010 Wed 9:05 AM CST)

I started chapter 15 of the SCJP book yesterday.

"All hands had gone without food for a long time
when Paul stood up among them and said:
'Men, you should have taken my advice
and not set sail from Crete.
Then you would not have incurred this disastrous loss'"
Acts 27:21

I told you so.
Listen to the Lord.
Follow in his ways.
It makes your life much simpler and less complicated.
You can avoid many disasters.

(January 26, 2010 Tue 8:03 AM CST)

"It was a cave with a stone laid across it.
'Take away the stone,' Jesus directed.
Martha, the dead man's sister said to him,
'Lord, it has been four days now;
surely there will be a stench!'
Jesus replied,
'Did I not assure you that if you believed
you would see the glory of God displayed?'"
John 11:38-40

Do you believe that Jesus can change things?
Do you believe in his power?
Miracles do happen.
Have faith.
Trust in Jesus.

(January 25, 2010 Mon 8:40 AM CST)

If you follow crossword puzzles,
you probably have seen the name
Dan Naddor on some of them.
He passed away on December 28.
Pray for his family.
God bless them and be with them.

Jesus taught,
"As to the exact day or hour, no one knows it,
neither the angels in heaven nor even the Son,
but only the Father.
Be constantly on the watch! Stay awake!
You do not know when the appointed time will come."
Mark 13:32-33

Are you ready to meet your maker?
It could happen today.
Dan Naddor had 5 years warning.
You should always be prepared.
Jesus, I look forward to your coming.
Forgive my sins.
I want to be with you forever.

(January 24, 2010 Sun 7:37 AM CST)

The snow has been melting slowly for the last two days in Omaha.
You can see things that have been buried for 6 weeks.
The streets are getting wider.
You can see the curbs again.

Yesterday I watched the telethon
Hope For Haiti Now on videotape.
Afterwards I was walking around the Westroads Mall
and I thought:
there IS hope for the world.
It was a nice feeling.
Do something nice for someone today.

Jesus said,
"Things are hidden only to be revealed at a later time;
they are covered so as to be brought out into the open."
Mark 4:22

The Holy Spirit will point out things to you.
You may not have seen it before.
Ask for wisdom and understanding.
It will be revealed to you.
Seek and you will find.

(January 23, 2010 Sat 9:19 AM CST)

Paul said to Elymas,
"You are an impostor and a thorough going fraud,
you son of Satan and enemy of all that is right!
Will you never stop trying to make crooked
the straight paths of the Lord?
The Lord's hand is upon you even now!
For a time you shall be blind,
unable so much as to see the sun."
Acts 13:10-11

There are those who are against Christ.
They lead people from the truth.
It is a war.
It is good against evil.
Who will win?
The blind will stumble and fall.
Those in the light will survive and thrive.
Follow the light of Christ.

(January 22, 2010 Fri 7:49 AM CST)

They say the most common passwords are
12345, 123456, password, qwerty, abc123
and other easy patterns.
If you use easy passwords, you are at risk.

Yesterday I watched an episode of
How The Earth Was Made .
The subject was Mount Everest.
There are 3 or 4 layers
of different rock near the summit.
I videotape the History Channel
on Tuesday evenings for 6 hours.
It saves time by skipping
all the many commercials.

"The hungry he has given every good thing,
while the rich he has sent empty away."
Luke 1:53

Help the poor.
Use money to bless others.
Be kind and generous with your time.
Be thoughtful.
Jesus, teach me how to love.

(January 21, 2010 Thu 8:12 AM CST)

Pray for one of my relatives
that was in the hospital this week.
God bless them and heal them.

"Their amazement went beyond all bounds:
'He has done everything well!
He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak!'"
Mark 7:37

Jesus is amazing.
He can work miracles in your life.
Do you believe in him?
Do you trust him?

(January 20, 2010 Wed 10:18 AM CST)

I just got back from the ophthalmologist (eye doctor).
He says the pressure is 13/18 in the right/left eyes.
Very good.
God bless him and all in his office.

"The Lord God says,
'I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the One who is and who was and
who is to come, the Almighty!"
Revelation 1:8

Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet .
Omega is the last letter.
From start to stop Jesus is all that you need.
Call on his name.

(January 19, 2010 Tue 8:16 AM CST)

"May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of glory,
grant you a spirit of wisdom
and insight to know him clearly."
Ephesians 1:17

Learn more and more about the Lord daily.
Take time to pray and meditate.
Read the Bible.
Ask the Holy Spirit to explain things to you.
Then you will understand.

(January 18, 2010 Mon 7:51 AM CST)

In reply, Jesus said to the devil,
"Scripture has it,
'You shall do homage to the Lord your God:
him alone shall you adore.'"
Luke 4:8

There is evil in the world.
It will lead you away from God to hell.
Call on Christ when you are tempted.
Adore the Lord.
Give praise to him alone.

(January 17, 2010 Sun 8:04 AM CST)

"The One who gives this testimony says,
'Yes, I am coming soon!'
Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!"
Revelation 22:20

Yes, come, Lord Jesus!
Come and help us.
We need you.

(January 16, 2010 Sat 9:50 AM CST)

Tomorrow my niece is in a marathon in Phoenix .
God bless her and all the runners.
Someone I used to work with
is in the Miami Marathon on January 31.
You can watch a video of the Miami course.
You get dizzy watching it.

Yesterday I was watching this video on Port-au-Prince, Haiti
This was made before the earthquake.
There are people everywhere.
It is very densely populated.
You can see some of the famous buildings
that are now heavily damaged.

"But now in Christ Jesus
you who once were far off
have been brought near
through the blood of Christ."
Ephesians 2:13

Jesus, thank you for dying for us.
You gave your blood
to open the door of salvation for us.
Thank you for saving us.
You are wonderful.
Help us to stay on course.

(January 15, 2010 Fri 8:32 AM CST)

Paul said,
"In this regard I too always strive
to keep my conscience clear before God and man."
Acts 24:16

Do what is right.
Have a clear conscience.
Ask Jesus to forgive your sins.
Start each day fresh.

(January 14, 2010 Thu 8:03 AM CST)

We pray for all the people
suffering in Haiti today from the earthquake.

"When Jesus came out
wearing the crown of thorns
and the purple cloak,
Pilate said to them,
'Look at the man!'"
John 19:5

Jesus was on trial.
He was falsely accused.
He was innocent.
He took all the blame for us.
He suffered for our sins.
Jesus, we look to you.
You are most kind and generous.
Thank you for redeeming us from our sins.

(January 13, 2010 Wed 7:48 AM CST)

Here is my home page translated to Chinese maybe.
I don't know Chinese.

Roof rakes are getting very popular in Omaha.
Many people have a lot of snow on their roofs.
You rake the snow and it goes into your face.
It looks like work.
The snow on my roof is not very deep.

"Zacchaeus stood his ground and said to the Lord:
'I give half my belongings, Lord, to the poor.
If I have defrauded anyone in the least,
I pay him back four-fold.'
Jesus said to him:
'Today salvation has come to this house,
for this is what it means to be a son of Abraham.
The Son of Man has come to search out
and save what was lost.'"
Luke 19:8-10

Welcome Jesus to your house today.
Invite him to stay.
Jesus, come to me and my whole family.
I ask you to forgive my sins.
I am lost.
I need you.

(January 12, 2010 Tue 8:10 AM CST)

The disciples approached Jesus at that point
and asked him privately,
"Why could we not expel it?"
"Because you have so little trust," he told them.
"I assure you,
if you had faith the size of a mustard seed,
you would be able to say to this mountain,
'Move from here to there,' and it would move.
Nothing would be impossible for you."
Matthew 17:19-20

It takes trust.
It takes faith.
Pray to your Father in heaven.
Expect great things to happen.
Move mountains.

(January 11, 2010 Mon 8:21 AM CST)

"Then Jesus reentered the boat,
made the crossing,
and came back to his own town.
There the people at once brought to him
a paralyzed man lying on a mat.
When Jesus saw their faith
he said to the paralytic,
'Have courage, son, your sins are forgiven.'"
Matthew 9:1-2

Yes, there are sins.
Jesus pointed this out.
We all make mistakes.
You need them forgiven.
Jesus, forgive my sins.
Help me to change in this new year.
I want a new start.
Give me courage.

(January 10, 2010 Sun 8:10 AM CST)

It is 0 F degrees outside and it does not feel too bad.
I must be getting used to the cold.

"I am coming soon.
Hold fast to what you have
lest someone rob you of your crown."
Revelation 3:11

Jesus will return one day.
He will come in glory and power.
Hold on to your faith.
The best is yet to come.

(January 9, 2010 Sat 10:53 AM CST)

Yeah, I got my car back yesterday.
It has a strange oil smell to it
after they took many things apart.
God bless the people that fixed it.

I took this IQ Test yesterday
just to see what the questions look like.
There are 38 True/False questions.
It is timed.
They are interesting to read.
For example question 22 says:
"Three of the following numbers
add up to the number 31:
17, 3, 2, 19, 5."
It is a tricky question.
I love questions like number 30:
"The number 64 is the next logical
number in the following sequence of numbers:
2, 6, 14, 30..."
And I don't know the answer yet.
I think the answer is 62 not 64.
Multiply the number by 2 and add 2 is the rule maybe.
Question 36 is fun to figure out:
"If each of seven persons in a group
shakes hands with each of the other six persons,
then a total of forty-two handshakes occurs."
It is a statistics question.
If you have seven people ABCDEFG,
you have this many combinations:
The formula is n * (n-1) / 2 where n = 7.
7 * 6 / 2 = 21.

"God has willed to make known to them
the glory beyond price
which this mystery brings to the Gentiles ---
the mystery of Christ in you,
your hope of glory."
Colossians 1:27

It is a mystery.
Christ wants to live in your heart.
Will you let him in?
Feel the glory.

(January 8, 2010 Fri 8:02 AM CST)

They are still working on my car this morning.
I don't have any wheels to get around town.

I started chapter 14 of the SCJP book yesterday.
It is talking about Generics in Java.

"The man from whom the devils had departed
asked to come with Jesus,
but he sent him away with the words,
'Go back home and recount
all that God has done for you.'
The man went all through the town
making public what Jesus had done for him."
Luke 8:38-39

Tell people about what Jesus has done for you.
You have been blessed.
You have been given many gifts.
Share the good news.

(January 7, 2010 Thu 11:24 AM CST)

I took my car in to have work done on it today.
It was leaking oil in various places.
God bless the people fixing it.

"Then Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve,
went off to the chief priests
to hand Jesus over to them."
Mark 14:10

So close and so far away.
There was Judas right there with Jesus.
He saw everything up close.
He made a great mistake.
We can learn from him.

(January 6, 2010 Wed 7:42 AM CST)

This video was mentioned in the newspaper yesterday.
They filmed it backwards in Shoreline, Washington.
Shorewood Lip Dub .
It is bizarre to think it is all in reverse order.

Another person in our Monday
networking group found a job.
They start on January 19th.
God bless them and their family.

"I send my messenger before you
to prepare your way:
a herald's voice in the desert crying,
'Make ready the way of the Lord,
clear him a straight path.'"
Mark 1:2-3

John the Baptist was a messenger.
He was sent by God.
He came right before Jesus in history.
Listen to his voice in the desert.
Find the path that leads to life.

(January 5, 2010 Tue 8:26 AM CST)

It is super cold (-15 F degrees) this morning in Omaha.
My furnace is running almost constantly.

Yesterday I was listening to this radio program on the Internet.
It was a talk by Alan De Back .
He had many good suggestions for those who are looking for a job.
I started to read the book
What Color Is Your Parachute?
It also is for those who are unemployed.

Jesus told a story,
"That is why you must go out into the byroads and
invite to the wedding anyone you come upon.
The servants then went out into the byroads and
rounded up everyone they met, bad as well as good.
This filled the wedding hall with banqueters."
Matthew 22:9-10

Everyone is invited.
You are invited.
Jesus wants you to be with him forever.
Come to the celebration of all celebrations.
You don't want to miss it.
Ask Jesus to forgive your sins.
Prepare to meet the King.

(January 4, 2010 Mon 8:29 AM CST)

Jesus said,
"You are the salt of the earth.
But what if salt goes flat?
How can you restore its flavor?
Then it is good for nothing
but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot."
Matthew 5:13

You are special.
The world needs you.
You are different.
Add flavor to the world.

(January 3, 2010 Sun 9:43 AM CST)

I made mistakes on the Sudoku puzzle for 1/1/2010.
I need to start over from the beginning.
Someone was talking to me at the Westroads Mall
and I was distracted apparently.

We got more snow overnight.
I think I need to buy some flood insurance.
The snow is getting very deep.
It is going to melt sometime.

"Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm;
the Lord will repay him according to his deeds."
2 Timothy 4:14

Paul did not get along with everyone.
He had his problems and we have our problems.
We don't see eye to eye sometimes.
Jesus, help us to work and live with those near to us.
We need your peace to survive.
You are the peacemaker.

(January 2, 2010 Sat 11:28 AM CST)

Yesterday on the first day of 2010
I watched the movie 2010 .
It was made in 1984.
I have not seen it in many years.
It is not as good as the previous movie 2001
that was made in 1968 and *way* ahead of its time.

"At dawn Paul urged all on board to take some food:
'For 14 days you have been in constant suspense;
you have gone hungry --- eaten nothing.
Now I urge you to take some food,
which will give you strength to survive.
Not one of you shall lose a hair of his head.'
When he had said this he took some bread,
gave thanks to God before all of them,
broke it, and began to eat.
This gave them new courage,
and they too had something to eat."
Acts 27:33-36

You will survive.
The Lord is on your ship.
You will not lose a hair.
Have courage for this new year.
Give thanks to God for your daily bread.

(January 1, 2010 Fri 7:38 AM CST)

Happy New Year to you and your family!
May this be a year of many blessings and graces.

Yesterday I was watching this video of
driving around Monte Carlo, Monaco .
It is the second smallest country in the world.
It is 0.76 square miles in size.
They drive on the right side of the street.
The speed limits just have a number on them in a circle.
You see a lot of palm trees.
The streets look very nice to drive on.
You see English words on the streets: Taxi, Bus.
They are the same words in French which is spoken there.
It was a rainy day when they filmed it.
There are several tunnels in the town.
It is a good size town.
You see many big boats in the harbor.
There are many hills.
It is right on the Mediterranean Sea.
It is 52 F degrees there this morning.

"In the beginning was the Word;
the Word was in God's presence,
and the Word was God."
John 1:1

Make a new beginning.
Start over again.
Resolve to read the Bible each day.
Pray daily.
Talk to Jesus.
Make him part of 2010.

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