December 1 to 31, 1997

We Are His
Forgive And You Will Be Forgiven


Sing For Joy

Rejoice At His Coming

Receive One Blessing After Another

"The Missing Christmas Tree"

"The Red Envelope"

Christmas Music

(December 31, 1997 6:25 AM CST)

"By the might of his glory
you will be endowed with the
strength needed to stand fast,
even to endure joyfully whatever may come,
giving thanks to the Father for having
made you worthy to share the lot
of the saints in light.
He rescued us from the power of darkness
and brought us into the kingdom
of his beloved Son.
Through him we have redemption,
the forgiveness of our sins."
Colossians 1:11-14

Be strong.
Give thanks.
Receive forgiveness.
Thank the Lord for his
many gifts this year.

(December 30, 1997 6:28 AM CST)

"The Lord bless you and keep you!
The Lord let his face shine upon you,
and be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you kindly and
give you peace!"
Numbers 6:24-26

May you be blessed today!
Receive one blessing after another.
The Lord is good.
The Lord is kind and merciful.
Ask Jesus to forgive your sins.
Be at peace.

Please, pray for Tom.
He is very upset with God. Thanks.

(December 29, 1997 6:35 AM CST)

"Because you are God's chosen ones,
holy and beloved,
clothe yourselves with heartfelt mercy,
with kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.
Bear with one another;
forgive whatever grievances
you have against one another.
Forgive as the Lord has forgiven you.
Over all these virtues put on love,
which binds the rest together
and makes them perfect."
Colossians 3:12-14

Be holy.
Be patient.
Be kind.
Love one another.

Pray for Sue's family.
She died yesterday in New Mexico.

(December 28, 1997 6:38 AM CST)

Jesus said,
"My solemn word is this:
I am the sheepgate.
All who came before me
were thieves and marauders
whom the sheep did not heed.
I am the gate.
Whoever enters through me
will be safe.
He will go in and out,
and find pasture.
The thief comes only to steal
and slaughter and destroy,
I came that they might have life
and have it to the full."
John 10:7-10

Jesus offers you life.
He offers you safety.
He is the gate to heaven.
Come and find food for your journey.
He will protect you from evil.
You will grow and grow.
He offers you eternal life.

Pray that Debbie finds a job.

(December 27, 1997 6:26 AM CST)

"In you, O Lord, I take refuge;
let me never be put to shame.
In your justice rescue me,
incline your ear to me,
make haste to deliver me!
Be my rock of refuge,
a stronghold to give me safety.
You are my rock and my fortress;
for your name's sake
you will lead and guide me.
You will free me from the snare they
set for me, for you are my refuge."
Psalms 31:1-5

Where do you go for safety?
Where can you seek refuge?
Who will defend you?
The Lord is your refuge.
The Lord will rescue you.
He is the rock.
He is the fortress .
He will guide you to safety.

(December 26, 1997 6:25 AM CST)

There is a billboard sign in Omaha
on westbound Interstate 80 at about 36 Street.
The sign has a Christmas picture of
Mary, Joseph and Jesus in the manger.
The words say:
"Every knee shall bow.
Philippians 2:10"

"Therefore God has highly exalted him and
bestowed on him the name which is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father."
Philippians 2:9-11

One day all will know Jesus.
He is the Lord of all creation.
Everyone will bow down before him.
He is Lord of all.
Give him praise today.
Give him glory and honor.

(December 25, 1997 6:25 AM CST)

Merry Christmas!
I wish you many, many blessings today!
The baby has been born in Bethlehem.

there was with the angel a multitude
of the heavenly host,
praising God and saying,
'Glory to God in high heaven,
peace on earth to those whom his favor rests.'
When the angels had returned to heaven,
the shepherds said to one another:
'Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this
event which the Lord has made known to us.'
They went in haste and found Mary and Joseph,
and the baby lying in the manger;
once they saw, they understood what had been
told them concerning this child.
All who heard of it were astonished at the
report given them by the shepherds."
Luke 2:13-18

Are you astonished?
It is amazing.
God has come to earth.
He is one of us.
The baby is born.
People search and search for
the perfect Christmas gift.
Search no more!
Jesus is the best gift.
Receive him into your heart.
Receive peace from heaven above.
Receive joy.
It is Christmas day.

(December 24, 1997 6:11 AM CST)

"And so Joseph went from the town of
Nazareth in Galilee to Judea,
to David's town of Bethlehem --
because he was of the house and lineage
of David -- to register with Mary,
his espoused wife,
who was with child.
While they were there the days of
her confinement were completed.
She gave birth to her first-born son
and wrapped him in swaddling clothes
and laid him in a manger, because there
was no room for them in the place
where travelers lodged."
Luke 2:4-7

It was not easy for Joseph and Mary.
They had to leave there home.
They arrived at Bethlehem and there
was no room for them.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
He was poor.
There was no room for him.
Do you have room for Jesus?
He comes to your town.
He stops where you live.
He asks if he can stay with you.
What do you say?
Tell him.
Welcome him.

(December 23, 1997 6:19 AM CST)

Last night I had a Bible Study and
Christmas party at my house.
I hid away *everything*.
The house was perfect.
I did not want something to
embarrass me. They asked
where was the Christmas music
and I told them it was on the Internet
(Christmas Music) .
I have no CDs or tapes with Christmas music.
Even with the best of planning
you always miss something.
We are not perfect.
Jesus looks at your life and
accepts you just where you are.
You don't clean up your life first
and then go to Jesus.
First, you go to Jesus
and he takes care of your life.
Besides, you can't hide anything from him.
He knows you inside out.
He loves you.
Yes, I have to clean the house *again* today,
and Jesus will forgive your sins.
You can start again.
You can be a new creation.
That is what Christmas is all about.

(December 22, 1997 6:34 AM CST)

We have had freezing rain overnight,
so pray that no one gets hurt
driving or walking. Thanks.
(Omaha weather report.)

Please, stop and think.
Christmas is the birthday of Jesus.
Don't be distracted by all the lights.
Take some time to think about him.
He is God and he took the time
to come to earth.
He became one of us.
He lowered himself to raise us up.
He loved us that much.
He died for us.
He suffered a lot.
He holds us in the palm of his hand.
We are his.

"In times past, God spoke in fragmentary
and varied ways to our fathers
through the prophets; in this,
the final age, he spoke to us
through his Son, whom he has made
heir of all things and through whom
he first created the universe.
This Son is the reflection of the
Father's glory, the exact representation
of the Father's being, and he sustains
all things by his powerful word.
When he had cleansed us from our sins,
he took his seat at the right hand
of the Majesty in heaven, as far
superior to the angels as the name he
has inherited is superior to theirs."
Hebrews 1:1-4

Jesus spoke to us.
He is God.
He created all things.
He holds the universe in place.
He speaks his word.
Let us reflect on him
and all that he has done for us.

(December 21, 1997 6:28 AM CST)

"On that day,
it shall be said to Jerusalem:
Fear not,
O Zion, be not discouraged!
The Lord, your God, is in your midst,
a mighty savior;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
and renew you in his love,
He will sing joyfully because of you,
as one sings at festivals."
Zephaniah 3:16-18

Yes, on that day...
Many things will happen.
Many things did happen.
They waited for hundreds of years.
He came.
There was rejoicing.
Today he comes into our midst.
He is right here.
Do you welcome him?
Do you turn away?
Jesus will renew your heart.
He will save you.
Be joyful.
Blessed are you.

(December 20, 1997 6:23 AM CST)

"Sing to the Lord a new song,
for he has done wondrous deeds;
His right hand has won victory for him,
his holy arm.
The Lord has made his salvation known:
in the sight of the nations
he has revealed his justice.
He has remembered his kindness and his
faithfulness toward the house of Israel.
All the ends of the earth have seen
the salvation by our God."
Psalms 98:1-3

Sing a new song.
The Lord has done wonderful things.
He won.
We win.
He has revealed himself.
Jesus has come to save us.
Welcome him.
He is kind and faithful.

Pray for Nick.
I saw his home page yesterday.
He needs help.
He does not know what he is doing.

(December 19, 1997 6:10 AM CST)

"How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of him who brings glad tidings,
Announcing peace, bearing good news,
announcing salvation, and saying to Zion,
'Your God is King!'
Hark! Your watchmen raise a cry,
together they shout for joy,
For they see directly, before their eyes,
the Lord restoring Zion.
Break out together in song,
O ruins of Jerusalem!
For the Lord comforts his people,
he redeems Jerusalem.
The Lord has bared his holy arm
in the sight of all the nations;
All the ends of the earth will behold
the salvation of our God."
Isaiah 52:7-10

Hear the Good News.
Shout from the mountain tops.
Sing for joy.
Jesus has come to redeem us.
He came in person.
They saw him with their own eyes and believed.
All the nations see him.
The Lord will comfort you.
It is a miracle.
Do you believe?

(December 18, 1997 6:26 AM CST)

I made it through another year of work .
I'm on vacation until the end of the year.

"But you, Bethlehem-Ephrathah,
too small to be among the clans of Judah,
From you shall come forth for me
one who is to be the ruler in Israel."
Micah 5:1

This was written before Jesus was born.
The prophecy said that he would be
born in Bethlehem.
He is the promised one who came to save us.
Behold the king has come.

(December 17, 1997 6:32 AM CST)

I wish for you a simple Christmas.
It just gets too complicated.
Keep it simple.
We run around and around.
What are you trying to do?
Keep your focus on Jesus.
Think about him.
He had very little.
He was homeless.
He was God who came to save us.
He came to serve.
He was humble.

(December 16, 1997 6:33 AM CST)

Hey, it's my birthday today,
so pray for me.
It should be a fun, fun, fun day.

"Continue, therefore, to live in
Christ Jesus the Lord,
in the spirit in which you
received him. Be rooted in him
and built up in him,
growing ever stronger in faith,
as you were taught,
and overflowing with gratitude."
Colossians 2:6-7

May your faith grow and grow and grow.
Have that "attitude of gratitude."
The Lord has done great things for you.

(December 15, 1997 6:26 AM CST)

"Rejoice in the Lord always!
I say it again.
Everyone should see how unselfish
you are.
The Lord is near.
Dismiss all anxiety from your minds.
Present your needs to God
in every form of prayer
and in petitions full of gratitude.
Then God's own peace,
which is beyond all understanding,
will stand guard over your
hearts and minds, in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:4-7

It's right there.
It says to rejoice.
Are you rejoicing?
Do you dismiss all anxiety?
Present your needs to God.
Let the Lord set you free.
Receive the peace of Jesus.
He calmed the storm.

(December 14, 1997 6:54 AM CST)

This morning I was thinking about writing
a little story titled:
"The Formula for a Perfect Christmas".

You would wake up on Christmas morning
and feel such joy that it would make you
cry and not know why.
Maybe you would hear "the angels" singing
outside. And you would go outdoors
to listen closer. You would hear the
singing for a minute or two and then it
would be gone. Then you would hear the
phone ring and run back inside the house.
It would be someone calling that you have
not talked to for a long, long time.
They were your best friend ever in your
whole life. They would say who they are and
"Merry Christmas, I just had to call you
and tell you that. Let's get together soon"
and hang up.

Yes, it is strange, but what is the "Perfect
Christmas"? You would look around your
house and see a gold envelope sitting on
a table. What is that doing there? You
take a closer look at this "Special Delivery"
envelope. It just has your first name on the
front in silver letters. It is for you.
Where did that come from? You open it and
read a letter from heaven. It says:
"I wish for you today
to be blessed in a special way.
Keep your eyes open and be watchful.
Listen carefully.
I will show you how much ---
I love you."
It is signed: Jesus.
You start thinking to yourself that this
is all a dream or you must be going crazy.
It is too perfect.

A perfect Christmas would need a miracle.
Like a relative that is very sick.
Maybe they would stop breathing
on the operating table
and die then come back to life. And you would
be told by the doctors that your relative was
dead and then they would come back a few minutes
later and tell you they were wrong ---
your relative is still alive.

You would be invited to a Christmas
party somehow and instructed to bring a present
for Jesus. What would you bring? You drive around
town and all the stores are closed. There is
nothing you can buy for him.

I want you to think about that ---
what could you give to Jesus for his birthday?

(December 13, 1997 6:29 AM CST)

"Suddenly the angel of the Lord appeared
in a dream and said,
'Joseph, son of David,
have no fear about taking Mary as
your wife. It is by the Holy Spirit
that she has conceived this child.
She is to have a son and you are to
name him Jesus because he will save
his people from their sins.'"
Matthew 1:20-21

Joseph and Mary suffered.
The Lord called them.
It was not easy.
They played a part in God's plan of salvation.
The Lord told them not to fear.
The Lord tells you not to be afraid.
The Lord calls you.
The sends you his Holy Spirit.
You are blessed.
Bring Jesus to others.
Share the joy of the Lord.
I see many sad people around me.
I ask Jesus to bless them this day.
Pray for them.

Last night I went to see the
Christmas lights at the Zoo .
It was cold, but it was very nice
to see what they had done.
They also had a laser show
in the IMAX theater. The music
was by Mannheim Steamroller .
The last song was "Silent Night" .
It is my favorite. They had many
images of Mary and Jesus.
It ended with "Merry Christmas".
They did not forget the
"reason for the season".

(December 12, 1997 6:27 AM CST)

Happy Birthday, Christine!
Say 'Hello' to her if you see her
today in Hendersen, Nevada .

Pray for Sue in Texas.
She is very sick. Thanks.

"God is our refuge and our strength,
an ever-present help in distress.
Therefore we fear not,
though the earth be shaken
and mountains plunge into the depths
of the sea;
Though its waters rage and foam
and the mountains quake at its surging.
The Lord of hosts is with us;
our stronghold is the God of Jacob."
Psalms 46:1-4

Be strong in the Lord.
Call on him for strength.
Be unshakable in your faith.
Yes, the waters rage around us,
but God is in control.
Trust in the Lord.
He is your strength.
Call on the name of the Lord.

(December 11, 1997 6:22 AM CST)

"For this reason, I remind you to stir
into flame the gift of God bestowed
when my hands were laid on you.
The Spirit God has given us is
no cowardly spirit, but rather one
that makes us strong, loving and wise.
Therefore, never be ashamed of your
testimony to our Lord, nor of me,
a prisoner for his sake; but with
the strength which comes from God
bear your share of the hardship
which the gospel entails."
2 Timothy 1:6-8

You are either moving toward God
or away from him.
Your faith does not stay static.
Grow in faith.
Move toward the Lord.
Testify about your faith.
The flame can go out.
Keep the flame burning.
Go to church each week to worship
the Lord and build your faith.
Share your faith.

(December 10, 1997 6:25 AM CST)

"Man of God that you are,
flee from all this.
Instead, seek after integrity, piety,
faith, love, steadfastness, and a gentle spirit.
Fight for the good fight of faith.
Take firm hold on the everlasting life
to which you were called when, in the
presence of many witnesses, you made
your noble profession of faith.
Before God, who gives life to all,
and before Christ Jesus, who in
bearing witness made his noble profession
before Pontius Pilate.
I charge you to keep God's command
without blame or reproach until our
Lord Jesus Christ shall appear."
1 Timothy 6:11-14

Have faith.
Be strong.
Be gentle.
Walk with the spirit.
Share your faith.
Be a witness.
Speak up.
Be blameless.
Make a profession of faith.
Jesus will come again.

(December 9, 1997 6:30 AM CST)

Pray for Jill who is sick.

"We brought nothing into this world,
nor have we the power to take anything out.
If we have food and clothing
we have all that we need.
Those who want to be rich are falling
into temptation and a trap.
They are letting themselves be captured
by foolish and harmful desires which
drag men down to ruin and destruction.
The love of money is the root of all evil.
Some men in their passion for it have
strayed from the faith, and have come
to grief amid great pain."
1 Timothy 6:7-10

Have a simple Christmas.
Share with those that do not have
food and clothing.
Seek the things of God.
Be patient and understanding.

(December 8, 1997 6:24 AM CST)

"The virgin's name was Mary.
Upon arriving, the angel said to her:
O highly favored daughter!
The Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women.'
She was deeply troubled by his words,
and wondered what his greeting meant.
The angel went on to say to her:
'Do not fear, Mary.
You have found favor with God.
You shall conceive and bear a son
and give him the name Jesus.
Great will be his dignity and
he will be called Son of the Most High.
The Lord God will give him the throne
of David his father. He will rule
over the house of Jacob forever
and his reign will be without end."
Luke 1:27-33

Do not fear.
His name will be Jesus.
Come Lord Jesus.
We need you.

(December 7, 1997 7:42 AM CST)

It is the Lord's Day today.
Go to church and worship him.
Sing praise to God and thank him.

"Thus will I bless you while I live;
lifting up my hands,
I will call upon your name.
As with the riches of a banquet
shall my soul be satisfied,
and with exultant lips my mouth
shall praise you."
Psalms 63:5-6

Lift up your hands to praise him.
Receive one blessing after another.
Call on the name of Jesus.
Receive the peace and joy
that only he can give you.

(December 6, 1997 7:45 AM CST)

It seems like December is just flying
along very fast. It will be over
very quickly. Maybe it is time to
pause for a moment and reflect on
Jesus. He lived a simple life.
He was not rich. He loved many
people. The gifts he gave were
the kind that money can't buy.
He took time to pray.
Why don't you give some of those
gifts? Write a letter to someone
that needs encouragement today.
Call someone on the phone that
needs a friend. Pray to God and
thank him. Give someone a hug.

"One thing I ask of the Lord;
this I seek:
To dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life."
Psalms 27:4

One day, Lord, I ask to be with you.
May I live in your house forever.
You are my best friend.
I want to be with you.
You make me happy.
I'm glad that I know you.
Fill me with your joy.

Thanks for praying for Lori.
She is much better.
She went through a lot of pain.

I heard last night that David died
suddenly, so remember his family
in your prayers. I just saw him
on November 22, but now he has gone
to be with the Lord.
How short our lives are.
Be prepared.

(December 5, 1997 6:30 AM CST)

Happy Birthday, John!
Don't eat too much cake.

"For a child is born to us,
a son is given us;
upon his shoulder dominion rests.
They name him Wonder-Counselor,
God-Hero, Father-Forever,
Prince of Peace.
His dominion is vast
and forever peaceful,
From David's throne, and over his
kingdom, which he confirms and sustains
By judgment and justice
both now and forever."
Isaiah 9:5-7

They just read this on the radio
(KGBI 100.7 FM) .
God bless Heath and Jeff .
Help them to be faithful witnesses.
Be with them, Lord Jesus.
Give them inspiration and knowledge.

(December 4, 1997 6:26 AM CST)

"As they were leaving Jericho
a large crowd followed Jesus,
and suddenly two blind men sitting
by the roadside, who heard that Jesus
was passing by, began to shout,
'Lord, Son of David, have pity on us!'
The crowd began to scold them in an
effort to reduce them to silence, but
they only shouted the louder,
'Lord, Son of David, have pity on us!'
Jesus then stopped and called out to them,
'What do you want me to do for you?'
'Lord,' they told him, 'open our eyes!'
Moved with compassion, Jesus touched
their eyes, and immediately they could
see; and they became his followers."
Matthew 20:29-34

Call out to Jesus today.
Jesus, have pity on me.
Heal me, Lord.
Forgive my sins.
Change me,
Jesus is full of compassion.
Your sight will be restored.
Jesus will touch you.
You will be a new creation.
Then follow Jesus.

(December 2, 1997 6:24 AM CST)

I am in class all week learning about
Forte . It is complicated.

"I love you, O Lord, my strength,
O Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer.
My God, my rock of refuge,
my shield, the horn of my salvation,
my stronghold!
Praised be the Lord, I exclaim,
and I am safe from my enemies."
Psalms 18:1-4

You are safe.
There is evil all around us.
The Lord Jesus will protect you.
Be strong.
Jesus is with you.
You have nothing to fear.
Trust in the Lord.
He will rescue you from all harm.
Build on the "rock".
He is your foundation.
The song says:
"Do you see what I see?"
Keep your eyes open.
Be aware of others.
Share what you have.
Be a servant.
Do not be distracted from your journey
by the material things of this world.
Give, give, give.

(December 1, 1997 6:33 AM CST)

Could you say a prayer for Debbie?
She has been sick for over 2 weeks.

Advent started yesterday.
We start a new month today.
Let us begin a journey to Christmas.
We are searching to find Jesus.
Do you see him?
He is right there.
He is that homeless person on the street.
He is that crying baby you hear.
He is sitting in the old people's home forgotten.
He is in prison.
He is a poor person you have no time for.
The journey has begun.
Do you see him?

"All this happened to fulfill what the Lord
had said through the prophet:
'The virgin shall be with child
and give birth to a son,
and they shall call him Emmanuel,'
a name which means
'God is with us.'"
Matthew 1:22-23

We thank the Lord for coming to earth.
Come, Lord Jesus.
Come and save us.
Change us.

I just read my
prayer from December 1, 1996 .
We should grow closer and closer
to God each year.

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