November, 2012

God is great
Sing to the Lord

Honor the Lord

Bless the Lord

Give glory to God

Praise the Lord

(November 30, 2012 Fri 7:39 AM CST)

"Now to him who is able
to strengthen you in the gospel
which I proclaim when I preach Jesus Christ,
the gospel which reveals
the mystery hidden for many ages
but now manifested through
the writings of the prophets,
and, at the command of the eternal God,
made known to all the Gentiles
that they may believe and obey ---
to him, the God who alone is wise,
may glory be given through Jesus Christ
unto endless ages.
Romans 16:25-27

Read the Bible.
It is inspired by God.
God is revealed to us.
Believe it and obey.

(November 28, 2012 Wed 6:33 AM CST)

"Who, for example, knows a man's innermost self
but the man's own spirit within him?
Similarly, no one knows what lies
at the depths of God but the Spirit of God.
The Spirit we have received is not
the world's spirit but God's Spirit,
helping us to recognize
the gifts he has given us."
1 Corinthians 2:11-12

Be still.
Listen to your spirit.
Listen to the Holy Spirit.
Receive these gifts from the Lord.
You have been blessed.
Give thanks to the Lord.

(November 26, 2012 Mon 6:47 AM CST)

"This Spirit he lavished on us
through Jesus Christ our Savior,
that we might be justified by his grace
and become heirs, in hope, of eternal life.
You can depend on this to be true."
Titus 3:6-8

You can depend on Jesus.
Call on him in times of need.
Pray to him often during the day.
You are his child.
He loves you very much.

(November 25, 2012 Sun 7:11 AM CST)

Yesterday I watched lecture 16 .
At 24:25 in the video they have a game show
with 4 of the students.
One student wins one dollar.
They are studying probability and statistics.
It is the problem in the TV program
Let's Make A Deal.
There are 3 doors.
You choose one.
They open one of the other doors you did not pick.
The question is should you pick a different door
or stay with the door you picked.
From a statistical point of view
you should pick the other door.
Switching doubles your odds of winning.
This answer is not obvious.
They have written books about this problem.

"If it does not please you to serve the Lord,
decide today whom you will serve,
the gods your fathers served beyond the river
or the gods of the Amorites
in whose country you are dwelling.
As for me and my household,
we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15

Choose the Lord.
Pick that door.
It is a sure thing.
Serve the Lord.
You win.

(November 24, 2012 Sat 9:25 AM CST)

I just downloaded Firefox
to my Windows 8 PC.

I did watch the football game on my Windows 8 PC last night.
The picture was terrible because of the low resolution.
And we won.

"Try hard to make yourself
worthy of God's approval,
a workman who has no cause to be ashamed,
following a straight course
in preaching the truth."
2 Timothy 2:15

You have to work at it.
It takes some effort on your part.
You have to take steps that lead to goodness.
Walk the straight path to the Lord.
Have a higher resolution.
Someone wrote a book about doing
One Good Deed each day.
The book mentions Brother Andre in the early pages.
They say he was a saint.

(November 23, 2012 Fri 6:47 AM CST)

I tried not to eat too much yesterday.
I tried.

I have to work today.
How am I going to watch the football game ?
I will have to record it somehow.

We set a record high of 72F degrees
on November 21 in Omaha.

"Who, then is conqueror of the world?
The one who believes that
Jesus is the Son of God."
1 John 5:5

What is success?
What are your goals?
Where will you be in 5 years?
Make Jesus part of your planning.
He is your future.
Jesus, be part of my life.
Help me, Lord.

(November 22, 2012 Thu 6:59 AM CST)

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
It was interesting to see this
on the secular eHow web site.
How to Thank the Lord for Your Blessings .
They even give you "instructions."

"Give thanks to the Lord, invoke his name;
make known among the nations his deeds.
Sing to him, sing his praise,
proclaim all his wondrous deeds."
Psalms 105:1-2

Give thanks to the Lord today.
Bless his name.
Thank him for the food we will eat.
He is very good to us.

(November 21, 2012 Wed 6:48 AM CST)

I went to a different eye doctor on Monday after work.
God bless him and all the people in his office.
My other eye doctor died on October 8 of liver cancer.

"Those who were troubled with unclean spirits were cured;
indeed, the whole crowd was trying to touch Jesus
because power went out from him which cured all."
Luke 6:18-19

They thought:
if only I could touch him I would be cured.
Jesus is all-powerful.
He is amazing.
Go to him for all that you need.
It takes faith.
Ask him to heal you.
Ask him to touch you.

(November 19, 2012 Mon 6:48 AM CST)

Make it a week of thanksgiving.
The Lord has been very good to us.

Jesus taught,
"Let your belts be fastened around your waists
and your lamps be burning ready."
Luke 12:35

Be ready.
Be set to go.
There is much to do.
Jesus, what do you ask of us today?
We give you thanks and praise.

(November 18, 2012 Sun 7:46 AM CST)

There will be a total eclipse of the sun
in Nebraska on August 21, 2017.
There was a total eclipse
a few days ago in Australia .

"To the great comfort of the people,
they were able to take the boy away alive."
Acts 20:12

The boy had fallen out a third story window.
He was dead (see verse 9).
Paul prayed over him and his life was restored.
Miracles do happen.
Have faith and believe.

(November 17, 2012 Sat 8:20 AM CST)

"Be filled with the Spirit,
addressing one another in psalms
and hymns and inspired songs.
Sing praise to the Lord
with all your hearts.
Give thanks to God the Father always
and for everything in the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Ephesians 5:18-20

Pray for the Holy Spirit to be with you.
Sing songs of praise .
Worship the Lord.
Give thanks for his many gifts.

(November 16, 2012 Fri 6:45 AM CST)

I watched the TV for the basketball game
from two days ago.
They did not show
the singing of the National Anthem.
I guess that was not important.

"Reflect on what I am saying,
for the Lord will make
my meaning fully clear."
2 Timothy 2:7

Read the Bible daily.
Reflect on what it says.
We have much to learn.
The Lord will make it perfectly clear.

(November 14, 2012 Wed 6:45 AM CST)

Today my brother-in-law is singing the National Anthem
at the basketball game in downtown Omaha.
(It gives you goose bumps watching this video above.)
He sings in the choir at his church each week.
God bless him and his family.

"Man (or woman) of God that you are,
flee from all this.
Instead, seek after integrity, piety, faith,
love, steadfastness, and a gentle spirit.
Fight for the good fight of faith.
Take firm hold on the everlasting life
to which you were called when,
in the presence of many witnesses,
you made your noble profession of faith."
1 Timothy 6:11-12

Stand at attention.
Profess your faith.
Sing for joy.
Soar with the angels.
The Lord is with you today.

(November 12, 2012 Mon 6:39 AM CST)

"When they reached Jerusalem
Jesus entered the temple precincts and
began to drive out those
who were engaged in buying and selling."
Mark 11:15

There are holy places.
There are holy spaces.
Set aside space in your house/apartment/dorm.
Read the Bible there.
Drive the evil of the world away.
Pray to God to bless your dwelling.

(November 11, 2012 Sun 7:40 AM CST)

I just started my Windows XP PC instead of Windows 8.
The clock was off by one hour.

"After uttering these words, Jesus added,
'Our beloved Lazarus has fallen asleep,
but I am going there to wake him.'"
John 11:11

There will be misunderstandings.
Jesus was talking about death and not sleep.
His disciples misunderstood what he was saying.
Later he told them plainly that Lazarus was dead.
Try to communicate as accurately as you can.
You might be in a different time zone
or on a different page.
Say clearly what you mean.

(November 10, 2012 Sat 9:06 AM CST)

"With exultant and sincere hearts
they took their meals in common,
praising God and winning
the approval of all the people.
Day by day the Lord added to their number
those who were being saved."
Acts 2:46-47

Spend time with others.
Be part of their lives.
Share your faith.
God will add to your church.
There are many to be saved from destruction.

(November 9, 2012 Fri 6:58 AM CST)

"God's gifts and his call are irrevocable."
Romans 11:29

You have been called.
The Lord has given you many gifts.
Live for the Lord.
Walk with him to glory and victory.
There is no turning back.

(November 7, 2012 Wed 6:41 AM CST)

"I tell you, brothers (and sisters),
the time is short."
1 Corinthians 7:29

Be focused on today.
Do what you can now.
Help those near you.
Pray this day.
There is not much time.
Do the will of the Lord.

(November 5, 2012 Mon 6:42 AM CST)

With the election in the USA so near...
We pray that the people
God wants to serve are elected to office.
God bless the USA.

"May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
grant the brothers peace and love and faith.
Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ
with unfailing love."
Ephesians 6:23-24

Jesus, be with us today.
We need your help.
We need your guidance.
Bring us strong leaders to serve you.
Bless your people.

(November 4, 2012 Sun 6:29 AM CST)

Yesterday I loaded Visual Studio Express 2012
on my Windows 8 PC.
Microsoft has classes you can take.
I took at look at the class for HTML 5 Apps .
I have not studied much about HTML 5.
It looks easier to use than previous HTML versions.

"But let all who take refuge in you
be glad and exult forever.
Protect them, that you may be the joy
of those who love your name.
For you, O Lord, bless the just man;
you surround him with the shield of your good will."
Psalms 5:11-12 or 12-13

Lord, protect us.
We trust in you.
Give us joy each morning.
We need you.
We love you.

(November 3, 2012 Sat 9:04 AM CDT)

Nova had a program the other day on cooking.
It was very interesting.
It helps a *lot* to cook food.
Check it out.

I made a donation to the RedCross this morning.
I watched the live concert last night to raise money
for the victims of Hurricane Sandy.
I see they finally cancelled the New York Marathon.
Sometimes you wonder if people have common sense.
If anything, they should have a memorial service
for all the people that died because of the hurricane.

"At daybreak all the chief priests and
the elders of the people
took formal action against Jesus
to put him to death.
They bound him and led him away
to be handed over to the procurator Pilate."
Matthew 27:1-2

Many people can be against you.
They may wish you harm.
Stand strong.
Jesus has been there.
He suffered much.
He will help you through it all.
Keep him by your side.

(November 2, 2012 Fri 6:40 AM CDT)

This morning I updated my iPhone to iOS 6.0.1.
I just installed QuickTime on my Windows 8 PC.
Someday it will be all loaded.
I was raking the leaves in the front yard last night
for about an hour.
I filled up 3 garbage cans for the yard waste recycling.
The leaves are just about all down from the trees.

Yesterday at work I was talking to someone in Woodbury, NY .
They have no electricity.
I told them we are praying for them.
They have long lines to get gas for their cars.
They had to eat all the food in the refrigerator
since it would spoil.
Remember to pray for them.
God bless them and give them strength today.

Jesus said,
"Be compassionate,
as your Father is compassionate."
Luke 6:36

Have concern for others.
Comfort those that are hurting.
Be a friend to them.
Listen to them.
Pray with them.

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