(March 31, 1999 6:04 AM CST)
Yesterday the big broken branch in the tree
"I wish their hearts to be strengthened
It is a mystery.
in my back yard finally dropped to the
ground. It was broke in the
October 26, 1997 storm
Here is a
of it that day.
Notice the power line.
Only 17 months to drop ----
and it did not cause any damage.
Yesterday was a very windy day
and this morning it is windy also.
You can watch the clouds quickly sailing by.
You can hear it shake the house.
and themselves to be closely united in love,
enriched with full assurance by their
knowledge of the mystery of God ---
namely Christ --- in whom every treasure
of wisdom and knowledge is hidden."
Colossians 2:2-3
Why would Christ come to earth?
Why come and visit?
It is strange.
He is the creator
and he becomes one of us.
He came to strengthen us.
He came to change us.
He shares his wisdom.
He gives us his knowledge.
He enlightens us to what is important.
He reassures us that he is there.
He is watching over us.
He is no longer hidden.
The light has come.
Seek the Lord with all your heart.
He is the treasure.
Your heart will know.
(March 30, 1999 6:05 AM CST)
"Conduct yourselves, then, in a way
worthy of the gospel of Christ.
If you do, whether I come and see you myself
or hear about your behavior from a distance,
it will be clear that you are standing firm
in unity of spirit and exerting yourselves
with one accord for the faith of the gospel."
Philippians 1:27
Stand for something.
Be firm.
Stand firm in your faith.
Are you moving around?
Do you squirm?
Be one.
Agree in faith.
Have unity of spirit.
Your behavior should give praise to God.
Are you embarrassed?
Be clear.
Jesus is the author of your faith.
Seek him.
He is constant.
Stand with him.
(March 29, 1999 6:05 AM CST)
"Do you not know or
Have you seen it?
have you not heard?
The Lord is the eternal God,
creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint nor grow weary,
and his knowledge is beyond scrutiny.
He gives strength to the fainting;
for the weak he makes vigor abound.
Though young men faint and grow weary,
and youths stagger and fall,
They that hope in the Lord
will renew their strength,
they will soar as with eagles' wings;
They will run and not grow weary,
walk and not grow faint."
Isaiah 40:28-31
Do you hear it?
The Lord is alive.
He is bringing life to this earth.
Many people are down.
God will raise them up.
He gives them strength.
He will make you soar.
You will fly like the
If you are weary,
God lifts you up.
He gives you joy.
Do not faint.
Be strong.
Call on the Lord Jesus.
Our hope is in the Lord.
Be renewed.
(March 28, 1999 7:18 AM CST)
Billy Graham
will have a TV program
Today is Palm Sunday.
"The groups preceding Jesus as well as
You see the crowds.
this week.
You can search these
TV Listings
In Omaha it is on channel 15 KXVO
Friday, April 2nd at 7 PM.
In Lincoln it is on channel 10 KOLN
Friday, April 2nd at 7 PM.
In Sioux City it is on channel 4 KTIV
Saturday, April 3rd at 7 PM.
In Dayton, Ohio it is on channel 22 WKEF
Tuesday, March 30th at 8 PM.
In Las Vegas, Nevada it is on channel 13 KTNV
Thursday, April 1st at 8 PM.
Go to church today.
Give praise to God.
those following kept crying out:
'Hosanna to the Son of David!
Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord!
Hosanna in the highest!'
As he entered Jerusalem
the whole city was stirred to its depths,
demanding, "Who is this?'
And the crowd kept answering,
'This is the prophet Jesus
from Nazareth in Galilee.'"
Matthew 21:9-11
You hear the shouting and excitement.
What is going on?
You see a man at the center of attention.
Who is this?
It is Jesus.
He is the Prophet.
They have waited for hundreds of years.
He is the Messiah.
He is the Promised One.
He has come to save you.
He turned the city upside-down.
He moved people.
They had a reaction.
Some loved him.
Some hated him.
Does he stir your heart?
Are you moved?
He offers you new life.
Will you change?
Will you shout your praises?
Will you follow him?
(March 27, 1999 7:36 AM CST)
Please pray for someone who sent me
"When they had crucified Jesus,
Jesus did not come down off the cross.
an e-mail on March 23rd.
They need help.
they divided his clothes among them
by casting lots; then they sat down there
and kept watch over him.
Above his head they had put the charge
against him in writing:
'This is Jesus,
King of the Jews.'
Two insurgents were crucified along with him,
one at his right and one at his left.
People going by kept insulting him,
tossing their heads and saying:
'So you are the one who was going to destroy
the temple and rebuild it in three days!
Save yourself, why don't you?
Come down off that cross
if you are God's Son!'"
Matthew 27:35-40
He stayed there for you and me.
He stayed there to save us from sin.
He gave up his life
to give us eternal life.
They gambled for his clothes.
Who won it does not say.
Are you gambling with your life?
You could lose it all.
Give your life to Jesus.
Give your heart to him.
He died for you.
He loves you that much.
He is the King.
Bow down before him.
(March 26, 1999 6:09 AM CST)
"You know the instructions
Jesus has taught us the way.
we gave you in the Lord Jesus.
It is God's will that you grow in holiness:
that you abstain from immorality,
each of you guarding his member
in sanctity and honor,
not in passionate desire as do the Gentiles
who know not God;
and that each refrain from overreaching
or cheating his brother
in the matter at hand;
for the Lord is an avenger of all such things,
as we once indicated to you by our testimony.
God has not called us to immorality
but to holiness; hence, whoever rejects
these instructions rejects not man,
but God who sends his
Holy Spirit upon you."
1 Thessalonians 4:2-8
He has set the example of holiness.
Do you follow his instructions?
Do you pick what you like?
Do you reject the Lord and his teachings?
Push aside immorality.
Seek the Lord.
Be one with the Lord.
Be side by side.
See what is truly important in this life.
Call on the Holy Spirit for guidance.
Treat others with respect.
Be honest with them.
Be fair.
Encourage them to be holy.
Do what is right.
(March 25, 1999 6:10 AM CST)
Last night I installed
Windows 98
"Praise the Lord in his sanctuary,
Give praise to God.
on my PC.
It cost $92.99.
Was it worth it?
The sounds are different.
I like them.
My first reaction to viewing folders
with a browser is that I don't like it.
Maybe I will get used to it.
I will have to give it a chance.
Netscape crashed at one point,
but it crashed with Windows 95 also.
RealPlayer G2 does not work.
I need an update for it.
Change is difficult.
praise him in the firmament of his strength.
Praise him for his mighty deeds,
praise him for his sovereign majesty.
Praise him with the blast of the trumpet,
praise him with lyre and harp.
Praise him with timbrel and dance,
praise him with strings and pipe.
Praise him with sounding cymbals,
praise him with clanging cymbals.
Let everything that has breath
praise the Lord!
Psalms 150:1-6
He is deserving of all your praise.
Tell him how wonderful he is.
Tell him of his greatness.
Honor him.
Honor is fitting.
Music is praise.
Sing your praises to the Lord.
Bow down before him.
(March 24, 1999 6:11 AM CST)
"Since you have been raised up in company
Look up.
with Christ, set your heart on what
pertains to higher realms where
Christ is seated at God's right hand.
Be intent on things above
rather than on things of earth.
After all, you have died!
Your life is hidden now with Christ
in God. When Christ our life appears,
then you shall appear with him in glory."
Colossians 3:1-4
Don't be depressed.
Look to the heavens.
Your life is with Christ.
He is seated on high.
He is King.
His life is your life.
Get up.
Your old life of sin is dead.
Push it away.
Move on.
The Lord calls you to greater things.
Serve the Lord.
When he calls, answer.
Here I am, Lord.
I will follow you.
Lead me.
I'm looking up.
(March 23, 1999 6:07 AM CST)
"What of it?
He is genuine.
All that matters is that
in any and every way,
whether from specious motives
or genuine ones,
Christ is being proclaimed!
That is what brings me joy."
Philippians 1:18
There is no other.
Jesus is the one.
Bring joy to others.
Share Jesus Christ.
He is all that matters.
Proclaim his love.
May your motives be pure.
What of it (whatever)?
It is the truth.
You know it.
Tell a friend.
(March 22, 1999 6:10 AM CST)
"They went then to a place named Gethsemani.
He prayed.
'Sit down here while I pray,'
Jesus said to his disciples;
at the same time he took along with him
Peter, James and John.
Then he began to be filled with
fear and distress. He said to them,
'My heart is filled with sorrow
to the point of death.
Remain here and stay awake.'
He advanced a little and fell to the ground,
praying that if it were possible
this hour might pass him by."
Mark 14:32-35
He suffered.
He asked his friends to pray.
He asked them to stay awake.
Be watchful.
He was obedient.
He had a mission.
He came to save us.
It was not easy.
The hour was dark.
Stay awake.
Be obedient.
You have a mission.
Call on your friends to pray with you.
(March 21, 1999 7:17 AM CST)
Happy Birthday, Alice!
Spring is here.
"The Lord bless you and keep you!
God bless you today.
God bless you.
I'm starting to sneeze.
The Lord let his face shine upon you,
and be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you kindly
and give you peace!"
Numbers 6:24-26
God bless your family and friends.
He wants to pour out his blessings on you.
Receive the goodness of the Lord.
Be open to the Lord Jesus.
He wants to be close to you.
Look to the Lord.
See the sunshine.
Seek his wisdom.
Seek his peace.
He is wonderful.
Praise his name.
(March 20, 1999 7:34 AM CST)
"Through Jesus the whole structure
You are not alone.
is fitted together and takes shape
as a holy temple in the Lord;
in him you are being built
into this temple,
to become a dwelling place
for God in the Spirit."
Ephesians 2:21-22
You are part of the team.
Jesus is in the lead.
He has built the building.
You are part of the structure.
Some people say that the Holy Spirit
is the windows.
The Spirit is light.
It is a temple.
Together it gives glory to God.
That is why you ask for forgiveness.
Sin does not belong in this building.
That is why you seek after holiness.
You need the enlightenment of God.
The foundation is firm.
God is not going anywhere.
He is here today, tomorrow and forever.
You are part of the team.
Do your part.
Join in.
(March 19, 1999 6:07 AM CST)
"The proof that you are sons
You are a son or daughter of God.
is the fact that God has sent forth
into our hearts the spirit of his Son
which cries out 'Abba!' ('Father!')
You are no longer a slave
but a son!
And the fact that you are a son
makes you an heir,
by God's design."
Galatians 4:6-7
God is your Father.
You are not a slave (of sin).
You are free.
You are a heir.
All that the Lord has is yours.
Inherit new life.
Inherit things that money can't purchase.
Receive things that last forever.
God has designed you.
You are made by God.
You are special.
You are one-of-a-kind.
You are unique.
God bless you.
(March 18, 1999 6:11 AM CST)
"While Jesus was still speaking
Violence has been with us a long time.
a crowd came, led by the man named Judas,
one of the twelve.
He approached Jesus to embrace him.
Jesus said to him,
'Judas, would you betray the Son of Man
with a kiss?'
When the companions of Jesus saw
what was going to happen, they said,
'Lord, shall we use the sword?'"
Luke 22:47-49
The sword is there.
Harsh words are there.
How do you stop it?
Betraying a friend...
how could Judas do such a thing?
All this time he was with Jesus.
What went wrong?
Be faithful.
The angry crowd is still there today.
They destroy things and people.
Are you in that crowd?
Build things.
Build people up.
There is a correct way to live.
There is a way that seems right.
Listen to Jesus.
Follow him.
I wonder how many people in the angry crowd
changed later and became a follower of Jesus.
(March 17, 1999 6:05 AM CST)
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
"Who, for example, knows a man's
We need the Holy Spirit.
innermost self but the man's
own spirit within him?
Similarly, no one knows what lies
at the depths of God
but the Spirit of God.
The Spirit we have received is not
the world's spirit but God's Spirit,
helping us to recognize the gifts
he has given us."
1 Corinthians 2:11-12
We need his wisdom.
We need his insights.
The world has a spirit that
goes against God's ways.
Do not be deceived.
Like today the world says to go
out and get drunk.
The Holy Spirit would never say
anything like that.
Holy Spirit leads you to the truth
and goodness and kindness.
So which spirit are you listening to?
Come Holy Spirit.
Give us your wisdom.
Show us your ways that lead to life.
(March 16, 1999 6:12 AM CST)
"Jesus said,
It is a miracle.
'Get the people to recline.'
Even though the men numbered about 5000,
there was plenty of grass for them
to find a place on the ground.
Jesus then took the loaves of bread,
gave thanks, and passed them around
to those reclining there;
he did the same with the dried fish,
as much as they wanted.
When they had enough, he told his disciples,
'Gather up the crusts that are left over
so that nothing will go to waste.'
At this, they gathered 12 baskets
full of pieces left over by those who had
been fed with the 5 barley loaves."
John 6:10-13
It is a sign from God.
God gives freely.
He gives more than enough.
You see the leftovers.
What do you think?
You are blessed.
Do you realize it?
Jesus makes things happen.
He gives thanks.
He talks and instructs.
Do you listen?
Open your eyes.
Do you see that the Lord is doing?
He gives and gives and gives.
He says to rest.
Sit down.
Listen to him.
Spend time with him.
Thank him.
(March 15, 1999 6:10 AM CST)
"Now that we have been justified by faith,
It is yours.
we are at peace with God
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through him we have gained access by faith
to the grace in which we now stand,
and we boast of our hope
for the glory of God."
Romans 5:1-2
It is free.
It takes faith.
It will give you peace.
You will be blessed with grace.
God gives freely.
Boast about the Lord.
He is awesome.
He deserves all our praises.
Stand with Jesus.
Get up.
Move on.
It is springtime.
It is time to come back to life.
See the glory.
Feel the grace.
(March 14, 1999 7:02 AM CST)
Yesterday at 2 PM I went to see the IMAX
at the
Henry Doorly Zoo
It is a sad movie.
Yes, some people make it to the top
and become famous, but...
150 people have lost their lives
trying to climb it.
Is it worth it?
You may want to read my story
(March 13, 1999 7:16 AM CST)
Keep praying for Katie.
"Gladden the soul of your servant,
May the Lord bless you today.
Jim is better.
for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul;
For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving,
abounding in kindness to all
who call upon you.
Hearken, O Lord, to my prayer
and attend to the sound of my pleading.
In the day of my distress I call upon you,
for you will answer me."
Psalms 86:4-7
May you feel his joy.
He is kind.
All you have to do is ask him
and he will forgive your sins.
It is easy.
It is simple.
The Lord Jesus has heard your prayer.
He will rescue you.
He will turn your life around.
Have faith.
He can do it.
You can be healed.
Find new life.
You can do it.
The Lord will attend to your needs.
Be glad.
(March 12, 1999 6:16 AM CST)
"My son, to my words be attentive,
Have you found the words of life?
to my sayings incline your ear;
Let them not slip out of your sight,
keep them within your heart;
For they are life to those who find them,
to man's whole being they are health."
Proverbs 4:20-22
Do they brighten your day?
Do you take them into your heart?
Have they changed your life?
Are you joyful?
Read the words of the Bible.
They are health to your soul.
They will heal your mind.
You will find peace and hope.
Last night I watched this program
on Y2K and you would have thought
they were intentionally trying to scare
us to death.
We trust in the Lord.
No problem is too great for him.
It will be a disaster, if you
try to live without Jesus.
That is the disaster.
Do you believe that the Lord
will take care of you?
He will.
He is faithful ---
today, tomorrow, forever.
(March 11, 1999 6:07 AM CST)
Jesus said,
Yes, you should pay your taxes.
"Give to Caesar
what is Caesar's,
but give to God
what is God's."
Matthew 22:21
You should not cheat on them.
The Lord has given authority
to those in government.
It creates order and peace (hopefully)
in your city and country.
Pray for your leaders.
Pray that they make wise decisions.
Pray before you vote for people.
Who does God want to be the next president?
Give time to the Lord.
He is your number one priority.
As soon as you get up each day,
ask Jesus to lead you and guide you.
He asks for your time.
Will you give it to him?
(March 10, 1999 6:05 AM CST)
"When the book of the prophet Isaiah
Is 1999 the year?
was handed to Jesus, he unrolled
the scroll and found the passage
where it was written:
'The spirit of the Lord is upon me;
therefore he has anointed me.
He has sent me to bring glad
tidings to the poor,
to proclaim liberty to captives,
Recovery of sight to the blind
and release to prisoners,
To announce a year of favor
from the Lord.'"
Luke 4:17-19
Will it be a year of favor?
Come and see.
You may be in prison surfing the
Internet and Jesus will come to
set you free.
You may be homeless and reading
this in a public library and
Jesus brings you glad tidings.
He will comfort you.
Come to Jesus.
He will send the Holy Spirit to you.
He will anoint you.
You will be blessed.
You will recover your sight.
It is a gift to you.
It is a year of favor.
This is the year.
(March 9, 1999 6:06 AM CST)
Pray for Jim.
"It was for liberty
If you believe, you are set free.
He is in the hospital.
They will run some tests today.
that Christ freed us.
So stand firm,
and do not take on yourselves
the yoke of slavery a second time!"
Galatians 5:1
You are not a slave of sin anymore.
With the power of Jesus push it aside.
Get up, if you have fallen.
Stand firm.
Stand tall.
The Lord is with you.
Believe in the power of Christ.
You will be strong.
Be changed in the name of Jesus.
(March 8, 1999 6:10 AM CST)
We are getting
snow again
this morning.
"Day and night, without pause, they sing:
Yes, the Lord is holy.
Here it comes.
Are you ready?
'Holy, holy, holy,
is the Lord God Almighty,
He who was,
and who is,
and who is to come!'"
Revelation 4:8
He is mighty.
He is awesome.
Praise the Lord this day.
He is pure.
He is true.
He is trustworthy.
He is wonderful.
Lean on the Lord Jesus
and all his promises.
He always existed.
He is there today for you.
He will come again.
He will return one day.
Are you ready?
(March 7, 1999 7:13 AM CST)
"As a father has compassion on his children,
We are here on this earth for just
so the Lord has compassion
on those who fear him,
For he knows how we are formed;
he remembers that we are dust.
Man's days are like those of grass;
like a flower of the field he blooms;
The wind sweeps over him and he is gone,
and his place knows him no more.
But the kindness of the Lord is from eternity
to eternity toward those who fear him,
And his justice toward children's children
among those who keep his covenant
and remember to fulfill his precepts."
Psalms 103:13-18
a very short time.
The flower blooms and then it is gone.
The grass grows and then winter comes.
But the Lord offers us eternity.
Jesus says to come and be with him
for all time.
The wind is blowing.
The seasons are changing.
Your time is short.
What will you do?
Give your life to Jesus ----
now and for all time.
People keep asking if you are ready
for Y2K.
Are you prepared?
I ask: are you ready for eternity?
(March 6, 1999 7:11 AM CST)
"I must go on boasting, however useless it may be,
What is heaven like?
and speak of visions and revelations of the Lord.
I know a man in Christ who, 14 years ago,
whether he was in or outside his body I cannot say,
only God can say --- a man who was snatched up
to the third heaven. I know that this man ---
whether in or outside his body I do not know,
God knows --- was snatched up to Paradise
to hear words which cannot be uttered,
words which no man may speak."
2 Corinthians 12:1-4
St. Paul was given a glimpse of it.
He heard words which can't be uttered.
What does that mean?
Whatever heaven is, it will be a surprise.
We just don't know too much.
We know God is there.
We will be in his constant presence.
The veil will be lifted.
We will see God for who he is.
We don't have to worry about anything.
Death and sickness are not there.
We will have bodies like the angels.
We will be happy.
We will be at peace.
Jesus says he has prepared a place for us.
Does this mean we will live in houses?
Do angels need houses?
I've heard it said that if we ever really
saw heaven we would not want to come back to earth.
We would see how wonderful it is.
We would dream about being there every day.
We would long to be back in the presence of God.
We couldn't concentrate.
We would want to go home.
You would have to be crazy not to choose
to go to heaven.
It would alter your "free will" choice.
No one would choose hell.
And it takes faith.
Do you believe what Jesus has said?
Do you believe all of it?
Do you pick and choose what you want to believe?
Please, choose Jesus.
It is your choice.
It is up to you.
You will not be forced to choose him.
We know heaven is there.
We know it is fantastic,
but we have to wait.
We have been placed on this earth for a reason.
We have a mission.
We are called.
There is a plan.
No one else can do what you are called to do.
Ask the Lord for guidance.
He will show you what he is asking of you.
Heaven will be yours one day (hopefully).
Be patient.
(March 5, 1999 6:06 AM CST)
"You, then, are the body of Christ.
Are you one with Christ?
Every one of you is a member of it."
1 Corinthians 12:27
Are you one with other Christians?
We are one body.
We are brothers and sisters.
How do you treat them?
Is there respect and honor?
Each person has his or her part to play.
We need each other.
Christ is the head.
With him we have leadership.
We follow him.
Do you listen to your leader?
Are you doing whatever you want?
We need direction.
We need a purpose.
Follow the Lord.
Stay close to him.
Lean on your brother or sister.
Work together.
Help those around you.
They will know you are a Christian
if you love.
(March 4, 1999 6:06 AM CST)
Jesus said,
Give us this living water, Lord.
"Everyone who drinks this water
will be thirsty again.
But whoever drinks the water I give him
will never be thirsty;
no, the water I give shall become
a fountain within him,
leaping up to provide eternal life."
John 4:13-14
We are in the desert.
We are dying of thirst.
We are crawling on our hands and knees.
We need to find shelter.
We are trying to survive.
Save us, Jesus.
Rescue us.
We will not make it without you.
Give us new life.
We need you.
Help us, Lord.
(March 3, 1999 6:10 AM CST)
Pray for my brother Jerry.
"Praise the Lord, O my soul;
Give praise to God.
He had 3 wisdom teeth pulled yesterday.
I will praise the Lord all my life;
I will sing praise to my God while I live."
Psalms 146:1-2
Sing his praises today.
He is wonderful.
He is glorious.
He is awesome.
Give thanks to him.
Bless him.
Bless the name of Jesus.
He is worthy of all honor and praise.
Sing for joy.
He is King.
He is Lord.
Praise the Lord!
(March 2, 1999 6:08 AM CST)
"May I never boast of anything
The cross is very important.
but the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Through it,
the world has been crucified to me
and I to the world."
Galatians 6:14
It is not just jewelry that you wear.
It is a symbol of love.
It is a symbol of hope.
You can live because Jesus died.
How can life come from death?
It is a mystery.
Just look at those trees around where you live.
They have no leaves.
They look lifeless.
And yet you know in two months
they will be covered with leaves.
So what do you see today?
Is your life dead and lifeless?
In two months you could be a different person.
Find joy.
Find life.
Find Jesus.
(March 1, 1999 6:13 AM CST)
"The love of money
How do you look at money?
is the root of all evil.
Some men in their passion for it
have strayed from the faith,
and have come to grief amid great pain."
1 Timothy 6:10
Do you want a lot of it?
Do you want just enough to survive?
Do you want so much that people would
call you rich?
Think about it.
Your attitude about money is very important.
Are you satisfied with what you have?
Are you thankful for what you have?
The Lord says he will provide for
all your needs.
Are you provided for?
Are you grateful?
Put money in its place.
It has a purpose,
but don't let it be
the most important thing in your life.
If the Lord said to give it all away,
could you do it?
Are you attached to it?
Think about it.