October, 2012

God is great
Sing to the Lord

Honor the Lord

Bless the Lord

Give glory to God

Praise the Lord

(October 31, 2012 Wed 6:27 AM CDT)

Yesterday after work I saw a border around
a license plate on a car that said:
"Be holy be happy
prosanctity.org "
It was blue with white letters.
I will have to take a picture of it and show you.

I loaded Windows Media Center to Windows 8 last night.
Now I can watch TV on Windows 8.
It was free.
I have two hard drives now ---
one for Windows XP and one for Windows 8.
This morning I'm installing iTunes .
I have it working now.
I can play my music collection.

"They called out to inquire
whether Simon Peter was a guest there.
Peter was still pondering the vision
when the Spirit said to him:
'There are two men in search of you.
Go downstairs and set out with them unhesitatingly,
for it is I who sent them.'"
Acts 10:18-20

The Lord will send people into your life.
Walk with them.
Help them.
Be led by the Holy Spirit.
Be holy.
Be happy.

(October 29, 2012 Mon 6:25 AM CDT)

We pray for all the people in the path of hurricane Sandy .
God be with them and protect them.

I restored my PC back to Windows XP.
It took 40 minutes to restore.
I should use two hard drives ---
one for Windows XP and one for Windows 8.
There was just *way* too much missing.
I will look at Windows 8 as I get time.
Here is another story on Windows 8 that
was in our local newspaper yesterday.

"In contrast, the fruit of the spirit is
love, joy, peace, patient endurance,
kindness, generosity, faith, mildness and chastity."
Galatians 5:22-23

Love one another.
Have joy in your life.
Find peace with Jesus.
God bless you today.

(October 28, 2012 Sun 6:33 AM CDT)

I'm still loading software to Windows 8 on my PC.
I just loaded the Adobe Reader .
I got Google Chrome when I downloaded the Adobe software.
I need to load Media Center also.
It says that this is a free download
but I have not received an email yet
with the information needed.
I need it to watch TV on my PC.
I just installed Python and Matplotlib .
I have a long ways to go still.
The Earth desktop background changes every 15 minutes or so.
Very nice pictures.

"Whatever you do, whether in speech or in action,
do it in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Give thanks to God the Father through him."
Colossians 3:17

Give praise to God in all that you do.
Be led by the Holy Spirit.
Bless the Lord with your actions at all times.
Praise the Lord.

(October 27, 2012 Sat 11:43 AM CDT)

I just upgraded my Windows XP PC to use Windows 8 .
It cost $39.99.
Not too expensive.
It took about 2 hours and 15 minutes to install.
I have tried to use it before with a test version.
There is a lot to learn.
Media Center does not work.
I'm going to give it a try.
I just installed Java .
It is going to take some effort to get everything running.
Our local newspaper had two stories on Windows 8:
story 1
story 2

"The One who sat on the throne said to me,
'See, I make all things new!'"
Revelation 21:5

Change is all around.
Life goes on.
It is not easy to adjust.
It makes you feel uncomfortable.
Ask the Lord to help you
when you feel lost and all alone.

(October 26, 2012 Fri 6:24 AM CDT)

Jesus said:
"I have told you all this
to keep your faith from being shaken."
John 16:1

Read the words of Jesus.
They will comfort you.
They will increase your faith.
Stay near him always.
He is your rock.

(October 24, 2012 Wed 6:42 AM CDT)

At 12:37 PM CDT on Monday the lights went out at work
and came back on.
That has never happened before.
We have generators to keep the lights going.
They apparently failed.
My computer would not come back on.
I had to move to another room to use a computer there.
It was an interesting situation to live through.

"These two (Barnabas and Paul),
sent forth by the Holy Spirit,
went down to the port of Seleucia
and set sail from there for Cyprus.
On their arrival in Salamis
they proclaimed the word of God
in the Jewish synagogues,
John accompanying them as a assistant."
Acts 13:4-5

Be led by the Holy Spirit.
Ask for direction.
Proclaim the word of God.
You are sent.

(October 22, 2012 Mon 6:28 AM CDT)

"That night the Lord appeared
at Paul's side and said:
'Keep up your courage!
Just as you have given testimony
to me here in Jerusalem,
so must you do in Rome.'"
Acts 23:11

You are sent.
God will take you to new places.
Share the joy of the Lord with others.
God bless you in your travels.

(October 21, 2012 Sun 7:05 AM CDT)

Yesterday I cut up a large branch that fell in the backyard.
We had 70 MPH winds a few days ago.
It was a lot of work.
A neighbor loaned me an electric saw .
That helped a lot.
I thanked her over and over.
Part of the branch was about 6 inches in diameter.
You need a chain saw to cut that.
The neighbor on the other side
said they had a chain saw to cut that up today.
God bless them for helping me.

"May he strengthen your hearts,
making them blameless and holy
before our God and Father
at the coming of our Lord Jesus
with all his holy ones."
1 Thessalonians 3:13

We need strength.
Ask the Lord to help you each morning.
Jesus, help us today.
We need you.
Guide us to the path that leads to life.

(October 20, 2012 Sat 7:34 AM CDT)

Speaking of Google...
You can take a tour of the computer centers for Google.
One is in Council Bluffs, Iowa
just across the river from Omaha, Nebraska.
They are building a second computer center
a few miles south of the current location.
They must use lots of electricity.
Someone asked how big their electric bill was.

Yesterday I had my door bell replaced on the house.
It was not working.
The person at the front door called me on the phone
and asked me if I heard anything.
Nope... nothing...
We were going to lunch.
The door bell was as old has the house (about 40 years).
Now I have a new door bell
with a button that has a light in it.
It looks different at night
as you look at the front of the house.

"Here I stand, knocking at the door.
If anyone hears me calling and opens the door,
I will enter his house and have supper with him,
and he with me."
Revelation 3:20

The Lord is there.
He is knocking on the door.
Do you hear him?
Will you let him in?
Spend time with him.
Get to know him.

(October 19, 2012 Fri 6:25 AM CDT)

Yesterday at lunchtime at work I checked Google .
I looked at it and said the numbers can't be right.
That's how crazy the stock market is lately.
It is October.

"Confident of your compliance, I write you,
knowing that you will do more than I say.
And get a room ready for me;
I hope that through your prayers
I shall be restored to you."
Philemon 1:21-22

Do what the Lord asks of you.
You are here to serve him and others.
Prepare a place for him in your heart.
Talk to him often.

(October 17, 2012 Wed 6:54 AM CDT)

"Sing joyfully to the Lord, all you lands;
serve the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful song.
Know that the Lord is God;
he made us, his we are;
his people, the flock he tends.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
his courts with praise;
Give thanks to him;
bless his name, for he is good;
the Lord, whose kindness endures forever,
and his faithfulness, to all generations."
Psalms 100

You are a child of God.
You belong to him.
You are his.
Give thanks to the Lord.
He is faithful forever.

(October 15, 2012 Mon 6:37 AM CDT)

The eye doctor (ophthalmologist) I went to
for many years died last week.
Pray for him and all his family
and patients and those in his office.
Mary was his secretary for many years.

"As evening drew on, they brought Jesus
many who were possessed.
He expelled the spirits by a simple command
and cured all who were afflicted..."
Matthew 8:16

With Halloween near many people are
"turning to the dark side."
There are many TV programs about scary things.
People dress up as if they were dead.
Yes, there are evil spirits in the world
but Jesus can drive them away.
Turn to him for your protection
from all things evil.

(October 14, 2012 Sun 7:36 AM CDT)

(Never finished this.)

(October 13, 2012 Sat 7:47 AM CDT)

It actually rained overnight.
There was thunder.
We are in an extreme drought in Nebraska.
We are over 7 inches behind in normal rainfall.
Thank the Lord for the rain.

"They came to Jericho next,
and as he was leaving that place
with his disciples and a sizable crowd,
there was a blind beggar Bartimaeus
sitting by the roadside.
On hearing that it was Jesus of Nazareth,
he began to call out,
'Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.!'"
Mark 10:46-47

Bartimaeus wanted to see.
He was blind.
He called out to Jesus for help.
Jesus heard his prayer and healed him.
Call out to Jesus.
He will hear you and make you well.
Jesus, heal our eyes.
We want to see.

(October 12, 2012 Fri 6:42 AM CDT)

Jesus taught,
"A good tree does not produce decayed fruit
any more than a decayed tree produces good fruit.
Each tree is known by its yield."
Luke 6:43

Bring goodness to life.
Let the love of God shine in you.
Make someone's day.
Produce good fruit.
God bless you today.

(October 10, 2012 Wed 6:37 AM CDT)

"A certain man named Simon
had been practicing magic in the town
and holding the Samaritans spellbound.
He passed himself off as someone
of great importance."
Acts 8:9

Are you interested in magic?
Does it consume your life?
Seek Jesus.
He has all the power of the universe.
Fill your life with the awe and wonders of the Lord.

(October 8, 2012 Mon 6:48 AM CDT)

"The proof that you are sons
is the fact that
God has sent forth into our hearts
the spirit of his Son
which cries out 'Abba!' ('Father!)
You are no longer a slave but a son!
And the fact that you are a son
makes you an heir, by God's design."
Galatians 4:6-7

You are special.
You are a child of God.
You will inherit the Kingdom of God.
It is God's design.
Call out to your father in heaven.

(October 7, 2012 Sun 6:40 AM CDT)

Yesterday I bought 4 new tires for my car.
God bless the guy that installed them and his family
and all that work at that business.

"The testimony is this:
God gave us eternal life,
and this life is in his Son.
Whoever possesses the Son
possesses life;
whoever does not possess the Son of God
does not possess life."
1 John 5:11-12

Life is in Jesus Christ alone.
This is the truth.
Believe in him.
He is the Son of God.
Seek life.

(October 6, 2012 Sat 8:01 AM CDT)

Last night I had a flat tire on I-680 and West Dodge Road.
I heard a thumping sound and
had to pull over to the shoulder.
I put on my emergency blinkers.
I called AAA Nebraska to help me.
I was not far from where that person at my church
was killed in a traffic accident on September 25.
She was going southbound and I was going northbound.
I prayed that the cars going by very quickly
would not hit me.
It was cold (40F degrees) and
I had to put on a heavy coat as I watched
him fix the tire.
I keep an emergency heavy winter coat
in the trunk of my car.
God bless the guy (Steve) that fixed my tire
and his family.
You think of all the places my tire could go flat
and it happened on an Interstate highway.
Maybe it was the cold weather that made the tire lose air.
Maybe it was the speed and the curve I was on.
Maybe it was a nail or slow leak.

"In my distress I called upon the Lord
and cried out to my God.
From his temple he heard my voice,
and my cry to him reached his ears."
Psalms 18:6 or 7

Call on the Lord when you need help.
He will hear your cry.
He will rescue you.
He is your protection.

(October 5, 2012 Fri 6:43 AM CDT)

"Since we have these promises, beloved,
let us purify ourselves
from every defilement of flesh and spirit,
and in the fear of God
strive to fulfill our consecration perfectly."
2 Corinthians 7:1

Do what is right.
Seek the will of the Lord.
Strive for perfection.
Receive the promises of the Lord.
God will bless you.

(October 3, 2012 Wed 6:24 AM CDT)

"There were angels, too,
who did not keep to their own domain,
who deserted their dwelling place."
Jude 1:6

There are good angels and there are bad angels.
Some chose to turn away from God.
They exist in darkness and coldness.
Other angels remain faithful.
They live in light and joy and warmth.
Choose the light.

(October 2, 2012 Tue 6:31 AM CDT)

A relative of mine is having surgery this morning.
Please pray for him and the doctors and nurses.
God bless them.

"Jesus took the seven loaves and the fish,
and after giving thanks he broke them
and gave them to the disciples,
who in turn gave them to the crowds.
All ate until they were full.
When they gathered up the fragments left over,
these filled seven hampers.
The people who were fed numbered four thousand,
apart from women and children."
Matthew 15:36-38

Jesus fed over 4,000 people that day.
He gives us food to eat.
He gives more than we need.
He is good to us and cares for us.
Thank you, Jesus, for your many gifts.

(October 1, 2012 Mon 6:26 AM CDT)

"After the sabbath,
as the first day of the week was dawning,
Mary Magdalene came with the other Mary
to inspect the tomb.
Suddenly there was a mighty earthquake,
as the angel of the Lord descended from heaven.
He came to the stone, rolled it back,
and sat on it."
Matthew 28:1-2

The Lord will shake things up to get our attention.
Stop what you are doing.
Take notice.
He has something important to tell you.
Listen to the voice of the Lord.

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