June, 2011

God is wonderful
Trust in the Lord

God is powerful

Jesus is our hope

God is great

Sing for joy

(June 30, 2011 Thu 6:18 AM CDT)

A neighbor from my old neighborhood passed away.
I have not seen them in many years.
God be with him and all his family.

"Jesus was still speaking
when a man came from
the ruler's house with an announcement,
'Your daughter is dead;
do not bother the Teacher further.'
Jesus heard this, and his response was:
'Fear is useless;
what is needed is trust
and her life will be spared.'"
Luke 8:49-50

Do not fear.
Have faith.
Trust in Jesus.
Your life will be saved.

(June 29, 2011 Wed 6:23 AM CDT)

"The Lord God says,
'I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the One who is and who was
and who is to come,
the Almighty!'"
Revelation 1:8

God always was and will always be.
We are part of his creation.
We worship him in all his glory.
He is forever and ever.
We give praise to him.

(June 28, 2011 Tue 6:26 AM CDT)

"May God our Father
give you grace and peace."
Colossians 1:2

With all the fires and floods and disasters
we need the grace and peace of the Lord.
Jesus, comfort all those who are hurting.
Be with them today and bless them.

(June 27, 2011 Mon 6:34 AM CDT)

"While they were with Jesus they asked,
'Lord, are you going to restore
the rule to Israel now?'
His answer was:
'The exact time it is not yours to know.
The Father has reserved that to himself.
You will receive power when
the Holy Spirit comes down on you;
then you are to be my witnesses in Jerusalem,
throughout Judea and Samaria,
yes, even to the ends of the earth.'"
Acts 1:6-8

Jesus has all power.
Follow him.
Stay near him always.
His rule will last forever.

(June 26, 2011 Sun 8:42 AM CDT)

"He was teaching his disciples in this vein:
'The Son of Man is going to be delivered
into the hands of men who will put him to death;
three days after his death he will rise.'
Though they failed to understand his words,
they were afraid to question him."
Mark 9:31-32

If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask.
Jesus is there to calm your fears.
He will answer you.
He understands how you feel.

(June 25, 2011 Sat 10:14 AM CDT)

"We have this confidence in God:
that he hears us whenever
we ask for anything
according to his will.
And since we know that
he hears us whenever we ask,
we know that what we have
asked him for is ours."
1 John 5:14-15

Pray with confidence.
Seek the will of God for your life.
Ask for what you need.
He is our loving Father in heaven.

(June 24, 2011 Fri 6:28 AM CDT)

Please pray for someone that is very sick in Iowa.
God bless her and all her family.
(Update on 6-26-2011:
My brother said she passed away on Friday.)

"And my prayer is that your
sharing of the faith with others
may enable you to know all the good
which is ours in Christ."
Philemon 1:6

We have much to share.
We know all about Christ.
He is the light of the world.
He is goodness.
He is good.

(June 23, 2011 Thu 6:21 AM CDT)

"Just now I am leaving for Jerusalem
to bring assistance to the saints.
Macedonia and Achaia have kindly decided
to make a contribution for those in need
among the saints in Jerusalem."
Romans 15:25-26

Help your brothers and sisters in need.
Do what you can.
We are all the Body of Christ.
Be kind.

(June 22, 2011 Wed 6:28 AM CDT)

"The woman said to Jesus:
'I know there is a Messiah coming.
(This term means Anointed.)
When he comes, he will tell us everything.'
Jesus replied,
'I who speak to you am he.'"
John 4:25-26

Jesus is the one.
There is no other.
He is the Messiah.
He is the promised one.
Believe in him.

(June 21, 2011 Tue 6:23 AM CDT)

"A discussion arose among them
as to which of them was the greatest.
Jesus, who knew their thoughts,
took a little child and
placed it beside him,
after which he said to them,
'Whoever welcomes this little child
on my account welcomes me,
and whoever welcomes me
welcomes him who sent me;
for the least among you is the greatest.'"
Luke 9:46-48

Jesus knows our thoughts.
He knows everything about us.
Think of service.
What can you do for someone else today?
Welcome the least and forgotten among you.
Be a servant to them.
Share the love of Jesus with them.

(June 20, 2011 Mon 6:19 AM CDT)

"But you, beloved,
grow strong in your holy faith
through prayer in the Holy Spirit.
Persevere in God's love,
and welcome the mercy
of our Lord Jesus Christ
which leads to life eternal."
Jude 1:20-21

Prayer changes things.
Prayer will change you.
Pray with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit, come and change my life.
Increase my faith.

(June 19, 2011 Sun 9:18 AM CDT)

The College World Series has come to Omaha.
God bless all the players and fans.

"Let me say this much:
He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly,
and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully.
Everyone must give according
to what he has inwardly decided;
not sadly, not grudgingly,
for God loves a cheerful giver.
God can multiply his favors among you
so that you may always have enough of everything
and even a surplus for good works..."
2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Give to those in need.
God will bless you.
God will multiply your efforts.
Feel the joy of the Lord.

(June 18, 2011 Sat 10:17 AM CDT)

"One night in a vision
the Lord said to Paul:
'Do not be afraid.
Go on speaking and do not be silenced,
for I am with you.
No one will attack you or harm you.
There are many of my people in this city.'
Paul ended up settling there for a year and a half,
teaching them the word of God."
Acts 18:9-11

The word of God cannot be silenced.
The good news will be proclaimed.
God will open doors for you.
Speak of the saving power of Jesus.

(June 17, 2011 Fri 6:27 AM CDT)

"Near the cross of Jesus
there stood his mother,
his mother's sister,
Mary the wife of Clopas,
and Mary Magdalene."
John 19:25

Stand there at the cross.
See the great love that Jesus has for you.
He gave his life for you.
Be faithful until the end.

(June 16, 2011 Thu 6:42 AM CDT)

The CT scan of June 13
did not show anything unusual.

"After this I saw before me a huge crowd
which no one could count
from every nation and race, people and tongue.
They stood before the throne and the Lamb,
dressed in long white robes and
holding palm branches in their hands.
They cried out in a loud voice,
'Salvation is from our God,
who is seated on the throne,
and from the Lamb!'"
Revelation 7:9-10

Jesus is the Lamb of God.
He sacrificed his life to save us.
He is to be praised by all people.
He is worthy of all our adoration.

(June 15, 2011 Wed 6:30 AM CDT)

"My little ones,
I am writing this to keep you from sin.
But if anyone should sin,
we have, in the presence of the Father,
Jesus Christ, an intercessor who is just.
He is an offering for our sins,
and not for our sins only,
but for those of the whole world."
1 John 2:1-2

Jesus, help us in times of temptation.
Forgive our sins.
Give us strength to continue our mission.
You are our hope.
Thank you.

(June 14, 2011 Tue 6:25 AM CDT)

I had my first CT Scan yesterday.
God bless all the doctors and nurses that work there.

"Watch yourself and watch your teaching.
Persevere at both tasks.
By doing so you will bring to salvation
yourself and all who hear you."
1 Timothy 4:16

Teach about faith, hope and love.
Share about Jesus.
Faith comes by hearing.
It will change you and those near you.

(June 13, 2011 Mon 6:27 AM CDT)

"For two full years Paul stayed on
in his rented lodgings,
welcoming all who came to him.
With full assurance,
and without any hindrance whatever,
he preached the reign of God and
taught about the Lord Jesus Christ."
Acts 28:30-31

Paul was under house arrest.
He taught about Jesus where he was.
The good news continued in difficult circumstances.
The message goes out to all the earth.

(June 12, 2011 Sun 8:40 AM CDT)

"When the day of Pentecost came
it found them gathered in one place.
Suddenly from up in the sky
there came a noise
like a strong, driving wind which was heard
all through the house where they were seated.
Tongues as of fire appeared,
which parted and came to rest on each of them.
All were filled with the Holy Spirit."
Acts 2:1-4

Happy Pentecost Day!
May the Holy Spirit come down on you today.
May you be filled with the fire of his love.
He will change your life.

(June 11, 2011 Sat 9:40 AM CDT)

"Have no love for the world,
nor the things that the world affords.
If anyone loves the world,
the Father's love has no place in him,
for nothing that the world affords
comes from the Father."
1 John 2:15-16

We live in the world.
Don't become too attached to the things here.
Our home is in heaven.
Love the Lord above all that you have.
Let go and seek the Father in heaven.

(June 10, 2011 Fri 6:26 AM CDT)

"In contrast,
the fruit of the spirit is love,
joy, peace, patient endurance,
kindness, generosity, faith,
mildness and chastity."
Galatians 5:22-23

Have contrast.
Be moved by the Holy Spirit.
The greatest thing is love.
Ask the Lord for endurance.

(June 9, 2011 Thu 6:22 AM CDT)

I saw a different doctor yesterday.
God bless him and all those in his office.

"Just at that point,
some Jews from Antioch and Iconium arrived
and won the people over.
They stoned Paul and dragged him out of the town,
leaving him there for dead.
His disciples quickly formed a circle about him,
and before long he got up and
went back to the town."
Acts 14:19-20

If you believe in Jesus, you will be attacked.
It will not be easy.
But miracles do happen.
God will give you the strength to get up
and continue your mission.

(June 8, 2011 Wed 6:21 AM CDT)

"As soon as I lie down,
I fall peacefully asleep,
for you alone, O Lord,
bring security to my dwelling."
Psalms 4:8 or 9

Peace comes from knowing Jesus.
He is your security.
He will comfort you in difficult times.
Trust in him.

(June 7, 2011 Tue 6:13 AM CDT)

"Nothing delights me more than to hear
that my children are walking in this path."
3 John 1:4

Have a goal.
Set your sights on heaven.
Aim for eternal life.
Walk with the Lord hand and hand.

(June 6, 2011 Mon 6:22 AM CDT)

"I assure you, brothers,
the gospel I proclaimed to you
is no mere human invention.
I did not receive it from any man,
nor was I schooled in it.
It came by revelation from Jesus Christ."
Galatians 1:11-12

Jesus came to earth.
He revealed the truth to us.
He told us how to live.
Read what he said.

(June 5, 2011 Sun 8:52 AM CDT)

Lately there has been some flooding
along the Missouri River here in Nebraska.
Pray for all the people impacted by this.
God be with them and their families.

"On one occasion when Jesus met with them,
he told them not to leave Jerusalem:
'Wait, rather, for the fulfillment
of my Father's promise, of which
you have heard me speak.
John baptized with water,
but within a few days
you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.'"
Acts 1:4-5

Usually I pray for the Holy Spirit
to come to all people each day.
We need the wisdom and knowledge from the Spirit.
We need the peace and joy from the Spirit.
It will renew the face of the earth.

(June 4, 2011 Sat 9:31 AM CDT)

Lately I've been studying JavaScript .
JavaScripts are on just about every web page that you view
even at the top of this page where the "Go" button is.
I'm just studying the youtube.com videos
and then typing the text into Notepad++ HTML files
and then running the scripts in a browser.
It's easy and it's fun.

They asked Jesus,
"Is it lawful for us
to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?"
Luke 20:22

Here you have Jesus and
they can ask him any question in the universe.
What do they do?
They ask him a trick question.
Not too smart.
Please, ask Jesus serious questions
and he will provide you with life changing answers.

(June 3, 2011 Fri 6:59 AM CDT)

This morning I'm going to the doctor's office
for an annual checkup.
God bless him and all those that work there.

Jesus said,
"Everything is possible
to a man who trusts."
Mark 9:23

It is simple.
Trust in Jesus.
Believe in him.
He is your salvation.
Jesus, help us to trust in you.
We need you.
Increase our faith.

(June 2, 2011 Thu 6:22 AM CDT)

They read this at church last evening.

Jesus said,
"And know that I am with you always,
until the end of the world!"
Matthew 28:20

We have nothing to worry about.
Jesus has promised to be with us.
We have all that we need.
He walks with you each day.

(June 1, 2011 Wed 6:24 AM CDT)

"John gave this testimony also:
'I saw the Spirit descend
like a dove from the sky,
and it came to rest on him.'"
John 1:32

We see many things.
We experience the grace and blessings of God.
The Holy Spirit comes to us.
Be a witness to the Lord.

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