April 1 to 30, 1997

Love one another as I have loved you

Patience makes for endurance

Ask for wisdom

He will supply all your needs

(April 30, 1997 6:22 AM CDT)

Two days ago I say a car
at 93rd and Dodge around 5 PM with
the license plate "2 COR 9",
so here is some of what
it says...

"Let me say this much:
He who sows sparingly
will reap sparingly,
he who sows bountifully
will reap bountifully."
2 Corinthians 9:6

Do you share your faith?
Do you give encouragement?
Do you give to the poor?
You must give in order to receive.

(April 29, 1997 6:24 AM CDT)

Jesus said,
"This much have I told you
while I was still with you;
the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name,
will instruct you in everything."
John 14:25-26
Ask the Holy Spirit
for wisdom.

(April 28, 1997 6:25 AM CDT)

"Everyone begotten of God
conquers the world,
and the power that
has conquered the world
is this faith of ours.
Who, then, is conqueror of the world?
The one who believes that
Jesus is the Son of God."
1 John 5:4-5
Sin should have no power over you,
if you are in Christ Jesus.
Call on the name of Jesus and
God will strengthen you in
time of temptation.
Be strong.
Trust in the Lord.

(April 27, 1997 6:33 AM CDT)

It is the Lord's Day.
Praise him this day.
Thank him.
Ask him.
He is faithful to give you
all that you need.

"I sought the Lord,
and he answered me
and delivered me
from all my fears.
Look to him that you
may be radiant with joy..."
Psalms 34:5-6

(Update at 7:07 AM)
I just looked at the Statistics for this site.
I can't believe all the different people that have come to visit. I pray for each of you to be blessed in some way by the Lord. Jesus is so wonderful. I hope that you come to know him. He is out of this world! I wish for you peace that only comes from God alone. If you are searching for something in your life, and can't find it. It is the Jesus that you are searching for. Your search can be over if you just let Jesus into your life. Life is not that complicated. You are made by God and you will never be at peace until you give your heart to Jesus.

If you have any questions,
just write to me (dan@spring2life.com) .
I'll try to help in any way that I can.

(April 26, 1997 6:34 AM CDT)

"The God of all grace,
who called you to his
everlasting glory in Christ,
will himself restore, confirm, strengthen,
and establish those who have
suffered a little while."
1 Peter 5:10
We thank God for freeing the hostages in Lima, Peru.

Pray for Wilma who is in the hospital.

(April 25, 1997 6:23 AM CDT)

"The favors of the Lord
I will sing forever;
through all generations
my mouth shall proclaim your faithfulness."
Psalms 89:1
The Lord is faithful and true.
He promised to come and save us
and he did.
He promises you eternal life.
Will you accept it?

(April 24, 1997 6:24 AM CDT)

"Keep your eyes open!"
Mark 8:15
Yes, take a look around you.
Evil is all over the place.
Call on the name of the Lord
and he will protect you.
Peace to you.
Do not fear.
Jesus is there for you.
Call on his name.
Jesus, protect us from evil today.

(April 23, 1997 6:20 AM CDT)

We are getting rain every day now.
Thank you Lord for a nice Spring.

"God created man in his image;
in the divine image he created him;
male and female he created them."
Genesis 1:27
You are a special creation.
You are unique.
God has made you.
You are his child.

(April 22, 1997 6:23 AM CDT)

"I will make you
a light to the nations,
that my salvation may reach
to the ends of the earth."
Isaiah 49:6
Let your light shine.
Let others know of God's love.

Pray for the people in the floods
of North and South Dakota and Minnesota.

(April 21, 1997 6:21 AM CDT)

"Blessed be the name of God
forever and ever,
for wisdom and power are his."
Daniel 2:20
Give praise to God.
He is deserving of all our praise.
Think of him often.
All good gifts come from heaven above.

(April 20, 1997 7:37 AM CDT)

"Know that the Lord is God,
he made us,
his we are;
his people,
the flock he tends."
Psalms 100:3

(April 19, 1997 7:34 AM CDT)

Yesterday was a beautiful day of 72 F degrees
here in Omaha .
We thank the Lord for
a nice day.
Wow, the sunrise was awesome.
I saw it at 6:45 AM from 90 and Dodge.
It is interesting that by 7:30 AM
there was no trace of this sunrise.
If you missed it,
you missed it.
The Lord says to be prepared.

Jesus said,
"Anyone who hears my words
and puts them into practice
is like the wise man
who built his house on rock."
Matthew 7:24
The rock is Jesus.
His words are in the Bible .
Putting his words into practice
is following in his footsteps.

(April 18, 1997 6:18 AM CDT)

"Only goodness and kindness follow me
all the days of my life;
And I shall dwell
in the house of the Lord
for years to come."
Psalms 23:6

(April 17, 1997 6:22 AM CDT)

Come Holy Spirit.
We need all the help we can get.
Jesus said to ask for the Spirit
and he would send it.
It is not that complicated.

(April 16, 1997 6:16 AM CDT)

"This great confidence in God is ours,
through Christ."
2 Corinthians 3:4
Yes, have confidence.
Jesus has gone before us.
He is praying for you
to do greater things than he did.
Go forth in the name of the Lord.

(April 15, 1997 6:20 AM CDT)

"All are now undeservedly justified
by the gift of God,
through the redemption
wrought in Christ Jesus."
Romans 3:24
We thank you Jesus
for saving us from our sins.
Forgive us, O Lord.
We thank you for this great gift.
We thank you for eternal life.
We thank you for grace.
How wonderful you are!

(April 14, 1997 6:24 AM CDT)

I watched that Tiger Woods break the record at Augusta Golf Course.
God bless him and his Mom and Dad.

Jonah proclaimed,
"Forty days more and
Nineveh shall be destroyed..."
Jonah 3:4-5
Let us proclaim a fast
and believe in God.
Let us change our lives.
Draw near to God.

(April 13, 1997 7:04 AM CDT)

The snow is melting fast.
The sun is out
and it should be warmer (40 F) today.

"There are still many other
things that Jesus did,
yet if they were written about in detail,
I doubt there would be room enough
in the entire world
to hold the books to record them."
John 21:25

Read the Bible.
It is God's word to you.
It is food for your soul.
You will starve without it.

(April 12, 1997 7:12 AM CDT)

There is about 6 inches of snow on the ground.
It is hard to believe that it is April.
We have gone back to winter.

"We for our part,
love because he first loved us."
1 John 4:19
Yes, let us love one another.
Do something nice for someone today.

(April 11, 1997 6:30 AM CDT)

More snow is falling today.

We have no need to fear death.
Jesus has overcome death.
Do not live in fear.
Jesus said,
"Reform your lives and
believe in the gospel."
Mark 1:15

(April 10, 1997 6:28 AM CDT)

We have had snow overnight,
but it is melting fast.
We thank the Lord
for the moisture.

Jesus said,
"My command to you is:
love your enemies,
pray for your persecutors."
Matthew 5:44
Ask the Lord for help
in loving everyone ---
even those who are not like you.

(April 9, 1997 6:32 AM CDT)

Jesus said,
"My heavenly Father will
treat you in exactly the same way
unless each of you
forgives his brother from his heart."
Matthew 18:35
Yes, forgive, forgive, forgive!
Read the article
"Now Is The Time" .

(April 8, 1997 6:25 AM CDT)

Last night I watched the program
"The Power of a Promise Kept"
on videotape by Promise Keepers .
They are doing wonderful things.
God bless their efforts.

(April 7, 1997 6:20 AM CDT)

It is cold (23 F) this morning.
It is springtime.
North of us in
South & North Dakota and Minnesota
they have flooding and more snow.
Pray for them. Thanks.

We past the 1,000 day mark.
There are 999 days until the year 2000.
I heard it on the radio last night.

(April 6, 1997 7:14 AM CDT)

We are now on Daylight Savings Time
(Central Daylight Time - CDT).

It turned cold overnight
and the wind is very strong.

Please pray for those who are unhappy
and without God in their lives.
I don't know how they can make it
without the Lord.

"I will give thanks to you,
O Lord, with all by heart;
I will declare all your wondrous deeds.
I will be glad and exult in you;
I will sing praise to your name, Most High..."
Psalms 9:2-3
Yes, rejoice today,
because you know the Lord Jesus.

(April 5, 1997 6:43 AM CST)

"You cannot give yourself to God and money."
Matthew 6:24

Yes, we need money to buy things,
like food, clothes and a place to live.
Money has its place.
God is first place.
Keep the Lord first in your life
and the other things will fall into place.
Trust the Lord Jesus
to supply all your needs.

(April 4, 1997 6:14 AM CST)

It's a rainy day here in Omaha .
We thank the Lord for the rain.
Bless all the crops this year.
May there be an abundant harvest this fall.

(April 3, 1997 6:23 AM CST)

Yesterday I could not login in the morning.
When something like that happens
I think of the verses:

"We know that God makes all things
work together for the good of those
who love God and are called
according to his decree."
Romans 8:28

No matter what happens in this life
God is in control.
We need to trust that in the end
all things will work out.
We live in an imperfect world
and yet God accomplishes his purpose.
Never give up.
There is always hope.
If you fail,
get back up.
Continue the work
that God has called you to do.

Yesterday I could not figure out a problem
on my computer at work,
so I prayed for help.
Within a few hours I had the answer.
We thank the Lord for answering our prayers.
I found the answer in the
Knowledge Base at Microsoft .
Maybe it can help you one day.

(April 1, 1997 6:07 AM CST)

"Let every man be quick to hear,
slow to speak,
slow to anger..."
James 1:19

Read the Bible every day.
It is God's love letter to you.

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